A.O.C's next campaign slogan? We have to eat the babies

Hmmmm. Something is fishy.
Nothing like staged theatrics at a town hall meeting.
You think AOC staged it so she herself doesn't look that weird?
I have no idea, meaty. But to me that definitely looks staged. Just look at the t shirt.
Well, it was an AOC townhall in Queens. You have to expect dingbats when a dingbat is the host, especially there.
I expect folks to be civil in town hall meetings. But not to worry. If this is proven to be staged, AOC haters will then go on to criticize her for the way she handled it. Watch and see.
Well, you don't have a problem with the way she handled it?
It's pretty telling nobody, including AOC, actually objected to Eating The Children. A normal person would have immediately reacted along the lines of "No Way That IS NUTS".
All the crazies sat there with blank faces. No one gasped, no one grimaced...they just sat there. But then, when you're already killing your own babies by the millions a year, and you've framed this as a "woman's right to choose"....I mean what's next really?

This woman was clearly disturbed, but no more disturbed than teh Right Wing Nutter who claims that God caused 9/11 because of abortion.

What are you talking about. God got taken out of our schools and they started producing the woman saying we must eat babies. Before that our kids actually got an education, not indoctrination.

Aoc looks like a deer caught in the headlights


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That was a comedian or some batshit crazy bag lady. Even AOC as dense as she is thought the same. Atleast she looked like she did. I quit watching at the baby eating part. Was cracking up. Now I feel like Archie Bunker. Get some meat heads on a pay roll, THAT will fix the damn climate.

This is what you guys have produced. You made this woman. Greta isnt far behind.
"We must eat the babies!!!"

Can there be any more incontrovertible proof that the Dem's Daily Doses of Doom are driving our children over the cliff? When will they consider the damage they do to American society and when will they be held accountable for their nefarious and traitorous actions?
She is a nutcase but they can latch onto any issue. A good example is the recent El Paso shooter:

I wonder where he got that idea?

Aoc looks like a deer caught in the headlights


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LOL Typical democommie nitwit whacho. The completly insane are all that's left of them. It's all thats left and its almost sad to see them end this way.

Feed the babies to Moloch!

So over the top; surely this has to be a plant. A set up like the Left does to us... Or maybe not... These fuckers really are insane. But this fucking crazy? Publicly?

The left threw "normal" in the garbage bin over a decade ago. Now, its impossible to tell reality from satire.

These kids are just getting weirder and weirder. Greta was a parody from a horror movie. This one was from a horror movie in a lunatic asylum. Video below:

WOMAN: We're not going to be here much longer, because of a climate crisis. We only have a few months left. I love that you support the Green [New] Deal, but it's not going to get rid of fossil fuel. It's not going to solve the problem fast enough.

A Swedish professor said we can eat dead people, but that's not fast enough. So I think your next campaign slogan needs to be this: We've got to start eating babies. We don't have enough time. There's too much CO2. All of you, you're a pollutant. Too much CO2! We have to start now. Please, you are so great. I am so happy you are really supporting the new green deal, but it's not enough. Even if we would bomb Russia, we still have too many people, too much pollution. So we have to get rid of the babies. That's a big problem, just stopping having babies. That's not enough. We need to eat the babies! This is very serious, please give a response.

Woman At Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Townhall: "We've Got To Start Eating Babies" Due To Climate Crisis

All the crazies sat there with blank faces. No one gasped, no one grimaced...they just sat there. But then, when you're already killing your own babies by the millions a year, and you've framed this as a "woman's right to choose"....I mean what's next really?
The Leftards just sat there silent because they’ve been programmed to never judge because you’ll hurt someone’s feelings, no matter how insane the topic.
I'm guessing she's real. She's foreign. They dont have this kind of sense of humor, but she HAS shown us the way! This is how we need to deal with these Climate Change fear mongers.
I heard AOC didn’t state we don’t need to eat babies afterwards. ?
15 years ago nobody would have ever thought the Democrat party would be embracing socialism-communism as their doctrine today. So who's to say that in another 10 years, they won't be big supporters of eating babies? They're obviously on the wrong track
Combine that with mental illness you set a platform for insanity, including mass murder.


Aoc looks like a deer caught in the headlights


View attachment 282744

That was a comedian or some batshit crazy bag lady. Even AOC as dense as she is thought the same. Atleast she looked like she did. I quit watching at the baby eating part. Was cracking up. Now I feel like Archie Bunker. Get some meat heads on a pay roll, THAT will fix the damn climate.

This is what you guys have produced. You made this woman. Greta isnt far behind.

Na, Greta was a one hit wonder like Davig Hog. Greta had to be drug out one more time while she was still a cute little kid. She has no use to the climate cult anymore.

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