A nation of snitches and bounty hunters.

The law is very broadly written. You can bet “the Stasi, that is how I will now refer to these snitches and bounty hunters, will test the limits of the law.

That law doesn't apply out of Texas so whatever happens outside Texas can't be stopped.

The state of Texas will now have to start censoring the internet of all information for women to get an abortion, which is illegal. Especially if the content originates outside Texas.

The republicans have opened a huge can of worms with Texas possibly violating the constitution and free speech.
That law doesn't apply out of Texas so whatever happens outside Texas can't be stopped.

The state of Texas will now have to start censoring the internet of all information for women to get an abortion, which is illegal. Especially if the content originates outside Texas.

The republicans have opened a huge can of worms with Texas possibly violating the constitution and free speech.
That is true. The law does raise disturbing questions however, such as if you are a Texas resident living in another state and if a family member or friend, who is also a Texas resident, take you to an abortion clinic, why could that family member or friend not be sued?

If this law is overturned by SCOTUS it will be because it is wildly overbroad.
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True enough, same with child you folks don't kill. One's full suite of Constitutional rights are not recognized until adulthood.

Ah, but the vermin hope to go much further with their homocidal hobby.

The newborn and the fetus are morally equivalent​

The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual.

Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’. We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her. This means that many non-human animals and mentally retarded human individuals are persons, but that all the individuals who are not in the condition of attributing any value to their own existence are not persons. Merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life.

The next step is to bump it up to two year old babies being murdered. Why not? They're no different than 'fetuses', and can't get jobs n stuff.
If RvW is overturned. It does not make abortion illegal. It simply sends it back to the states..........OK....so a state like Texas can pass a law like this. It won't stop a single abortion. It's not that tough for a woman that wants to have an abortion go to Oklahoma or New Mexico or something.

Also, a state like Kansas can once again allow late term abortions.
It's not that tough with anyone with money, who can afford the trip, not worry about finding a 250 mile ride each way, not worry about taking off work,

and the surrounding states to Texas have stringent abortion rules as well, sometimes requiring multiple visits before the actual TOP procedure....

That kind of stuff is not easy for the poorest....
That is true. The law does raise disturbing questions however, such as if you are a Texas resident living in another state and if a family member or friend, who is also a Texas resident, take you to an abortion clinic, why could that family member or friend not be sued? There is a reason that the Stasi will be at clinics throughout the nation and not just Texas.

If this law is overturned by SCOTUS it will be because it is wildly overbroad.

Another reason why it should be thrown out is that it is unconstitutional.

It violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

They wrote and created a law that says if you sue someone for violating this law you can get all your legal fees paid by the person you sue if you win the case.

But, if you are sued by someone and you win, the person who sued you isn't forced to pay the legal fees.

That's discrimination and violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.
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Another reason why it should be thrown out is that it is unconstitutional.

It violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.

They wrote and created a law that says if you sue someone for violating this law you can get all your legal fees paid by the person you sue if you win the case.

But, if you are sued by someone and you win, the person who sued you isn't forced to pay the legal fees.

That's discrimination and violates the 14th Amendment of equal protection under the law.
Good point. There are many avenues the courts have to throw out this law. If SCOTUS allows this law to stand, it will make a mockery of the rule of law and stare decisis.

A nation of snitches and bounty hunters.​

“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law will have devastating effects on online speech.
"Reproductive Right." No such thing exists. You have a right to get pregnant when F-ing around. You have no right to necessarily abort that life killing the new human growing in you without good medical reason.

"Medical care right." You have no right to medical care. You have the right to buy into whatever health insurance plan you want or can afford, but killing others and over a simple whim to protect your bad actions is not in the package.

Imagine that: After six months of a party encouraging others to snitch on their family, friends and neighbors just because they attended a rally is now upset because a few criminally negligent women seeking to murder the life growing in them might be forced not to carry out their executions!
Double talking jive hypocrites pointing fingers at the other guy when they're doing the same thing are double talking jive hypocrites pointing fingers at the other guy when they're doing the same thing, if you ask me. :yapyapyapf:

Do double talking jive hypicritical finger pointers have any self-awareness at all?
“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech.

The law creates a cadre of bounty hunters who can use the courts to punish and silence anyone whose online advocacy, education, and other speech about abortion draws their ire. It will undoubtedly lead to a torrent of private lawsuits against online speakers who publish information about abortion rights and access in Texas, with little regard for the merits of those lawsuits or the First Amendment protections accorded to the speech. Individuals and organizations providing basic educational resources, sharing information, identifying locations of clinics, arranging rides and escorts, fundraising to support reproductive rights, or simply encouraging women to consider all their options—now have to consider the risk that they might be sued for merely speaking. The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options. “

I not know why this type of law that Texas has instituted can not be used for incentivizing neighbors to report those that violate any laws. Against guns, pay $10,000.00 to anyone that can show their neighbor violated any gun laws. Against jay walking, pass a law a law that you will pay $10,000.00 to anyone that is found jaywalking. We all have cameras now.

Apparently there are websites popping up in Texas now where you can report ”anonymously” those violating the Texas law.

The East German Stasi would be very proud of these so-called conservative Texans.
Says the party who wanted neighbors and family members to snitch on others for having large gatherings during Covid lockdowns.
Hey, man, you don't have to feel all left out. The East German Stasi are just as proud of you guys, too. Everyone's a winner!

Garcetti was rightly criticized and his program called asinine. The state of California never instituted a bounty system to report violators, did they? Did California pass a law that spies will have their attorney fees paid if they reported on their neighbors?

I don't see you or many others on the right likewise calling this Texas law asinine. Making comparisons to the two only serves as justification for this abortion of a law.
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I don''t recall a state legislature passing a bounty system to report your neighbors during Covid, do you?

Says the party who wanted neighbors and family members to snitch on others for having large gatherings during Covid lockdowns.
But, but, but, blubber, quick, look over there!, whattabout!, whattabout!, ..
(don't look now but your "party" affiliation is showing, Mr. Independent)

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