Maduro steals election in Venezuela.

it makes the intent of both situations the same, the Dems wanted to do what Maduro did

Intent of American government is to follow legal process and respect seperation of powers, where independent courts settle constitutional questions of general election eligibility.

Intent of Maduro's government is to subvert his courts to his needs.

The situations in two countries could not be more fundamaentally different and you'd understand it too if you weren't so busy with shitting on America while being fixated on your narrow, shorsighted tribalism.
Intent of American government is to follow law through independant State administrators and independant courts settling constitutional questions of election eligibility.

Intent of Maduro's government is to subvert his courts to his needs.

The situations in two countries could not be more fundamaentally different and you'd understand it too if you weren't so busy with shitting on America while being fixated on your hate of opposition.

No, the intent in Colorado was to remove a political opponent from the ballot.

Maduro could hide behind laws as well. It's what people in power do.

LOL, "shitting on America"?


No, the intent in Colorado was to remove a political opponent from the ballot.

And in America we have courts that independently settle these matters, making the two country's situations incomparable.

What don't you get dummy?
And in America we have courts that independently settle these matters, making the two country's situations incomparable.

What don't you get dummy?

The Colorado court voted on party lines to keep him off the ballot. It took the SC to strike down this.

Yet it's still the Colorado Dems that tried to keep their opponent off the Ballot, like Maduro did, except he succeeded.

I can keep this up for PAGES AND PAGES you fucking cuck twat.

Or I can stop when I feel like it.

In any event, Om nom nom nom.

Enjoy your looped hell at my discretion, Dormamu.
The Colorado court voted on party lines to keep him off the ballot. It took the SC to strike down this.

Yet it's still the Colorado Dems that tried to keep their opponent off the Ballot, like Maduro did, except he succeeded.

Maduro succeeded because his courts have no real independence, which is a fundamental difference between the two countries. Duh

Colorado itself also plays no role in Trump's national election viability, so again you are completely wrong about similarity.
Maduro succeeded because his courts have no real independence, which is a fundamental difference between the two countries. Duh

LOL, the NY courts in Trump's cases were "independent"

Hostile prosecutors who bragged about getting him, Hostile judges with connections to Dems, and hostile Juries in Trump hating jurisdictions.

And when you twats don't get your way on the SC, you bring up term limits and packing it.

All Dems are is 30 years behind the curve of Maduro, given them enough time they will try to get what he has, or hopefully had.

Hopefully they get him alive if he skips, and he doesn't get killed by the mob, or ends up a refugee in some dictator club med.
LOL, the NY courts in Trump's cases were "independent"

Hostile prosecutors who bragged about getting him, Hostile judges with connections to Dems, and hostile Juries in Trump hating jurisdictions.

Or maybe you are just a braindead nutbag that desparately needs very big conspiracy theories to sustan your Trump cult.

Your "Everyone is in on it" line of thought is laughable to any reasonable person.
Or maybe you are just a braindead nutbag that desparately needs very big conspiracy theories to sustan your Trump cult.

No conspiracy needed when the evidence of my opinion is out there for all to see.

A truly independent appeals court would throw out both verdicts for numerous reasons, un-related to the amnesty thing at all.
No conspiracy needed

Prosecutors, judges, jury approved by defense, appealate courts.

EVERYONE is in on it so long as they find that Trump violated law.

Thats really the bottom line of what you are saying and thats really why you sound like a total nubag.
A truly independent appeals court would throw out both verdicts for numerous reasons, un-related to the amnesty thing at all.

No dummy, independent is not a word that means "find Dear Leader not guilty"

They would throw them out if they found the process or verdict unreasonable. There is absolutely no reason to reverse a sound judgement.
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No dummy, it would throw them out if they found the process or verdict unreasonable. There is absolutely no reason to reverse a sound judgement.

"Sound judgement."

LOL. And still the best part it is spectacularly backfired on you and your ilk.
Which is creating your own conditions just because you don't want to admit Dems tried the same thing Maduro succeeded at, and are on record doing it. And on record being smacked down by the SC.
Doesn't matter. Twisted terrorist democrats will do it again.
...because it was about violations of NY state law, in NY, having to do with a NY company records.

Did you want them to try it in Kansas maybe? :cuckoo:

Actually it was an issue with federal law that the feds didn't prosecute and the NY AG bitch-handled into some form of "crime"

Somehow dumb Americans fail to recognize much of the blame for Venezuela’s economic problems resides with their government. Even though their government officials proudly proclaim their guilt.
That's the idiotic shit that nutters tell themselves. It's even funnier when they use words they don't even understand, like you just did.
Dumb Americans!

Now accept the truth…
Some questions for US leaders and pundits who support regime change in Venezuela:

1) How can you call Maduro "autocratic" when you've been trying to overthrow Venezuela's government for more than two decades? Did any Venezuelans vote for you to change their government? Deciding for a foreign population who should rule them and how they should govern sounds autocratic to me.

2) How can you rail against Venezuelan "socialism" when your government is massively intervening in Venezuela's economy -- with the aim of destroying it? You claim to worship the free market yet employ Treasury Dept. bureaucrats to design sanctions that cut off Venezuela from global markets and even seize its assets. By your definition of it, that sounds pretty "socialist."

3) How can Trump and others demonize undocumented immigrants when they knowingly create millions of them by destroying Venezuela's economy and forcing them to flee?
Aaron Matte

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