A perfect example of how Trump hurts the GOP

Well, they smell blood now, and just another jihadist atrocity sure as hell won't take their eye off the ball.

But again, Trump walked right into it.
What did Trump walk "into?"

Do you really believe that Trump controls the subversive media?

What Trump has said about the Charlottesville incident was right on, it is the MSM that twists everything.
You answered your own question.

Did Trump not know the media is subversive? Was this news to him?
So what would you have him do? Say nothing? That doesn't seem like what you would want him to do. Completely blame the pro-statue side and exonerate the Anitfa side, is that more to your liking?

What he did was so non-Obama. He didn't pick a side he blamed both sides, thus not further dividing the country for political reasons.

But in the end it didn't matter what he said, he more or less had to comment and no matter what it was you would be saying the same thing you posted here.
Any president would instinctively know how to respond to this situation. Trump was told exactly what to say and eventually he did say it

But he steamed all night and went into a rage on Tuesday to take it all back. Cost Bannon his job

Think so? I'm wondering if Bannon wasn't the one who advised him to placate the racists in the original statement. And that he was fired for that. But that would imply Trump recognized it was a mistake, which seems unlikely.
Bannon took the fall but Trump pulled the trigger

Most presidents thrive in this situation. Giving comfort to a nation in shock

Trump was clueless and made a bad situation worse
OK, what has Trump done since taking over as POTUS that you construe as racist? Is it not saying exactly what you would have him say? Because if that is the standard he will never hit that moving target.

We can start with the travel ban. or the deportations... racist as shit.

Here's what he could say, "The Alt Right has no place in American Discourse. I am going to direct my Attorney General to open investigations geared towards eradicating them from the body politic."

That's what he could do. He won't.
"Freedom of expression for me, but not for thee"

When you advocate a movement that slaughtered 12 million people, you don't get a chance.

You know what happens in Germany if you walk down the street wearing a Nazi Armband?

They throw your ass in jail.

Good law.
Seriously Joe, you're the USMB icon for the Regressive Left. You're the ultimate illiberal authoritarian leftist here.

Holy crap, you're the mother lode. No one here can say people like you don't exist, so thanks for providing proof.
Seriously Joe, you're the USMB icon for the Regressive Left. You're the ultimate illiberal authoritarian leftist here.

Holy crap, you're the mother lode. No one here can say people like you don't exist, so thanks for providing proof.

Guy, my grandparents fled Germany to get away from the Nazis, and I had relatives who ended up in concentration camps.

I can sincerely and totally say to you... Go fuck yourself.
"Freedom of expression for me, but not for thee"
Ignorant nonsense.

The First Amendment isn’t ‘absolute’ – it’s not the right to say anything you want anytime you want, anywhere.

Those who engage in speech advocating for imminent lawlessness and violence – such as the Alt-Right, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists – should be subject to criminal prosecution when their hate speech goes beyond the purview of Constitutional protections.
What did Trump walk "into?"

Do you really believe that Trump controls the subversive media?

What Trump has said about the Charlottesville incident was right on, it is the MSM that twists everything.
You answered your own question.

Did Trump not know the media is subversive? Was this news to him?
So what would you have him do? Say nothing? That doesn't seem like what you would want him to do. Completely blame the pro-statue side and exonerate the Anitfa side, is that more to your liking?

What he did was so non-Obama. He didn't pick a side he blamed both sides, thus not further dividing the country for political reasons.

But in the end it didn't matter what he said, he more or less had to comment and no matter what it was you would be saying the same thing you posted here.
Any president would instinctively know how to respond to this situation. Trump was told exactly what to say and eventually he did say it

But he steamed all night and went into a rage on Tuesday to take it all back. Cost Bannon his job

Think so? I'm wondering if Bannon wasn't the one who advised him to placate the racists in the original statement. And that he was fired for that. But that would imply Trump recognized it was a mistake, which seems unlikely.
Bannon took the fall but Trump pulled the trigger

Most presidents thrive in this situation. Giving comfort to a nation in shock

Trump was clueless and made a bad situation worse
Consider that during his campaign Trump was a facilitator of rightwing hate and violence, urging supporters to “knock the crap out of” political opponents.

Indeed, Trump’s ‘presidency’ has given license to the violent right, and emboldened them to engage in the violence we saw last Saturday.
"Freedom of expression for me, but not for thee"
Ignorant nonsense.

The First Amendment isn’t ‘absolute’ – it’s not the right to say anything you want anytime you want, anywhere.

Those who engage in speech advocating for imminent lawlessness and violence – such as the Alt-Right, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists – should be subject to criminal prosecution when their hate speech goes beyond the purview of Constitutional protections.
^^^ For the Regressives, there is always an excuse to shut down speech.
^^^ For the Regressives, there is always an excuse to shut down speech.
You mean wanting to kill millions of people? Um, yeah, that's a good reason.
^^^ Has convinced himself that he's saving millions of lives.

The narcissism of zealotry.

Somewhere between killing millions of people and innocent free expression, many of these jackasses are openly advocating violence to achieve their ends. And, although it's all-too-often used for the opposite purpose, government does have an obligation to protect individuals and minorities from the angry mob.
^^^ For the Regressives, there is always an excuse to shut down speech.
You mean wanting to kill millions of people? Um, yeah, that's a good reason.
^^^ Has convinced himself that he's saving millions of lives.

The narcissism of zealotry.

Somewhere between killing millions of people and innocent free expression, many of these jackasses are openly advocating violence to achieve their ends. And, although it's all-too-often used for the opposite purpose, government does have an obligation to protect individuals and minorities from the angry mob.
Sure. Freedom of expression can be ugly. Protecting freedom of expression is very difficult, because we're protecting the expression of ideas with which we strongly disagree. Stipulated. That doesn't mean we smother it. If we leverage it properly, we can let the lunatics culturally marginalize themselves. And the easiest way to do that is to let them talk.

These (mostly) well-meaning protestors have done these lunatics a huge service. They're not looking at the big picture, just their own little space. Had the lunatics been ignored, they would have shouted a few ignorant chants, gotten tired, gone home, scratched their buttcracks, and passed out drunk on Hamm's. Again.

Instead, now, everything is just WORSE.
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Sure. Freedom of expression can be ugly. Protecting freedom of expression is very difficult, because we're protecting the expression of ideas with which we strongly disagree. Stipulated. That doesn't mean we smother it. If we leverage it properly, we can let the lunatics culturally marginalize themselves. And the easiest way to do that is to let them talk.

I can imagine my relatives saying that after the Beer Hall Putsch in 1924.

Shit, if you told me two years ago, something like Trump could get elected preaching hate, I'd have looked at you like you were daft.

Just remember, buddy, when the trains start rolling off to the concentration camps, you'd be more likely to go than I would.
"Freedom of expression for me, but not for thee"
Ignorant nonsense.

The First Amendment isn’t ‘absolute’ – it’s not the right to say anything you want anytime you want, anywhere.

Those who engage in speech advocating for imminent lawlessness and violence – such as the Alt-Right, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists – should be subject to criminal prosecution when their hate speech goes beyond the purview of Constitutional protections.
then again, when is it hate speech for anyone?
These (mostly) well-meaning protestors have done these lunatics a huge service. They're not looking at the big picture, just their own little space. Had the lunatics been ignored, they would have shouted a few ignorant chants, gotten tired, gone home, scratched their buttcracks, and passed out drunk on Hamm's. Again.

Instead, now, everything is just WORSE.

The reason why these guys are out there is because you have a President who speaks their language, and can't bring himself to condemn them no matter how much his advisers scream he has to.

Our leaders refuse to stand up to these people, so the rest of us have to.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
Not just statues we're also talking about the anthem.

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