A Part of America Died Today

The right should quit challenging things in court if they do not like the results.
The country needs to proceed with the Convention and hope it is not hijacked by the powers to be and the leftist horde in this country.
The "leftist horde" are also Americans and there is no way to lock them out of a convention while you dumb-asses try to rewire the document to grant rich white people sole access to the levers of power in perpetuity.
Who said you would be locked out..............we know you'll get your say......................Take a look at the map..................

Most States are red.................and your side will not be allowed extra votes when the rules are set..........it will be the same vote per state........and then your electoral population centers will not have the votes............
It's not going to happen anyway so why are you even talking about it? I hear this shit every time the conservatives suffer a setback.
Your side takes advantage of chaos all the time............Hell it's your agenda........someone dies RAISE CAIN.......It's what you do.............these decisions may be the straw that broke the camel's back..................................

Just have to wait and see............PERHAPS WE SHOULD USE YOUR TACTICS AND THROW GASOLINE ON IT...............Wouldn't that be a hoot...............and fight fire with fire...............
Or maybe you should just quit acting all apocalyptic just because two gay people can now marry. The histrionics displayed by the right is so incredibly shameful that I have no idea how how you people even show your faces in public.
....if the impeachment doesn't stick then the last option is the 2nd Amendment.

i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
The country needs to proceed with the Convention and hope it is not hijacked by the powers to be and the leftist horde in this country.
The "leftist horde" are also Americans and there is no way to lock them out of a convention while you dumb-asses try to rewire the document to grant rich white people sole access to the levers of power in perpetuity.
Who said you would be locked out..............we know you'll get your say......................Take a look at the map..................

Most States are red.................and your side will not be allowed extra votes when the rules are set..........it will be the same vote per state........and then your electoral population centers will not have the votes............
It's not going to happen anyway so why are you even talking about it? I hear this shit every time the conservatives suffer a setback.
Your side takes advantage of chaos all the time............Hell it's your agenda........someone dies RAISE CAIN.......It's what you do.............these decisions may be the straw that broke the camel's back..................................

Just have to wait and see............PERHAPS WE SHOULD USE YOUR TACTICS AND THROW GASOLINE ON IT...............Wouldn't that be a hoot...............and fight fire with fire...............
Or maybe you should just quit acting all apocalyptic just because two gay people can now marry. The histrionics displayed by the right is so incredibly shameful that I have no idea how how you people even show your faces in public.
Many states had laws on the books saying they didn't believe in it....................
California voted it out via the will of the people and that is a very LIBERAL STATE..........
and so this JUDICIAL ACTIVISM is against the majority of the people of this country.........

Why not test the waters..........and put it to a NATIONAL REFORENDUM.................
....if the impeachment doesn't stick then the last option is the 2nd Amendment.

i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
....if the impeachment doesn't stick then the last option is the 2nd Amendment.

i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
....if the impeachment doesn't stick then the last option is the 2nd Amendment.

i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
....if the impeachment doesn't stick then the last option is the 2nd Amendment.

i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............

Only if you're willing to put gun control, tax raises for the rich and immigration on a "national referendum". Oh, and you'd have to amend the Constitution first. Have fun storming the castle!
i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
Normally you are screaming Democracy......the rule of the majority............now you preach the republic..............perhaps one day you'll make up your mind which............never mind...............your side shifts it's beliefs to whatever suits their beliefs anyway.........

If an Amendment got passed then it would be via the Constitution now wouldn't it...............We can't go against the constitution can we.........................

Oops.........let me break out a pen and a phone....................and violate where ever I please...........and you say nothing..........
Nothing when the IRS attacks beliefs..............
Like the shredding of evidence 100 times worse than Nixon.....

TIme to put the damned gov't on a leash.
i believe it time to implement the Second Amdt. now, as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution requires of patriots. :up:
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............

Only if you're willing to put gun control, tax raises for the rich and immigration on a "national referendum". Oh, and you'd have to amend the Constitution first. Have fun storming the castle!
Put Gun Control into it............

Good luck getting 80% of the states to ratify it............

It's hard as hell to get an amendment ratified should the Convention be called.
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............

Only if you're willing to put gun control, tax raises for the rich and immigration on a "national referendum". Oh, and you'd have to amend the Constitution first. Have fun storming the castle!
Put Gun Control into it............

Good luck getting 80% of the states to ratify it............

It's hard as hell to get an amendment ratified should the Convention be called.

So I guess you can stop with your silly "let's put it up to a national vote" line then can't you? You're welcome.
Could not help but notice as I was reading the local newspaper, and as the Supreme Court was issuing two of the most crushing rulings in American history on individual liberties and states rights , that a part of America died today. I was reading the obituary column of a 91 year old man. He was US Army WW II veteran who served under General MacArthur during the liberation of the Philippines in 1944.He was decorated for bravery and returned to his home town were he worked in one of the mills for 38 years until he retired. Truly epitomized the "Greatest Generation." This same day the U.S. Supreme Court forced Obamacare on all 50 states and recognized gay sexual deviancy in all 50 states. The millennial generation celebrates the death of a generation that they do not understand nor can appreciate. This new generation grew up in the 1990's where nobody kept score during soccer games or Little League games because everybody was a winner and nobody wanted to have hurt feelings. The P.C. Orwellian simpleton generation allowed the liberal media to politicize the murder of 9 people in order to advance an agenda. The emotional weakness of suburban white Hillary supporters is pathetic. Also, the gay sex ruling embolden it's supporters to say "freedom of religion is next." Individual liberties are under attack from the extreme left of the political spectrum and the equally left cable news media. In the new millennial age we have openly gay men in the military and "stress cards" (liberal media see's no problem with this because they are not a warrior class who has served and they have no concept of honor and country) during boot camp. The new generation pushed "white guilt" and "white privilege" as a truism, forgetting that the vast majority of white's who live in rural areas grew up poor and proud and that this is an extension of the struggles of the Greatest Generation they are descended from. Another part of America died today. Now we have a worthless and weak generation of whiners who scream about " my rights." Gay sex and race baiting do not create jobs in the United States. Whining and crying about victim-hood does not create jobs in the United States. Making excuses for failure based on race is not a productive path to go down. But the new generation knows only the emotional tugs of tears in Denver 2008 when Obama was nominated and later when he was the so called "first black president." They screamed "hooray we made history!" in a bizarre spasmodic moment in time.With the issue of gay marriage they feel "hooray we made history" and with regards to Hillary they want another "hooray moment" for good or bad. The millennials are easily manipulated brain putty that buy into every piece of liberal jargon that is fed them and every rewriting of history by their Marxist college professors. They have turned their backs on hard work and the industrial unions that built the middle class. Millennials want trade agreements that sell out American workers in the name of a zippity-do-da global community where we all get along. There was a generation like this in the 1960's and 1970's. They followed a guy named Jim Jones to South America and committed mass suicide. So my question is: "How long can the United States survive before it's collapse?" Who will save us? Jeb Bush or Hillary? Right...we have choice and a democracy in the United States... Sure...right. Great job millennial sheep...great job...
Go get yourself a Con-federate flag crying towel, poor boy.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............

Only if you're willing to put gun control, tax raises for the rich and immigration on a "national referendum". Oh, and you'd have to amend the Constitution first. Have fun storming the castle!
Put Gun Control into it............

Good luck getting 80% of the states to ratify it............

It's hard as hell to get an amendment ratified should the Convention be called.

So I guess you can stop with your silly "let's put it up to a national vote" line then can't you? You're welcome.
Doesn't make it impossible...........Very little can be ratified out of a convention...............It was made difficult for a reason.................

but not impossible.
Most of America is sick of the conservative culture wars, even young republicans are abandoning these divisive social causes. Nothing is dying except the ever shrinking portion of the population that still wants to cling to these stupid wedge issues.

Yep, 2014 proved you right. Unless you mean that 6 old men and women is America.
The right should quit challenging things in court if they do not like the results.
The country needs to proceed with the Convention and hope it is not hijacked by the powers to be and the leftist horde in this country.
Good luck with your Convention. :rofl:
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............

Only if you're willing to put gun control, tax raises for the rich and immigration on a "national referendum". Oh, and you'd have to amend the Constitution first. Have fun storming the castle!
Put Gun Control into it............

Good luck getting 80% of the states to ratify it............

It's hard as hell to get an amendment ratified should the Convention be called.

So I guess you can stop with your silly "let's put it up to a national vote" line then can't you? You're welcome.
Doesn't make it impossible...........Very little can be ratified out of a convention...............It was made difficult for a reason.................

but not impossible.

Okay...so get on it. Let's get national referendums a part of our political system. People's initiatives work soooo well in California. "Hey, do you guys want unicorns that fart glitter?" And when "the people" all vote yes, then it's "Okay, now we have to FEED the unicorns that fart glitter, ready to pay for that?"

And of course the people all say "NO".
You first. Get your guns, head out the door and get you some freedom. What stupid assholes you people are.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
Normally you are screaming Democracy......the rule of the majority............now you preach the republic..............perhaps one day you'll make up your mind which............never mind...............your side shifts it's beliefs to whatever suits their beliefs anyway.........

If an Amendment got passed then it would be via the Constitution now wouldn't it...............We can't go against the constitution can we.........................

Oops.........let me break out a pen and a phone....................and violate where ever I please...........and you say nothing..........
Nothing when the IRS attacks beliefs..............
Like the shredding of evidence 100 times worse than Nixon.....

TIme to put the damned gov't on a leash.
Are you somehow ignorant of how this is supposed to work? It has never been left up to the people to define the limits of civil rights because the majority usually cannot be trusted to protect the rights of an unpopular minority. By your standards none of the historic civil rights victories are legitimate because the courts had to step in to define rights that the majority had denied to the minority. Hardly surprising considering conservatives stood in the way of every advance that brought us closer to true equality in this country.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............

Only if you're willing to put gun control, tax raises for the rich and immigration on a "national referendum". Oh, and you'd have to amend the Constitution first. Have fun storming the castle!
Put Gun Control into it............

Good luck getting 80% of the states to ratify it............

It's hard as hell to get an amendment ratified should the Convention be called.

So I guess you can stop with your silly "let's put it up to a national vote" line then can't you? You're welcome.
Doesn't make it impossible...........Very little can be ratified out of a convention...............It was made difficult for a reason.................

but not impossible.

Okay...so get on it. Let's get national referendums a part of our political system. People's initiatives work soooo well in California. "Hey, do you guys want unicorns that fart glitter?" And when "the people" all vote yes, then it's "Okay, now we have to FEED the unicorns that fart glitter, ready to pay for that?"

And of course the people all say "NO".
Balanced Budget first on the list............Not Unicorns..............Have you taxed them thar Unicorns yet.
A big part of America died in 2000 when you fucking idiots elected a couple of evangelical war criminals into office.

It's taken 15 years to get things back on track. So sit your drama queen ass down and shut up. Or else Obama is going to take your guns away.
Be careful what you wish for...........................

I don't see it coming to blows yet...............but I see the potential down the road..............someday there may be a very serious disagreement in this country..............better to settle it in a convention....................and not via the 2nd amendment...................

The Globalization that is coming will make our opposing views worthless in the near future anyway.................The TPP was another serious nail in our coffin................and those chickens will come home to roost in the near future...........
I have no fear of the right turning into domestic terrorists over any issue, it has always been an empty threat. If you people had the courage to do anything like that you would have the courage to accept two guys getting married.
Blow it out your back side liberal............you won via Judicial Activism and by no means does it represent the people...........

Put it to the test.....you said america has spoken..............put it to a vote................should be no problem should it lib................

Would you like to see that..............
I would really like to see the death of the conservative idea that rights can and should be denied certain people by a popular vote. We have the Bill of Rights and a supreme court to decide any questions that come up regarding those rights. The government functioned as it should in this case and you people just can't stand it.
Normally you are screaming Democracy......the rule of the majority............now you preach the republic..............perhaps one day you'll make up your mind which............never mind...............your side shifts it's beliefs to whatever suits their beliefs anyway.........

If an Amendment got passed then it would be via the Constitution now wouldn't it...............We can't go against the constitution can we.........................

Oops.........let me break out a pen and a phone....................and violate where ever I please...........and you say nothing..........
Nothing when the IRS attacks beliefs..............
Like the shredding of evidence 100 times worse than Nixon.....

TIme to put the damned gov't on a leash.
Are you somehow ignorant of how this is supposed to work? It has never been left up to the people to define the limits of civil rights because the majority usually cannot be trusted to protect the rights of an unpopular minority. By your standards none of the historic civil rights victories are legitimate because the courts had to step in to define rights that the majority had denied to the minority. Hardly surprising considering conservatives stood in the way of every advance that brought us closer to true equality in this country.
You don't get it do you....................by defining marriage under the Constitution it becomes the law...........

You want to respect the law......now don't you...........you are already looking for an angle to challenge a Amendment that isn't even on the table yet.........


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