A perfect example of HOW the ONE SIZE fits all govt. mentality HURTS!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many times must idiots learn YOU can't put a nation-wide one size fits all mandate and it works for everyone!
Here is a perfect example of how stupid this Obamacare as an indication of a government trying to be all things to all people!!!

Report: Premiums rising faster than eight years before Obamacare COMBINED

But others, like maternity, newborn and pediatric services, are causing headaches for huge swaths of the population that don’t need them.
Anyone past childbearing age, single men, the infertile, even nuns — their premiums are rising as well, because their plans must, by law, provide more services.
Premiums rising faster than eight years before Obamacare | The Daily Caller

Please... Medicare does NOT pay maternity, newborn,etc. WHY?? Because it covers OLDER People!
So why in the f...k was OBAMACARE trying to cover everyone even those beyond child bearing age?
Because idiots like Obama and his supporters think that's what insurance is suppose to!
But these idiots HAVING NOT ONE iota of business acumen never never comprehended this!
Same with doing away with "pre-existing conditions"!

This administration knows NOTHING of how the economy or business or much less insurance works!
And these idiots passed a 2,000 page law that contained inanities like the above!
Maternity is an expensive benefit. It was by design that policies designed for people who would never have children, e.g. men, would also have maternity benefits attached. They pay for stuff other people will use. That was by design. Despite Sibelius' absurd statements that men need maternity benefits too.
It is a hidden tax designed to insure Equality of Outcome.

Socialism's great goal is always Equality of Outcome...and in its many iterations over the decades...it has succeeded only in insuring equal misery for all.
Maternity is an expensive benefit. It was by design that policies designed for people who would never have children, e.g. men, would also have maternity benefits attached. They pay for stuff other people will use. That was by design. Despite Sibelius' absurd statements that men need maternity benefits too.

Again... EVERYONE pays for health benefits RIGHT?
But see that's why we have private insurance!
They can design based on their market analysis and price accordingly.
That's why we have 1,300 companies.

BUT because we had Obamacare BASED on several gigantic lies:
A) Never were 46 million uninsured... truly less then 4 million WANT and needed NOT 46 million when 10 million not legal ,14 million covered by medicaid 18 million don't Want!
B) Pre-existing conditions NOW costing insurance companies thus raising the rates for all for what #??? less then 1 million people were actually declined as it was ONLY private insurance.
C) This f...king 85% must be paid in claims when in FACT almost 80% a year is paid out in claims!

YET not one word about how insurance/medicare pays $850 billion a year in claims filed by doctors practicing "defensive medicine" out of fear of lawsuits!
With physicians so fearful of being sued the automatically without question refer to other physicians, order duplicates tests all because fear of lawsuits!
This $850 billion is a waste!
Knock $200 billion off a year and watch insurance premiums DROP..by STATES' laws! See each company selling in a state must FILE premiums and rational for the premiums!
If their costs are reduced by $200 billion a year.. premiums MUST file suit!

But of course this is a fantasy on my part as I know 47% of congress/Obama lawyers and protecting the $270 billion lawyers make a year!
Yet ACA taxed tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer! Stupid!

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