A Part of America Died Today

A big part of America died in 2000 when you fucking idiots elected a couple of evangelical war criminals into office.

It's taken 15 years to get things back on track. So sit your drama queen ass down and shut up. Or else Obama is going to take your guns away.
Then take them..........I suggest you lead the takers.............
A big part of America died in 2000 when you fucking idiots elected a couple of evangelical war criminals into office.

It's taken 15 years to get things back on track. So sit your drama queen ass down and shut up. Or else Obama is going to take your guns away.
Then take them..........I suggest you lead the takers.............

Spoken like a true follower.
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
Normally you are screaming Democracy......the rule of the majority............now you preach the republic..............perhaps one day you'll make up your mind which............never mind...............your side shifts it's beliefs to whatever suits their beliefs anyway.........

If an Amendment got passed then it would be via the Constitution now wouldn't it...............We can't go against the constitution can we.........................

Oops.........let me break out a pen and a phone....................and violate where ever I please...........and you say nothing..........
Nothing when the IRS attacks beliefs..............
Like the shredding of evidence 100 times worse than Nixon.....

TIme to put the damned gov't on a leash.
Are you somehow ignorant of how this is supposed to work? It has never been left up to the people to define the limits of civil rights because the majority usually cannot be trusted to protect the rights of an unpopular minority. By your standards none of the historic civil rights victories are legitimate because the courts had to step in to define rights that the majority had denied to the minority. Hardly surprising considering conservatives stood in the way of every advance that brought us closer to true equality in this country.
You don't get it do you....................by defining marriage under the Constitution it becomes the law...........

You want to respect the law......now don't you...........you are already looking for an angle to challenge a Amendment that isn't even on the table yet.........

This is no "angle" it's how the question of rights have always been settled in this country. That equal protection clause may be the worst thing that ever happened to conservatives, it puts them on the wrong side of every social issue.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
Normally you are screaming Democracy......the rule of the majority............now you preach the republic..............perhaps one day you'll make up your mind which............never mind...............your side shifts it's beliefs to whatever suits their beliefs anyway.........

If an Amendment got passed then it would be via the Constitution now wouldn't it...............We can't go against the constitution can we.........................

Oops.........let me break out a pen and a phone....................and violate where ever I please...........and you say nothing..........
Nothing when the IRS attacks beliefs..............
Like the shredding of evidence 100 times worse than Nixon.....

TIme to put the damned gov't on a leash.
Are you somehow ignorant of how this is supposed to work? It has never been left up to the people to define the limits of civil rights because the majority usually cannot be trusted to protect the rights of an unpopular minority. By your standards none of the historic civil rights victories are legitimate because the courts had to step in to define rights that the majority had denied to the minority. Hardly surprising considering conservatives stood in the way of every advance that brought us closer to true equality in this country.
You don't get it do you....................by defining marriage under the Constitution it becomes the law...........

You want to respect the law......now don't you...........you are already looking for an angle to challenge a Amendment that isn't even on the table yet.........

This is no "angle" it's how the question of rights have always been settled in this country. That equal protection clause may be the worst thing that ever happened to conservatives, it puts them on the wrong side of every social issue.
Approaching 20 TRILLION REASONS why you are on the wrong side.........
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
Normally you are screaming Democracy......the rule of the majority............now you preach the republic..............perhaps one day you'll make up your mind which............never mind...............your side shifts it's beliefs to whatever suits their beliefs anyway.........

If an Amendment got passed then it would be via the Constitution now wouldn't it...............We can't go against the constitution can we.........................

Oops.........let me break out a pen and a phone....................and violate where ever I please...........and you say nothing..........
Nothing when the IRS attacks beliefs..............
Like the shredding of evidence 100 times worse than Nixon.....

TIme to put the damned gov't on a leash.
Are you somehow ignorant of how this is supposed to work? It has never been left up to the people to define the limits of civil rights because the majority usually cannot be trusted to protect the rights of an unpopular minority. By your standards none of the historic civil rights victories are legitimate because the courts had to step in to define rights that the majority had denied to the minority. Hardly surprising considering conservatives stood in the way of every advance that brought us closer to true equality in this country.
You don't get it do you....................by defining marriage under the Constitution it becomes the law...........

You want to respect the law......now don't you...........you are already looking for an angle to challenge a Amendment that isn't even on the table yet.........

This is no "angle" it's how the question of rights have always been settled in this country. That equal protection clause may be the worst thing that ever happened to conservatives, it puts them on the wrong side of every social issue.
Approaching 20 TRILLION REASONS why you are on the wrong side.........
That makes zero sense. Conservatives by their very nature oppose any expansive view of civil rights and in the long run they always lose. These days women and minorities can vote, white people can marry black people, schools are integrated, etc. and people like you issued dire predictions of a great fall that didn't happen.
Lock and load, the libbies don't carry guns. Fun times ahead.
Just keep on believing that. Lots of "libbies" carry guns, they just don't fetishize them as the answer to any political problem. I myself have a number of guns and I know very well how to use them. Fuck you alarmist assholes for driving up the cost of ammo with your stupid Obama is going take my guns crap.
Lock and load, the libbies don't carry guns. Fun times ahead.
Just keep on believing that. Lots of "libbies" carry guns, they just don't fetishize them as the answer to any political problem. I myself have a number of guns and I know very well how to use them. Fuck you alarmist assholes for driving up the cost of ammo with your stupid Obama is going take my guns crap.
Just doing our part to increase the economy and jobs bitch.
"Supreme Court 2015 The conservative justices gay marriage dissents are petty and hypocritical."


They're also inconsistent with settled and accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence, the original intent of the Framers of the Amendment, and the original intent of the Framers of the Constitution that Federal Constitutional law is the supreme law of the land, with citizens subject solely to the rule of law – not 'majority rule.'
Contrary to popular belief, the WW2 generation wasn't 'the greatest generation'. There is no 'greatest generation'. The people that founded the country rose up against the super power of the day, Great Britain, with little hope of winning. And they risked EVERYTHING. Their lives, their families lives, their fortunes, their houses.

"Now we have a worthless and weak generation of whiners who scream about " my rights." "

Hard to believe ANYONE would say something like that in America. THAT is what America is about!

And all this stupid 'we'll use the 2nd amendment' crap, in essence threatening to start killing everyone that doesn't agree with them, you cowards only target unarmed innocents like those in a church during bible study. The exact same mentality as the losers that murdered dozens in Tunisia, France, Kuwait, Spain, and numerous other places.


America survived the revolution, 1814, the Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, 9/11.

I'm pretty sure people that love each other getting married isn't going to overturn the boat.
1) Imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government through a balanced budget amendment;
This is a very good idea, on paper.

But obviously, the country can't be required to balance its budget unconditionally, every year, come what may. If a major war were to break out, the BBA could strangle us. So most people pushing a BBA, write an exception into it for declared wars or "states of emergency". And some people put in other reasons.

Two problems with that.

One is that we have been in an official "state of emergency" since March 4, 1933... and it has never been canceled or rescinded. It was written so that only the President can call it off... and no President has been willing to do so, ever since then, Democrat or Republican. I suppose Congress could also make a new law saying the "state of emergency" is now over... but the President has to sign any such law, see above.

So, making a BBA with any kind of necessary exception for emergencies, will be ignored almost before the ink is dry.

The other problem, is that some Democrats insist that any BBA must also have exceptions for preserving the spending for "entitlements" such as Social Security and other programs. Some say it should make those exceptions, some say it shouldn't. But if a Constitutional amendment is adopted saying anything about Social Security or other such programs, that would be the first time that Social Security has ever been mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

Social Security is, in fact, a completely unconstitutional program. The Federal govt has NEVER been authorized by the Constitution, to get involved in retirement funds in any way. They were always to be left "to the States, and the People", as commanded by the 10th amendment. Only by falsely claiming that SS was a "tax", did the leftists get the Supreme Court to accept it. (If this sounds familiar, yes, the leftists recently pulled the same trick with Obamacare, with a similar result.)

Basically, a Balanced Budget Amendment is a good idea. But be careful what you wish for.

2) limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government;
This one's always good for a laugh.

The Federal government has been violating the Constitution wholesale since at least the 1930s, and before. They break its laws with impunity, ranging from the 2nd amendment to the Welfare clause to the 10th and 4th amendments, and more. The notion that making a few more laws will straighten them out, is hilarious. Why wouldn't they just violate those new laws as easily as they violate the original ones?

Now, if you made an amendment that mandated penalties for people who were convicted of violating various Constitutional provisions, you might have something worthwhile.

Until then, well, don't make me laugh with the silly, naïve notion that imposing more laws on people who already break the ones you have, will make any difference.
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Lock and load, the libbies don't carry guns. Fun times ahead.
Just keep on believing that. Lots of "libbies" carry guns, they just don't fetishize them as the answer to any political problem. I myself have a number of guns and I know very well how to use them. Fuck you alarmist assholes for driving up the cost of ammo with your stupid Obama is going take my guns crap.
Just doing our part to increase the economy and jobs bitch.
Never saw anyone so proud to be gullible as the gun nuts. The gun lobby says boo! and you people run for the gun store like your ass is on fire and they have the only water.
Never saw anyone so proud to be gullible as the gun nuts. The gun lobby says boo! and you people run for the gun store like your ass is on fire and they have the only water.
As you can see, the leftist fanatics can't reply to any of the facts.

All they can do is call names and tell lies about the people they can't refute. :rolleyes-41:
Lock and load, the libbies don't carry guns. Fun times ahead.
Just keep on believing that. Lots of "libbies" carry guns, they just don't fetishize them as the answer to any political problem. I myself have a number of guns and I know very well how to use them. Fuck you alarmist assholes for driving up the cost of ammo with your stupid Obama is going take my guns crap.
Just doing our part to increase the economy and jobs bitch.
Never saw anyone so proud to be gullible as the gun nuts. The gun lobby says boo! and you people run for the gun store like your ass is on fire and they have the only water.
I'm not running to the gun stores Mr. Strawman...........but many are............I have a few guns and you can only fire one at a time anyway.........................

So your BS is pointless EMOTION which is how your side rolls.
According to another thread I'm on the 34 threshold for a Convention has been met......................

The Congress is holding onto it refusing to do it's duty if that is the case............

Under the Constitution...............if that threshold is met..........then the Convention must proceed...........

Perhaps it's time for another SCOTUS DECISION and FORCE CONGRESS TO DO IT'S JOB.

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