A Perfect Analogy


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
This morning, I went to Walmart for a few things and when I got ready to check out, only two lanes were open. So, having just 12 items, I went to the express lane.

Ahead of me were 3 people, an older woman checking out, an old white guy about my age, and a younger black woman dressed for work and acting as though she were a little pressed for time.

The old guy and the older woman were carrying on a casual, lazy conversation about when they were young, reminiscing while he leaned on the soft drink display as if he had all the time in the world. Not much actual "checking" was being done, so I moved over to the regular check out line and got behind the last half of a full basket and a pretty young girl with just a couple of get well cards. The cashier was moving things right along.

Over at the express lane, the old man and woman were still blithely having a good chat while the black woman fidgeted. Finally, the older woman collected her things and left. The old man deposited his few items on the counter and pulled out a check book. The black woman looked even more irritated.

By then, I had my things on the conveyor belt and was quickly checked out. While I was sliding my debit card, the old guy shuffled out the door. The black woman was just beginning her checkout and I too was out the door before she finished. And, I'd been behind her!

Outside, there was the old guy again, strolling slowly right up the middle of the driveway looking around as if he'd never seen anything before. A car idled along behind him because he couldn't get around. The driver finally honked his horn in frustration and the old man slowly...ever so slowly...moved out of his way and shot him a nasty look as he sped off.

While I was putting my things in the pickup, the old man went by in his pearl-tinted, white Cadillac. I made a quick phone call and left the parking lot.

When I pulled out onto the expressway, damned if I didn't run up behind that old man again! There he was, poking along in the left lane of a 70 mph freeway at 45 mph, forcing cars to bunch up behind him and pass on the right.

Naturally....he had a Mitt Romney bumpersticker.

Isn't that just a perfect analogy of the Republican Party? Old, white, fairly well off, stuck in the past, longing for the "good ol' days," completely oblivious to anyone else in the world and obstructing everybody's forward progress.
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This morning, I went of Walmart for a few things and when I got ready to check out, only two lanes were open. So, having just 12 items, I went to the express lane.

Ahead of me were 3 people, an older woman checking out, an old white guy about my age, and a younger black woman dressed for work and acting as though she were a little pressed for time.

The old guy and the older woman were carrying on a casual, lazy conversation about when they were young, reminiscing while he leaned on the soft drink display as if he had all the time in the world. Not much actual "checking" was being done, so I moved over to the regular check out line and got behind the last half of a full basket and a pretty young girl with just a couple of get well cards. The cashier was moving things right along.

Over at the express lane, the old man and woman were still blithely having a good chat while the black woman fidgeted. Finally, the older woman collected her things and left. The old man deposited his few items on the counter and pulled out a check book. The black woman looked even more irritated.

By then, I had my things on the conveyor belt and was quickly checked out. While I was sliding my debit card, the old guy shuffled out the door. The black woman was just beginning her checkout and I too was out the door before she finished. And, I'd been behind her!

Outside, there was the old guy again, strolling slowly right up the middle of the driveway looking around as if he'd never seen anything before. A car idled along behind him because he couldn't get around. The driver finally honked his horn in frustration and the old man slowly...ever so slowly...moved out of his way and shot him a nasty look as he sped off.

While I was putting my things in the pickup, the old man went by in his pearl-tinted, white Cadillac. I made a quick phone call and left the parking lot.

When I pulled out onto the expressway, damned if I didn't run up behind that old man again! There he was, poking along in the left lane of a 70 mph freeway at 45 mph, forcing cars to bunch up behind him and pass on the right.

Naturally....he had a Mitt Romney bumpersticker.

Isn't that just a perfect analogy of the Republican Party? Old, white, fairly well off, stuck in the past, longing for the "good ol' days," completely oblivious to anyone else in the world and obstructing everybody's forward progress.

I'm not going to call you a liar.

Sense it's very plain for all to see.
LOL @ the OP
That is not an analogy
That is SHEEP talk
I think your wool GLOW is giving sunburns
Take it down a notch
this morning, i went of walmart for a few things and when i got ready to check out, only two lanes were open. So, having just 12 items, i went to the express lane.

Ahead of me were 3 people, an older woman checking out, an old white guy about my age, and a younger black woman dressed for work and acting as though she were a little pressed for time.

The old guy and the older woman were carrying on a casual, lazy conversation about when they were young, reminiscing while he leaned on the soft drink display as if he had all the time in the world. Not much actual "checking" was being done, so i moved over to the regular check out line and got behind the last half of a full basket and a pretty young girl with just a couple of get well cards. The cashier was moving things right along.

Over at the express lane, the old man and woman were still blithely having a good chat while the black woman fidgeted. Finally, the older woman collected her things and left. The old man deposited his few items on the counter and pulled out a check book. The black woman looked even more irritated.

By then, i had my things on the conveyor belt and was quickly checked out. While i was sliding my debit card, the old guy shuffled out the door. The black woman was just beginning her checkout and i too was out the door before she finished. And, i'd been behind her!

Outside, there was the old guy again, strolling slowly right up the middle of the driveway looking around as if he'd never seen anything before. A car idled along behind him because he couldn't get around. The driver finally honked his horn in frustration and the old man slowly...ever so slowly...moved out of his way and shot him a nasty look as he sped off.

While i was putting my things in the pickup, the old man went by in his pearl-tinted, white cadillac. I made a quick phone call and left the parking lot.

When i pulled out onto the expressway, damned if i didn't run up behind that old man again! There he was, poking along in the left lane of a 70 mph freeway at 45 mph, forcing cars to bunch up behind him and pass on the right.

Naturally....he had a mitt romney bumpersticker.

Isn't that just a perfect analogy of the republican party? old, white, fairly well off, stuck in the past, longing for the "good ol' days," completely oblivious to anyone else in the world and obstructing everybody's forward progress.

"Forward progress" =

The destruction of the public school system through unionization of teachers,

The destruction traditional families, particularly in the minority communities through "compassionate" benefits for single mothers,

The identity/entitlement mentality,

The death of the Middle Class Work Ethic

Forty million people on food stamps,

The crippling of smokestack industries (and tens of millions of jobs) through mindless environmentalism,

Et cetera, ad infinitum.
You should have stuck around and watched the two black women pay for their items with an EBT food stamp card.

And then followed them to the parking lot and watched as they drove away in their new cars with Obama stickers on the bumper.
Yeah and (no kidding) I saw a shoplifter run out of Home Depot and jump into a car with an Obama-Biden bumper sticker.
Thats a pretty good story. There is only one thing that would've made it perfect. If the Romney supporter had lectured the Wal-Mart clerk about how he pays her salary, and how she is soaking it up on his consumer dollar and how she doesnt deserve it.
"Forward progress" =

The destruction of the public school system through unionization of teachers,

The destruction traditional families, particularly in the minority communities through "compassionate" benefits for single mothers,

The identity/entitlement mentality,

The death of the Middle Class Work Ethic

Forty million people on food stamps,

The crippling of smokestack industries (and tens of millions of jobs) through mindless environmentalism,

Et cetera, ad infinitum.

Such lack of compassion for so much compassion!
Is it indicative of anything that nobody has challenged the characterization of the GOP in the last line of my little tale? :D
I was in a children's clothing store yesterday, trying to buy a pair of blue jean shorts for someone.

There were two women ahead of me in line. The first woman had about six items.

Five minutes later, the clerk is still ringing out the first customer.

Do you have a rewards card?

Uh, let me fish it out of my purse.

Do you have any rewards points?

Uh, I don't know.

Give me your phone number and I will check.


Yes, you do have points.

Which items can I use them on?

And then they begin picking through the six items.

This takes just a few seconds to read, but occured at an incredibly sluggish pace.

So I put the shorts I had in my hand back on the shelf and left.

Six items should take sixty seconds to ring out, not sixty seconds apiece. Somebody went to a lot of trouble to invent bar codes and shit. Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep. And your total is...ding! Swipe your card, punch in your PIN, done!

But no. Let's fuck that all up as much as possible.

This is the actual reason I now do most of my shopping online.

Idiots have managed to complicate the ever loving FUCK out of a simple transaction.

Fuck you. No, you cannot have my phone number. No, you cannot have my zip code. Just ring me the fuck out! If you want me to jump through hoops, you can watch me jump out of your store and never come back.

And I am a lifelong Republican. Well, barely any more.
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