A new wrinkle in Fani Willis' investigation is bad news for multiple people — including Trump = love it bring it on

Were you aware that these "so-called "fake" electors have a precedent? Yup. It has happened before and you people look like idiots for trying to make a case where none exists. He's running. He isn't going to be stopped from running. Your party has screwed the country up so badly that he has a very good chance of winning - A THIRD TIME ;) CHOKE ON IT...
When I see any investigations into DT trying to prevent the fake election from being certified it reminds me of the times the courts have charged people for protecting themselves from being attacked.

The total mess we are in now is a direct result of the massive treasonous fraud that installed a brain dead meat puppet like Pedo Joe who is just the NWO patsy for the chaos being orchestrated to bring about a reset.
Everything bad that happens is directly on the heads of the useful idiots that support it all without a clue as to what they do.
It's all on you, own it
Were you aware that these "so-called "fake" electors have a precedent? Yup. It has happened before and you people look like idiots for trying to make a case where none exists. He's running. He isn't going to be stopped from running. Your party has screwed the country up so badly that he has a very good chance of winning - A THIRD TIME ;) CHOKE ON IT...
Who wants to stop him from running? Not me. Not most Femocrats. Let him RUN, and while he is running let hin continue to RUN the who damned fascist Republican party into the ditch. I'm enjoying the shit show!
When I see any investigations into DT trying to prevent the fake election from being certified it reminds me of the times the courts have charged people for protecting themselves from being attacked.

The total mess we are in now is a direct result of the massive treasonous fraud that installed a brain dead meat puppet like Pedo Joe who is just the NWO patsy for the chaos being orchestrated to bring about a reset.
Everything bad that happens is directly on the heads of the useful idiots that support it all without a clue as to what they do.
It's all on you, own it
Who wants to stop him from running? Not me. Not most Femocrats. Let him RUN, and while he is running let hin continue to RUN the who damned fascist Republican party into the ditch. I'm enjoying the shit show!

The Country is being destroyed by this puppet regime (working fo Americas enemies) and ignorant saps like you think its entertainment? WTH? Zero integrity or decency in your entire sick klan!
It took four people to write this junk? The freaking Country is going down the drain under a doddering old fool. Foreign policy is in shambles and former allies are abandoning us, energy prices are soaring, criminals are massing at the border and they are killing each other every day in Chicago but lefties found "a new wrinkle" concerning Trump. WTF?
It took four people to write this junk? The freaking Country is going down the drain under a doddering old fool. Foreign policy is in shambles and former allies are abandoning us, energy prices are soaring, criminals are massing at the border and they are killing each other every day in Chicago but lefties found "a new wrinkle" concerning Trump. WTF?

Most of those things happened under Trump. Foreign policy was in shambles and our allies were abandoning us because of the Orange Idiot.
It is amazing how Trump ruins peoples lives. These people must have though they were being good republicans and falling for the lie that the election was stolen. Yet with no proof but a strong desire , they went against their primary duty.

Now when faced with those crimes , they flip or flop , one of the two. More lives ruin by a guy who lies for a living.

The list of things that could ruin your life are many and the lives that Trump has ruin is a long list. Well except if you were his wife , when they seem to have made out pretty good. yeah he cheated on them but the payday was not that bad.
It is amazing how Trump ruins peoples lives. These people must have though they were being good republicans and falling for the lie that the election was stolen. Yet with no proof but a strong desire , they went against their primary duty.

Now when faced with those crimes , they flip or flop , one of the two. More lives ruin by a guy who lies for a living.

The list of things that could ruin your life are many and the lives that Trump has ruin is a long list. Well except if you were his wife , when they seem to have made out pretty good. yeah he cheated on them but the payday was not that bad.
Amazing how many people have destroyed their careers and reputations doing Trumps bidding

Trump just disavows them and goes about his dirty business
Trump has such strong narcissists tendencies that people will do things for him even if its the wrong thing to do. Yet so far he has not been held accountable and face the same consequences as his followers.. Hire a lawyer, deny any culpability , blame his enemies, and let his followers defend him. The fine art of misdirection works well for him.

Do people regret ever hearing the name Donald Trump and how do they handle it in the end?

Write about it and blame him that you should have known better than to have faith in him. When you didn't get some type of degree while attending Trump University then it should have been clear that it was all a scam.
IF Trump and the ALEC FAKE GOP had not chosen negligence and lying for their platform 1,200,000 might still be alive today instead dead. Trump Admin people were advised by the military in 2017 that this virus was spreading yet what did the GOP and Trump decide was the best action …….. lie over and over.



Trump and the GOP Lied ….. people are STILL dying daily throughout the USA as we speak.

MORE THAN = as of April 2022 more than 1,200,000 USA humans have passed on as a result of Trump and the GOP lying about COVID 19 and related variants. More than 1,400,000 million HAVE DIED THUS FAR.

FAKE GOP is a greater sin than being a normal lying republican



GOP’s More Than 30,000 lies while in office — and the RINO GOP has yet to stop lying.


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