A one time attempt to stimulate the economy does not equal "redistribution of wealth"

Dr Gregg

Jan 28, 2010
Now, if every year Obama and the dems pass a stimulus package, you may have a point. But this was a one time thing to try and overcome a horrible economy. so why the insistence on claiming Obama's going to turn the country entirely socialist, or that he's for redistrubuction of wealth, when for decades wealthy people paid a higher percentage in taxes, and occurred under both parties.

That's yet another example of partisan hackery dishonesty. You can make points without resorting to that bullshit, or can the ones that make those claims actually put forth an intelligent argument?
They passed a stimulus bill last year, and this year they are not because they changed the name of it to a "jobs bill"

That kinda looks like something that is happening every year, at least so far.
They passed a stimulus bill last year, and this year they are not because they changed the name of it to a "jobs bill"

That kinda looks like something that is happening every year, at least so far.

First stimulus was under Bush, no?
They passed a stimulus bill last year, and this year they are not because they changed the name of it to a "jobs bill"

That kinda looks like something that is happening every year, at least so far.

First stimulus was under Bush, no?

first was called a bailout -bush
second was called stimulus - obama
third is called jobs- obama

as a nonpartisan, i have been opposed to them all
Try discerning Diamond Dave? how about posting here instead of commenting in a neg rep, so everybody can see? Umm, I don't think the morons that rant and rave about Obama even know what they are arguing, just blasting him because they are stupid partisan hacks. Maybe you people should make it clear, cause its hard to see a point through all the rants and childish name calling of Obama.
Now, if every year Obama and the dems pass a stimulus package, you may have a point. But this was a one time thing to try and overcome a horrible economy. so why the insistence on claiming Obama's going to turn the country entirely socialist, or that he's for redistrubuction of wealth, when for decades wealthy people paid a higher percentage in taxes, and occurred under both parties.

That's yet another example of partisan hackery dishonesty. You can make points without resorting to that bullshit, or can the ones that make those claims actually put forth an intelligent argument?

What news do you watch?
Do you truly not hear his vision? Do you not hear what his appointed advisors say? Do you truly not know that his goal is to expand the middle class at the expense of the evil rich greedy upper class?

Call it what you want.....but raising the taxes on the wealthiest 5% and giving things to the lower classes...much for free...is redistribution of wealth.

I again ask...what news do you watch? I mean, it is not like he and his people hide the fact that they want to redistribute wealth...they are wide open about it.

Or do you have trouble understanding things when the exact term "redistribute wealth" is not used? I guess it is folks like you that he counts on....hear what he says, think he is saying something different...but when he is called on it he says "look at the transcript"....

LMAO....he needs people like you.
Anything that takes money from one person and ends up giving it to someone else is wealth redistribution. In a purely technical term, i'm sure a lot of people end up paying for part of others' kid's schooling, which is a form of wealth redistribution.

The government has been redistributing wealth for a long time now and it'll never change. The problem with Obama to many is that he just wants to do far too much of it. Cap and trade would basically be wealth redistribution as would the taxes that end up coming out of the health care bill.

Edit: i shouldn't say that the taxes themselves are the wealth distribution, but rather what the end result will be. Of the taxes collected as a result of those new taxes, it's almost certain that the bulk of them won't be returned to those that had to pay them in the form of a new service, etc.
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Now, if every year Obama and the dems pass a stimulus package, you may have a point. But this was a one time thing to try and overcome a horrible economy. so why the insistence on claiming Obama's going to turn the country entirely socialist, or that he's for redistrubuction of wealth, when for decades wealthy people paid a higher percentage in taxes, and occurred under both parties.

That's yet another example of partisan hackery dishonesty. You can make points without resorting to that bullshit, or can the ones that make those claims actually put forth an intelligent argument?

What news do you watch?
Do you truly not hear his vision? Do you not hear what his appointed advisors say? Do you truly not know that his goal is to expand the middle class at the expense of the evil rich greedy upper class?

Call it what you want.....but raising the taxes on the wealthiest 5% and giving things to the lower classes...much for free...is redistribution of wealth.

I again ask...what news do you watch? I mean, it is not like he and his people hide the fact that they want to redistribute wealth...they are wide open about it.

Or do you have trouble understanding things when the exact term "redistribute wealth" is not used? I guess it is folks like you that he counts on....hear what he says, think he is saying something different...but when he is called on it he says "look at the transcript"....

LMAO....he needs people like you.

has that not been what's happend under any politician for decades? THe rich paying more in taxes, since they make so much money?

You guys are so stuck on your ideology that you don't see how impractical it is the make people making shit money, who can barely get by, to pay the same percentage of taxes as those living lush lives, who've also likely benefitted the most of all the gov't does. THe infrastgructure, the education, having educated and skilled workforce to employ, having a strong and stable infrastructure and justice system to allow them to do business the way they do.

I'll be more than happy to pay a higher percentage in taxes than somoen making 30K a year, to be making a hell of a lot more, and can't wait for the day I pay more, meaning Im making more and living much better.

About 11 percent of the federal budget in 2008, or $313 billion, supported programs that provide aid (other than health insurance or Social Security benefits) to individuals and families facing hardship.
Policy Basics: Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Try discerning Diamond Dave? how about posting here instead of commenting in a neg rep, so everybody can see? Umm, I don't think the morons that rant and rave about Obama even know what they are arguing, just blasting him because they are stupid partisan hacks. Maybe you people should make it clear, cause its hard to see a point through all the rants and childish name calling of Obama.

No...you see....your problem is when we post something, if you dont agree with it, you refer to us as a partisan hack.....so you dont even consider what we are saying.

Bottom line is this Doc....

As a conservative I understand the way a liberal thinks. I respect that a liberal wants what a liberal wants. I disagree with it, but I understand it....and most importantly, I have reason to disagree.

Yes, I wish we could take all of the poor and make them comfortable. But the only way to do that is to give up all of the reasons this is called the land of opportunity. I do not mind paying extra in taxes to releive their pain. That is my responsibility as an American. But I do NOT agree with taking my money to make them comfortable. It is not in the best interest of America as it was designed and it is not in the best interest of the poor.......why?


Becuase Americans do what they gotta do to get by. Being uncomfortable is motivation enough to do what you gotta do. Take away the discomfort, and you lose the motivation.

But Americans do what they gotta do.

However, you and many other liberals refuse to see it our way. You certainly can disagree with it....but you ridicule us for our thinking. You say we have no compassion...you say we are immoral...you say we are selfish.

Get a grip Doc. We are all Americans and we all see what is best for Americans....and we all have different ways to acheive it.

Your way is "give"....our way is "earn"...both have their positive sides and both have their negative sides.

Now go ahead...curse me out like you usually do.
Thus far the OP has proven to be the most partisan poster in the thread, and proves it by not having the ability to see it.
Try discerning Diamond Dave? how about posting here instead of commenting in a neg rep, so everybody can see? Umm, I don't think the morons that rant and rave about Obama even know what they are arguing, just blasting him because they are stupid partisan hacks. Maybe you people should make it clear, cause its hard to see a point through all the rants and childish name calling of Obama.

No...you see....your problem is when we post something, if you dont agree with it, you refer to us as a partisan hack.....so you dont even consider what we are saying.

Bottom line is this Doc....

As a conservative I understand the way a liberal thinks. I respect that a liberal wants what a liberal wants. I disagree with it, but I understand it....and most importantly, I have reason to disagree.

Yes, I wish we could take all of the poor and make them comfortable. But the only way to do that is to give up all of the reasons this is called the land of opportunity. I do not mind paying extra in taxes to releive their pain. That is my responsibility as an American. But I do NOT agree with taking my money to make them comfortable. It is not in the best interest of America as it was designed and it is not in the best interest of the poor.......why?


Becuase Americans do what they gotta do to get by. Being uncomfortable is motivation enough to do what you gotta do. Take away the discomfort, and you lose the motivation.

But Americans do what they gotta do.

However, you and many other liberals refuse to see it our way. You certainly can disagree with it....but you ridicule us for our thinking. You say we have no compassion...you say we are immoral...you say we are selfish.

Get a grip Doc. We are all Americans and we all see what is best for Americans....and we all have different ways to acheive it.

Your way is "give"....our way is "earn"...both have their positive sides and both have their negative sides.

Now go ahead...curse me out like you usually do.

:eusa_liar:Pinnochio is at it again. It's when people post obviously stupid shit, and clearly false bullshit and talking points. But play the persecution card, pretty pathetic, and dishonest as usual.

Try discerning Diamond Dave? how about posting here instead of commenting in a neg rep, so everybody can see? Umm, I don't think the morons that rant and rave about Obama even know what they are arguing, just blasting him because they are stupid partisan hacks. Maybe you people should make it clear, cause its hard to see a point through all the rants and childish name calling of Obama.

No...you see....your problem is when we post something, if you dont agree with it, you refer to us as a partisan hack.....so you dont even consider what we are saying.

Bottom line is this Doc....

As a conservative I understand the way a liberal thinks. I respect that a liberal wants what a liberal wants. I disagree with it, but I understand it....and most importantly, I have reason to disagree.

Yes, I wish we could take all of the poor and make them comfortable. But the only way to do that is to give up all of the reasons this is called the land of opportunity. I do not mind paying extra in taxes to releive their pain. That is my responsibility as an American. But I do NOT agree with taking my money to make them comfortable. It is not in the best interest of America as it was designed and it is not in the best interest of the poor.......why?


Becuase Americans do what they gotta do to get by. Being uncomfortable is motivation enough to do what you gotta do. Take away the discomfort, and you lose the motivation.

But Americans do what they gotta do.

However, you and many other liberals refuse to see it our way. You certainly can disagree with it....but you ridicule us for our thinking. You say we have no compassion...you say we are immoral...you say we are selfish.

Get a grip Doc. We are all Americans and we all see what is best for Americans....and we all have different ways to acheive it.

Your way is "give"....our way is "earn"...both have their positive sides and both have their negative sides.

Now go ahead...curse me out like you usually do.

:eusa_liar:Pinnochio is at it again. It's when people post obviously stupid shit, and clearly false bullshit and talking points. But play the persecution card, pretty pathetic, and dishonest as usual.


You truly can not be serious with this response to my thread.
I mean....really?
Jeez...you are a whacko....and I have had it with you and your crap......so long dickhead......on ignore....I have better things to do with my time than try to explain why conservatives think as they do.

ANd you refer to me as a liar...why? Because you cant reach back and understand why others think as they do?

No...you see....your problem is when we post something, if you dont agree with it, you refer to us as a partisan hack.....so you dont even consider what we are saying.

Bottom line is this Doc....

As a conservative I understand the way a liberal thinks. I respect that a liberal wants what a liberal wants. I disagree with it, but I understand it....and most importantly, I have reason to disagree.

Yes, I wish we could take all of the poor and make them comfortable. But the only way to do that is to give up all of the reasons this is called the land of opportunity. I do not mind paying extra in taxes to releive their pain. That is my responsibility as an American. But I do NOT agree with taking my money to make them comfortable. It is not in the best interest of America as it was designed and it is not in the best interest of the poor.......why?


Becuase Americans do what they gotta do to get by. Being uncomfortable is motivation enough to do what you gotta do. Take away the discomfort, and you lose the motivation.

But Americans do what they gotta do.

However, you and many other liberals refuse to see it our way. You certainly can disagree with it....but you ridicule us for our thinking. You say we have no compassion...you say we are immoral...you say we are selfish.

Get a grip Doc. We are all Americans and we all see what is best for Americans....and we all have different ways to acheive it.

Your way is "give"....our way is "earn"...both have their positive sides and both have their negative sides.

Now go ahead...curse me out like you usually do.

:eusa_liar:Pinnochio is at it again. It's when people post obviously stupid shit, and clearly false bullshit and talking points. But play the persecution card, pretty pathetic, and dishonest as usual.


You truly can not be serious with this response to my thread.
I mean....really?
Jeez...you are a whacko....and I have had it with you and your crap......so long dickhead......on ignore....I have better things to do with my time than try to explain why conservatives think as they do.

ANd you refer to me as a liar...why? Because you cant reach back and understand why others think as they do?


Oh, look who's name calling now. Thanks yet again, for showing that you are truly a delusional partisan hack, yet you continue to act like you are mature, smart and putting forth rationale argument.s Only thing you have is the ability to more quaintly spout your bullshit than many of the other posters.

Yeah, best ignore me because I keep showing what a full of shit, hypocrite phony you are. Please ignore me, won't have you going around harrassing me with your bullshit. WHy don't you take the rest of the trolls with you.
They passed a stimulus bill last year, and this year they are not because they changed the name of it to a "jobs bill"

That kinda looks like something that is happening every year, at least so far.

You are aware that a jobs bill is done practically every year, right?
No...you see....your problem is when we post something, if you dont agree with it, you refer to us as a partisan hack.....so you dont even consider what we are saying.

Bottom line is this Doc....

As a conservative I understand the way a liberal thinks. I respect that a liberal wants what a liberal wants. I disagree with it, but I understand it....and most importantly, I have reason to disagree.

Yes, I wish we could take all of the poor and make them comfortable. But the only way to do that is to give up all of the reasons this is called the land of opportunity. I do not mind paying extra in taxes to releive their pain. That is my responsibility as an American. But I do NOT agree with taking my money to make them comfortable. It is not in the best interest of America as it was designed and it is not in the best interest of the poor.......why?


Becuase Americans do what they gotta do to get by. Being uncomfortable is motivation enough to do what you gotta do. Take away the discomfort, and you lose the motivation.

But Americans do what they gotta do.

However, you and many other liberals refuse to see it our way. You certainly can disagree with it....but you ridicule us for our thinking. You say we have no compassion...you say we are immoral...you say we are selfish.

Get a grip Doc. We are all Americans and we all see what is best for Americans....and we all have different ways to acheive it.

Your way is "give"....our way is "earn"...both have their positive sides and both have their negative sides.

Now go ahead...curse me out like you usually do.

:eusa_liar:Pinnochio is at it again. It's when people post obviously stupid shit, and clearly false bullshit and talking points. But play the persecution card, pretty pathetic, and dishonest as usual.


You truly can not be serious with this response to my thread.
I mean....really?
Jeez...you are a whacko....and I have had it with you and your crap......so long dickhead......on ignore....I have better things to do with my time than try to explain why conservatives think as they do.

ANd you refer to me as a liar...why? Because you cant reach back and understand why others think as they do?


First, there are very few conservatives anymore. The neocons have usurped that label. Second, conservatives think? No kidding? And here I was assuming they just regurgitated GOP talking points.
:eusa_liar:Pinnochio is at it again. It's when people post obviously stupid shit, and clearly false bullshit and talking points. But play the persecution card, pretty pathetic, and dishonest as usual.


You truly can not be serious with this response to my thread.
I mean....really?
Jeez...you are a whacko....and I have had it with you and your crap......so long dickhead......on ignore....I have better things to do with my time than try to explain why conservatives think as they do.

ANd you refer to me as a liar...why? Because you cant reach back and understand why others think as they do?


First, there are very few conservatives anymore. The neocons have usurped that label. Second, conservatives think? No kidding? And here I was assuming they just regurgitated GOP talking points.

The GOP does not represent conservatives...but certainly are a better bet for us than the Democratic party.

Yeah...we do think. I know...tough to accept.....but we think....as a matter of fact a good example is..

"We think before we sign"

Seems liberals most certainly sympathise with those that dont think before they sign...

Now, if every year Obama and the dems pass a stimulus package, you may have a point. But this was a one time thing to try and overcome a horrible economy. so why the insistence on claiming Obama's going to turn the country entirely socialist, or that he's for redistrubuction of wealth, when for decades wealthy people paid a higher percentage in taxes, and occurred under both parties.

That's yet another example of partisan hackery dishonesty. You can make points without resorting to that bullshit, or can the ones that make those claims actually put forth an intelligent argument?

Because he is for the re-distribution of wealth- just a reminder-

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoqI5PSRcXM]YouTube - Obama-Spread the wealth around[/ame]
Now, if every year Obama and the dems pass a stimulus package, you may have a point. But this was a one time thing to try and overcome a horrible economy. so why the insistence on claiming Obama's going to turn the country entirely socialist, or that he's for redistrubuction of wealth, when for decades wealthy people paid a higher percentage in taxes, and occurred under both parties.

That's yet another example of partisan hackery dishonesty. You can make points without resorting to that bullshit, or can the ones that make those claims actually put forth an intelligent argument?

cause he said so asswipe. why don't you listen.
Try discerning Diamond Dave? how about posting here instead of commenting in a neg rep, so everybody can see? Umm, I don't think the morons that rant and rave about Obama even know what they are arguing, just blasting him because they are stupid partisan hacks. Maybe you people should make it clear, cause its hard to see a point through all the rants and childish name calling of Obama.

you gots a hard on for obama donchya?

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