A nation of snitches and bounty hunters.

Where is the bounty?
“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech.

The law creates a cadre of bounty hunters who can use the courts to punish and silence anyone whose online advocacy, education, and other speech about abortion draws their ire. It will undoubtedly lead to a torrent of private lawsuits against online speakers who publish information about abortion rights and access in Texas, with little regard for the merits of those lawsuits or the First Amendment protections accorded to the speech. Individuals and organizations providing basic educational resources, sharing information, identifying locations of clinics, arranging rides and escorts, fundraising to support reproductive rights, or simply encouraging women to consider all their options—now have to consider the risk that they might be sued for merely speaking. The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options. “

I not know why this type of law that Texas has instituted can not be used for incentivizing neighbors to report those that violate any laws. Against guns, pay $10,000.00 to anyone that can show their neighbor violated any gun laws. Against jay walking, pass a law a law that you will pay $10,000.00 to anyone that is found jaywalking. We all have cameras now.

Apparently there are websites popping up in Texas now where you can report ”anonymously” those violating the Texas law.

The East German Stasi would be very proud of these so-called conservative Texans.
Somebody is going to take away your ability to kill babies???
They can't do that!!!
Well....here's my suggestion....stay away from Texas.....and while you're at it...stay out of TN as well. We don't need you wokish brainwashed idiots ruining our states.

“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech.

The law creates a cadre of bounty hunters who can use the courts to punish and silence anyone whose online advocacy, education, and other speech about abortion draws their ire. It will undoubtedly lead to a torrent of private lawsuits against online speakers who publish information about abortion rights and access in Texas, with little regard for the merits of those lawsuits or the First Amendment protections accorded to the speech. Individuals and organizations providing basic educational resources, sharing information, identifying locations of clinics, arranging rides and escorts, fundraising to support reproductive rights, or simply encouraging women to consider all their options—now have to consider the risk that they might be sued for merely speaking. The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options. “

I not know why this type of law that Texas has instituted can not be used for incentivizing neighbors to report those that violate any laws. Against guns, pay $10,000.00 to anyone that can show their neighbor violated any gun laws. Against jay walking, pass a law a law that you will pay $10,000.00 to anyone that is found jaywalking. We all have cameras now.

Apparently there are websites popping up in Texas now where you can report ”anonymously” those violating the Texas law.

The East German Stasi would be very proud of these so-called conservative Texans.

You fucking pricks had people ratting each other out for family gatherings.

And you piss on anyone who tells you something about the vaccine you don't want to hear.

Fuck the hell off.
They will be inundated. Expect law firms to get into the action. I can see this now:

”Have you heard of anyone in your church congregation whose teenage daughter is pregnant? Do you know a neighbor who you have heard may be contemplating ending a pregnancy? Call the law firm of Stasi and Stasi and you may be entitled to compensation! We have private investigators on staff! Our attorneys are standing by!”

You created the market for these fuckers.

Now you get to live with it.
I was gonna bring up one of the points you made. Since legal standing is no longer a requirement for lawsuits I'm thinking there's a whole buncha conservitards I wanna sue.

Starting with the recent tRump SC appointees. Anyone else wanna piece of the action?

Let us know how it goes.
Wow, that was a semantic cluster fuck if ever I've seen one. Here is the science, a fertilized human egg can only become a human being. At no point is that process inert, it is a continuous process until birth, and continues until death. Only human beings are people, therefore your argument fails on every level. Anti-science liberalism is pretty sad.
You're mingling science and philosophy. Science only says what something physically is. A fertilized egg is a small cluster of cells with potential to grow and develop into an independent functioning organism in the right circumstances. That does not mean it's a human being. It does not mean it's a person. It means it's a cluster of human cells.

When does it become a person? Don't ask science. Science can't tell you that.
You're mingling science and philosophy. Science only says what something physically is. A fertilized egg is a small cluster of cells with potential to grow and develop into an independent functioning organism in the right circumstances. That does not mean it's a human being. It does not mean it's a person. It means it's a cluster of human cells.

When does it become a person? Don't ask science. Science can't tell you that.
You are the one mingling nonsense. There is only one path of progression for a human fertilized egg. It is not a cluster of cells in some generic way you state. It is a specialized process which is the only natural way for any human being to exist. Again you ignore core scientific reality. You folks use semantics to justify killing a human being. We wouldn't be having this conversation is women were popping out catfish or pigeons.
You are the one mingling nonsense. There is only one path of progression for a human fertilized egg. It is not a cluster of cells in some generic way you state. It is a specialized process which is the only natural way for any human being to exist. Again you ignore core scientific reality. You folks use semantics to justify killing a human being. We wouldn't be having this conversation is women were popping out catfish or pigeons.
You can accurately describe the process of human development as much as you want.

Person is still not a scientific term.

(Although I will note that there is not “one path” in decline by. At an early enough stage, you don’t even know if an embryo is going to form a person or a molar pregnancy. You don’t even know if it’s 1 person or 2)
You can accurately describe the process of human development as much as you want.

Person is still not a scientific term.

(Although I will note that there is not “one path” in decline by. At an early enough stage, you don’t even know if an embryo is going to form a person or a molar pregnancy. You don’t even know if it’s 1 person or 2)
I haven't used the term person since you whined about. You are arguing with yourself.

Whether the result is one human being or more is irrelevant because all are still human beings following the only available path.
Who would have thought that European-style fascism would come to a state near you? Neighbors turning in neighbors. Punishment for for sharing information and exercising First Amendment rights. State religion that must be followed by all. Texas is leading the way in destroying the U.S. Constitution. This law goes way beyond the slippery slope.
I haven't used the term person since you whined about. You are arguing with yourself.

Whether the result is one human being or more is irrelevant because all are still human beings following the only available path.
If it’s not a person, then we don’t have a disagreement.

An embryo either becomes zero to, I don’t know, eight seems to indicate there’s not one available path.

No one thinks an embryo carries the same value as a living breathing human being. I guarantee it.
“In addition to the drastic restrictions it places on a woman’s reproductive and medical care rights, the new Texas abortion law, SB8, will have devastating effects on online speech.

The law creates a cadre of bounty hunters who can use the courts to punish and silence anyone whose online advocacy, education, and other speech about abortion draws their ire. It will undoubtedly lead to a torrent of private lawsuits against online speakers who publish information about abortion rights and access in Texas, with little regard for the merits of those lawsuits or the First Amendment protections accorded to the speech. Individuals and organizations providing basic educational resources, sharing information, identifying locations of clinics, arranging rides and escorts, fundraising to support reproductive rights, or simply encouraging women to consider all their options—now have to consider the risk that they might be sued for merely speaking. The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options. “

I not know why this type of law that Texas has instituted can not be used for incentivizing neighbors to report those that violate any laws. Against guns, pay $10,000.00 to anyone that can show their neighbor violated any gun laws. Against jay walking, pass a law a law that you will pay $10,000.00 to anyone that is found jaywalking. We all have cameras now.

Apparently there are websites popping up in Texas now where you can report ”anonymously” those violating the Texas law.

The East German Stasi would be very proud of these so-called conservative Texans.
Spot on.
I need to look closer at the bill, but if the only penalty for getting an abortion in Texas is a civil judgement of $10k, does that really make abortion illegal or does it just make an abortion more expensive by $10k?
It doesn't make any difference, it places an undue burden on the right to privacy, and is therefore unconstitutional.
If SCOTUS allows the law to stand, Texas would never allow similar suits against guns.
But a Blue State could pass a similar law against guns where private citizens can sue gun shops, manufacturers and private owners for guns used in crimes
Actually not; that same Supreme Court would invalidate such a law.

Conservatives are consistent with their hypocrisy.

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