A New Jersey youth baseball coach got sued after telling player to slide

Not imploding completely. The coach (more accurately the insurance company) won the case.
You know, there are inherent hazards in participating in ANY sport. And yeah, sliding into a base can go horribly wrong. It happened to me.

Was out playing softball with the guys from the command one night, and I ended up sliding into 3rd, trying not to get put out. Well, I managed to make it safe, but as I slid into the base, I (as well as the pitcher, the 3rd baseman and the 3rd base coach) heard what sounded like a big zipper being unzipped. I looked down,and saw that instead of pointing forward, my toes were pointing outwards 90 deg. from where they were supposed to be.

Took 3 days of bed rest, and around 2 weeks of rehab before I was able to get my ankle anywhere near normal size. Ever seen what a latex glove looks like when you blow it up like a balloon? That's what my ankle and foot looked like for about 2 weeks.

And, some parents are positively fanatical when it comes to their kid. If their kid gets hurt, they automatically blame the person in charge when they were hurt. If the kid had been in a promising possible athletic career and the injury ended it? They would be even more litigious and likely to sue.

For what it's worth, I think these parents brought up a frivolous law suit, because they signed the permission slip for the kid to play, so they were already aware of the risks associated with playing.
If your that much of a pussy then don’t play sports I’ve had concussions, broken bones and many other injuries but I new the hazards and I didn’t care. If he would have used a good surgeon in the first place he wouldn’t have had all those problems.

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Personal opinion? The parents lose the ability to sue if the kid is injured in the course of normal play in the sport if the sign a permission slip.

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling), been knocked out several times (boxing), and have pulled muscles in track and cross country. Not once did I bitch about getting hurt, because I knew the risks.

Matter of fact, my shoulders still give me problems on occasion when they pop out of place and I have to coax them back into place.
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 23485538, member: 11763]

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling)....[/QUOTE]

How exactly?
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 23485538, member: 11763]

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling)....

How exactly?

Probably a double arm bar.

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Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 23485538, member: 11763]

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling)....

How exactly?

Probably a double arm bar.

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Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.

My son was a big time wrestler so I knew as soon as you said it. He had scholarships to every Division 1 school and decided not to wrestle any more. I was pissed. We had spent a lot of money and time to get him there and that was the plan all along so we didn’t have to pay for college. He has a twin sister and an older sister and now there all in college at the same time.

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[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 23485538, member: 11763]

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling)....

How exactly?

Probably a double arm bar.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.

My son was a big time wrestler so I knew as soon as you said it. He had scholarships to every Division 1 school and decided not to wrestle any more. I was pissed. We had spent a lot of money and time to get him there and that was the plan all along so we didn’t have to pay for college. He has a twin sister and an older sister and now there all in college at the same time.

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You know, that was one of the things that made me decide to drop wrestling in my Junior year. That, and the coach's desire to have me wrestle at 112 instead of 119. I didn't have the weight to drop, and told him so. He told me that I had to be at 112, or I wouldn't be varsity. He then told me good luck in finding another activity if I dropped wrestling.

So, what did I do? Next day, turned in my gear, then went and got my friend Gene. Now, Gene and I really liked Monty Python, and were really good at doing British accents as well as had a lot of the skits memorized. I told Gene that I had just dropped wrestling and was interested in going out for Speech and Drama for Humorous Duo if he was game. He said he was, and we presented our case to Mr. Woolridge. He said he already had a team, but yeah, he'd hear us out.

We did the Pet Shop and the Argument Clinic, and he got a big grin on his face, and told us his original team was out, and we were varsity. And, a week or so later, he had us do the act in front of the whole school. Not only did it piss off Mr. Johnson (wrestling coach) to see that I made varsity in another activity, but he was really pissed at Varsity Awards ceremony when both of us lettered in Drama. Gene and I took 4th in class A, B, and C schools in Montana that year, first time out of the gate.
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 23485538, member: 11763]

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling)....

How exactly?

Probably a double arm bar.

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Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.

My son was a big time wrestler so I knew as soon as you said it. He had scholarships to every Division 1 school and decided not to wrestle any more. I was pissed. .....

That's how I got to college. Why did he quit?
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 23485538, member: 11763]

I've had my shoulders pulled out of both sockets at the same time (wrestling)....

How exactly?

Probably a double arm bar.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.

My son was a big time wrestler so I knew as soon as you said it. He had scholarships to every Division 1 school and decided not to wrestle any more. I was pissed. We had spent a lot of money and time to get him there and that was the plan all along so we didn’t have to pay for college. He has a twin sister and an older sister and now there all in college at the same time.

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You know, that was one of the things that made me decide to drop wrestling in my Junior year. That, and the coach's desire to have me wrestle at 112 instead of 119. I didn't have the weight to drop, and told him so. He told me that I had to be at 112, or I wouldn't be varsity. He then told me good luck in finding another activity if I dropped wrestling.

So, what did I do? Next day, turned in my gear, then went and got my friend Gene. Now, Gene and I really liked Monty Python, and were really good at doing British accents as well as had a lot of the skits memorized. I told Gene that I had just dropped wrestling and was interested in going out for Speech and Drama for Humorous Duo if he was game. He said he was, and we presented our case to Mr. Woolridge. He said he already had a team, but yeah, he'd hear us out.

We did the Pet Shop and the Argument Clinic, and he got a big grin on his face, and told us his original team was out, and we were varsity. And, a week or so later, he had us do the act in front of the whole school. Not only did it piss off Mr. Johnson (wrestling coach) to see that I made varsity in another activity, but he was really pissed at Varsity Awards ceremony when both of us lettered in Drama. Gene and I took 4th in class A, B, and C schools in Montana that year, first time out of the gate.

Kids can't cut hard weight nowadays. Lots of rules and restrictions to prevent it.
I’ve blown both of my knees out (pain is 11 of 10) in basketball and baseball. Guess I shoulda sued for them letting me play.
If you play any type of sports you are going to get hurt, especially as a teen when you are growing like a weed. Everything is stretched and taunt, your body is always trying to play catch up to your latest growth spurt. I grew 12 inches in three years. So it's easy to pull muscles, tendons, tear cartilage, etc...
How exactly?

Probably a double arm bar.

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Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.

My son was a big time wrestler so I knew as soon as you said it. He had scholarships to every Division 1 school and decided not to wrestle any more. I was pissed. We had spent a lot of money and time to get him there and that was the plan all along so we didn’t have to pay for college. He has a twin sister and an older sister and now there all in college at the same time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You know, that was one of the things that made me decide to drop wrestling in my Junior year. That, and the coach's desire to have me wrestle at 112 instead of 119. I didn't have the weight to drop, and told him so. He told me that I had to be at 112, or I wouldn't be varsity. He then told me good luck in finding another activity if I dropped wrestling.

So, what did I do? Next day, turned in my gear, then went and got my friend Gene. Now, Gene and I really liked Monty Python, and were really good at doing British accents as well as had a lot of the skits memorized. I told Gene that I had just dropped wrestling and was interested in going out for Speech and Drama for Humorous Duo if he was game. He said he was, and we presented our case to Mr. Woolridge. He said he already had a team, but yeah, he'd hear us out.

We did the Pet Shop and the Argument Clinic, and he got a big grin on his face, and told us his original team was out, and we were varsity. And, a week or so later, he had us do the act in front of the whole school. Not only did it piss off Mr. Johnson (wrestling coach) to see that I made varsity in another activity, but he was really pissed at Varsity Awards ceremony when both of us lettered in Drama. Gene and I took 4th in class A, B, and C schools in Montana that year, first time out of the gate.

Kids can't cut hard weight nowadays. Lots of rules and restrictions to prevent it.

Wish they would have had those kind of regs back in 1981 when I was told to cut weight. As it was, I generally cut 10 lbs off of what my summer weight was, and if I cut more than that, I wasn't strong enough to be of any use.

Matter of fact, I think that there is a distinct possibility that the weight I cut in my junior high and high school days are the reason why I'm such a little dude now. I'm only 5'7" and weigh around 135 soaking wet.

However, I'm also built like wire and have very little body fat.
Probably a double arm bar.

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Yep, it was a double arm bar, only we called it a Darby at my school (Darby was notorious for liking to use that move). He got his body between me and my arms while they were behind me and pulled on my arms to get my shoulders on the mat. Only problem is, I was really good at bridging, and he ended up pulling both shoulders out of their sockets at the same time. I remember bridging, then seeing everything go white and there was EXTREME pain in both my shoulders and I went limp. Had to have the coach put my arms back in their sockets, and I was useless for the rest of the tournament.

My son was a big time wrestler so I knew as soon as you said it. He had scholarships to every Division 1 school and decided not to wrestle any more. I was pissed. We had spent a lot of money and time to get him there and that was the plan all along so we didn’t have to pay for college. He has a twin sister and an older sister and now there all in college at the same time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You know, that was one of the things that made me decide to drop wrestling in my Junior year. That, and the coach's desire to have me wrestle at 112 instead of 119. I didn't have the weight to drop, and told him so. He told me that I had to be at 112, or I wouldn't be varsity. He then told me good luck in finding another activity if I dropped wrestling.

So, what did I do? Next day, turned in my gear, then went and got my friend Gene. Now, Gene and I really liked Monty Python, and were really good at doing British accents as well as had a lot of the skits memorized. I told Gene that I had just dropped wrestling and was interested in going out for Speech and Drama for Humorous Duo if he was game. He said he was, and we presented our case to Mr. Woolridge. He said he already had a team, but yeah, he'd hear us out.

We did the Pet Shop and the Argument Clinic, and he got a big grin on his face, and told us his original team was out, and we were varsity. And, a week or so later, he had us do the act in front of the whole school. Not only did it piss off Mr. Johnson (wrestling coach) to see that I made varsity in another activity, but he was really pissed at Varsity Awards ceremony when both of us lettered in Drama. Gene and I took 4th in class A, B, and C schools in Montana that year, first time out of the gate.

Kids can't cut hard weight nowadays. Lots of rules and restrictions to prevent it.

Wish they would have had those kind of regs back in 1981 when I was told to cut weight. As it was, I generally cut 10 lbs off of what my summer weight was, and if I cut more than that, I wasn't strong enough to be of any use.

Matter of fact, I think that there is a distinct possibility that the weight I cut in my junior high and high school days are the reason why I'm such a little dude now. I'm only 5'7" and weigh around 135 soaking wet.

However, I'm also built like wire and have very little body fat.

The greater risk is kidney damage.

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