A Parting Gift from our Seniors

Let The Old Man In

Let the old man in- give him a key to the door
he's been outside, it's colder than before
His summer is gone- his winter is here
Sometimes he can't see- a lotta times he just don't hear

Can't hold his breath- like he used to do
figures what's the use- nobody needs him to
Can't teach an old dog new tricks - is what comes to mind
has a familiar ring- older than time

Lived his life- the best that he could
not really bad- just not real good
All the stuff left behind- won't matter anyway
what really counts is- backing up what you say

Play the hand you were dealt- forget what their rules say
you know you've won- when you live life your own way

He's been playing the game- even when the rules changed
still he's winning- cause he played his own game-
More stupid. I am convinced that the average IQ of a Trump supporter is somewhere close to 80. Trump has not listened to the CDC or any other government agency.

And it's a good thing he didnt' actually.. Here's you NIH corporate shill hero -- Doc Fauci about MID FEBRUARY in an interview.. 2 weeks after Trump locked the borders to Intl travel..

Q. What’s the status of the COVID-19 outbreak?

A. China is in very difficult straits. We have now over 70,000 cases there and (nearly 1,800) deaths. The rest of the world has about 30 countries that have a total of about 500 cases and three deaths. We only have 15 cases in the United States, 13 of which are travel, two of which are spouses of the travelers. As of Monday morning, we now have 14 additional ones, because we flew in the people from the (Diamond Princess) cruise ship.

Q. Is this a pandemic?

A. The World Health Organization is not declaring this a global pandemic, because there isn't a lot of sustained transmission throughout the world. We're really kind of at that brink. If China can contain their outbreak much better than they are and prevent wide distribution, we could avoid a global pandemic. If they don't, we're gonna have a global pandemic. We're teetering right on the line of what's going to happen.

Q. Is there a hard definition of a pandemic?

A. It really is soft. There's no number. It really is open to some interpretation. The general interpretation is that when you have a new pathogen that's spreading widely throughout multiple regions of the world in which there is substantial, sustained transmission (then you have a pandemic).

Q. Could there be a lot of cases in the U.S. that we don’t know about?

A. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) is trying to find this out. Are there under-the-radar infections in this country that have gotten in before we did the airport funneling and things? They're doing a sort of a sentinel surveillance in five cities —- New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Chicago — of people who come into clinics with flu-like symptoms but who don't test positive for the flu.

Q. Bottom line, how worried should people in America be?

A. The risk of coronavirus in this country is still relatively low, but, as I said about the possibility of emerging into a pandemic, this could change. As of today, on the 17th of February, the risk is really relatively low. But we, the public health officials, have to take this seriously enough to be prepared for it changing and there being a pandemic.

Q. How confident are you that the Chinese are doing what needs to be done?

A. They're doing things that have completely broken the paradigm of how you respond. They have been, in a draconian way, shutting down everything. They have locked down 50 million people, including the entire 11 million-person city of Wuhan. They will not allow anyone into Beijing unless they have a 14-day quarantine. They're essentially locking people who test positive in their houses. I mean, they're doing things that are almost unheard of in the annals of public health.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, answers the questions from the USA TODAY Editorial Board on Feb. 17, 2020.
Q. Will it work?

A. As unusual and extreme as it is, it might actually, ultimately, have an effect. There's this report that the number of new cases for the last couple of days in China has gone down. I don't put much strength in that unless I see it really start to come down and down and down. A few days of going down doesn't mean anything to me. But if it continues to go down, that might be a signal that they're having an effect of what otherwise would be extreme means.

Q. That would never happen here, would it? Locking down 50 million people?

A. No, not a chance. It would never happen.


Hero worship is an iffy proposition.. ESPECIALLY when it involves government actors.. So in addition to Fauci NOT being pro-active in Mid Feb -- we have all the WAAAY OVERBLOWN modeling and predictions of death rates and cases, the "mask flip-flops", and Remdesivar "fizzle".. CDC was originally the ONLY LEGAL source of test kits.. Their effort FLOPPED and set back that whole issue by nearly a month before Trump turned on the private sector to deal with it..

Go screw yourself for "idol worshipping"...
According to exit polls, 48 percent of seniors voted for Biden, 51 percent voted for Trump.

One of the most dismaying aspects of this presidential election is the reported 50/50 split between between the candidates by senior voters. Normally, they have seen enough BS during their lives to ignore repetitive prophecies of doom and make common sense decisions. This time, however, half of them seem to have panicked over unrelenting coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic and swallowed the preposterous assertion that Senile Joe will save them (no matter what the cost).

What a lovely gift to leave our country.

Yeah, where was that indignation towards the boomers say....10 years ago. :)
Seeings as how Trump and his administration essentially offered up seniors as live bait to the virus (It's only the older people that die from it),
I'm not surprised half of them turned on him.
Exactly. Self preservation. A very basic human emotion
But the history books will record this as an unmitigated INTERNATIONAL disaster.. From the very 1st Covid "bubbles" we KNEW who the plague targeted and it took MAJOR WIDESPREAD disregard to rack up a death toll that is more than 80% -- folks over 60 years of age..

If we ever get an objective assessment, it will be recorded that Covid-19 was a vastly overrated danger to the general public. It will also be noted that the number of deaths attributed to it was grossly exaggerated in comparison with other types of infections.

Vaccines and improved treatment techniques will soon eliminate it as a public health threat, but the damage it has caused will last for years.

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