A nation of snitches and bounty hunters.

Looks like codified law to me. You're just getting silly and unhinged. Take a nap or something. We can pick this up when you are rational.

Don't hold your breath. And, when the premise of Roe vs Wade is examined, it is clearly lacking in several points of law, so it should be overturned. Even the woman who originally sued changed her mind.
South Dakota and Florida governors announce they would do the same kind of law with vigilante enforcement by neighbors, families, or strangers!

Texas, Florida, and South Dakota Governors are ALL planning to run for President in 2024.... Florida and SD, couldn't let Abbott's CUCKCOO outdo theirs!!! :lol:

(dear Lord have mercy on us!):eek:
It will start becoming harder for them

I need to look closer at the bill, but if the only penalty for getting an abortion in Texas is a civil judgement of $10k, does that really make abortion illegal or does it just make an abortion more expensive by $10k?
Don't hold your breath. And, when the premise of Roe vs Wade is examined, it is clearly lacking in several points of law, so it should be overturned. Even the woman who originally sued changed her mind.

If RvW is overturned. It does not make abortion illegal. It simply sends it back to the states..........OK....so a state like Texas can pass a law like this. It won't stop a single abortion. It's not that tough for a woman that wants to have an abortion go to Oklahoma or New Mexico or something.

Also, a state like Kansas can once again allow late term abortions.
I was gonna bring up one of the points you made. Since legal standing is no longer a requirement for lawsuits I'm thinking there's a whole buncha conservitards I wanna sue.

Starting with the recent tRump SC appointees. Anyone else wanna piece of the action?
Think of all the Conservatives you can sue over guns
For one, you have to expose a persons medical privacy to pay anyone off. Not even Trump appointee's will allow that.

In Texas, you can’t ask if someone has been vaccinated, but you can demand to know if she had an abortion so that you can get your $10,000
That's one interpretation, but interpretations can change. If you folks want abortion to be an actual right, you need only amend the Constitution.

Yes, and also Biden has the authority by executive order to make all abortion providers federal officials, which means they now have qualifid immunity, and out of teach of state laws.
And this is the principle upon which abortion is legal.
That's not true, in fact there are more Constitutional arguments to favor outright bans on abortion than would favor allowing it. Like I said, an amendment for or against would be the proper course.
Looks like codified law to me. You're just getting silly and unhinged. Take a nap or something. We can pick this up when you are rational.
It's a codified law, with no codified enforcement.... Instead they wrote a law for citizens, vigilantes, to enforce it in civil courts, with a $10,000 at minimum, bounty as reward for family, neighbors, abortion activists, rat finks....

Do you really think this is a good thing? OF COURSE NOT!!! It's downright stupid and evil!!!! I don't care what side of the abortion issue you are on, pro life or pro choice....

This is WRONG!

It's a codified law, with no codified enforcement.... Instead they wrote a law for citizens, vigilantes, to enforce it in civil courts, with a $10,000 at minimum, bounty as reward for family, neighbors, abortion activists, rat finks....

Do you really think this is a good thing? OF COURSE NOT!!! It's downright stupid and evil!!!! I don't care what side of the abortion issue you are on, pro life or pro choice....

This is WRONG!

Especially since it's not about women, children or even abortion. It's about politics. I would be for aborting politics.

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