A perfect example of how Trump hurts the GOP

I'm starting to turn against POTUS Trump. The dingbat is too stupid to leave well enough alone. He has to open his stupid piehole to counter every sound bite and slight that he perceives is against him. Sometimes, listen to the people below you whom you nominated and leave the podium. Leave the mike. You farking stupid asshole.
The fake news is winning, if you are going believe that you are turning against the President. The constant drum beat of the left is to demoralize you against him, have you turn away, and regret that you didnt vote for the Crooked Hillary?
Trump is capable of bringing down the GOP

Bush came close
I'm starting to turn against POTUS Trump. The dingbat is too stupid to leave well enough alone. He has to open his stupid piehole to counter every sound bite and slight that he perceives is against him. Sometimes, listen to the people below you whom you nominated and leave the podium. Leave the mike. You farking stupid asshole.
/----/ you don't fool anyone. You never supported Trump.
The Stink of Trump will linger over the GOP for a decade or more.

Never again
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
I think the real reason we aren't talking much about Spain is that we are all, sadly, getting used to it. Just like we are getting used to, sadly, school shootings here.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Naw, man, I know you are just terrified of the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

sorry, one or two terrorist incidents a year, just can't get worked up about them. They aren't an existential threat to Western Civilization. They are just a way to keep dumb people like you panicked.

Europe's problems aren't my problems. Israel's problems aren't my problem.
Hey Joe...you being a radical leftist, maybe you could help with this.

Why does the Left treat radical Islam with patience and understanding, but wants to murder the tiny group of Americans on the radical right?
"treat radical Islam with patience and understanding".....in what way?
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Fuck the GOP. They are part of the problem. They are no different than the democrats. People have been telling me that for years and I always denied it. Didn't want to believe it I guess. Their actions or more accurately, inaction, has finally opened my eyes.

I don't care a whit about the GOP. I support the President, and those establishment assholes can go to hell.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Trump drops the ball left and right. First, his tweets are erratic, immature and unprofessional. Does this guy not know it hurts him? Tweets get many people in trouble, because they are usually made I haste and while you are emotional. In hockey they tell parents when you get mad at something, you are required to wait 24 hrs before making a complaint. That way the emotion dies down a little.

Second, he never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity. He should have came out early and strong again white supremacy. After he did that he could have spoke about the dangers of the alt left.

Third, when is any of his agenda going to go through. 1. Repeal and replace Obamacare. He ran on it so why didn't he produce a plan and be part of the negotiation. He allowed others to do it and took a side seat. 2. Tax reform. Not a peep about it. None. 3. Illegal immigration. Enforcement has stepped up, but there are no long term gain. The border fence act was passed and on the books you can use that to build the wall. 4. Rolling back regulations. I work for a too big to fail bank in corp compl. I will tell you first hand regs are getting tighter not loosing. Hannity who stated this bullshit doesn't know a god damn thing.

Yes people will say the economy is the economy is getting better, but be honest what did he do for it? Nada. Obama didn't do shit either. The US infrastructure and innovation overcame Obama's obstacle. But don't give Trump credit. He hasn't rolled back any of the business killing regs Obama passed.

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Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
I think the real reason we aren't talking much about Spain is that we are all, sadly, getting used to it. Just like we are getting used to, sadly, school shootings here.
or the black on black shootings that are happening all the time in the liberal cities. Don't hear shit about that, but oh my god, if a white guys shoots a black guy, even in self defense, all hell breaks loose.
Trump drops the ball left and right. First, his tweets are erratic, immature and unprofessional. Does this guy not know it hurts him?
You'd think this would be screamingly obvious.

My guess is that first, his personality may completely prohibit him from having any self awareness. He appears to have some warped sense of proper behavior, but it's behavior that simply doesn't comport with reality, context or appropriateness.

Secondly, he has enough yes men around him to avoid having to look at his behaviors critically. I can't imagine that someone like Bannon is going to castigate him for pissing off the press, for example. Being surrounded by sycophants isn't a recipe for reflection.

What I REALLY wonder is what his brand new Chief of Staff Kelly is thinking right now.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
I have a strong suspicion that Thursday's comments about the confederate statues were exactly that--an intentional deflection from .... all the other stuff that he'd rather not have folks talking about. Like disbanding three advisory councils in two days? Russia? Dunno.
I find it hard to believe he is intentionally fanning the flames of this mess. But it appears he is.
so you don't think both sides need to stop the fighting and hate?
I'd prefer it. What the Pres has done with his comments about the confederate statues is not going to stop the escalated rhetoric and mood, though.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
I have a strong suspicion that Thursday's comments about the confederate statues were exactly that--an intentional deflection from .... all the other stuff that he'd rather not have folks talking about. Like disbanding three advisory councils in two days? Russia? Dunno.
I find it hard to believe he is intentionally fanning the flames of this mess. But it appears he is.
so you don't think both sides need to stop the fighting and hate?
I'd prefer it. What the Pres has done with his comments about the confederate statues is not going to stop the escalated rhetoric and mood, though.
what the liberals are doing to our history isn't going to stop the escalated mood either with their rhetoric.

both sides need to stop it.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Naw, man, I know you are just terrified of the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

sorry, one or two terrorist incidents a year, just can't get worked up about them. They aren't an existential threat to Western Civilization. They are just a way to keep dumb people like you panicked.

Europe's problems aren't my problems. Israel's problems aren't my problem.

Islam inspired deaths last 10+ years 50. extreme right wing caused deaths 337
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
I have a strong suspicion that Thursday's comments about the confederate statues were exactly that--an intentional deflection from .... all the other stuff that he'd rather not have folks talking about. Like disbanding three advisory councils in two days? Russia? Dunno.
I find it hard to believe he is intentionally fanning the flames of this mess. But it appears he is.
so you don't think both sides need to stop the fighting and hate?
I'd prefer it. What the Pres has done with his comments about the confederate statues is not going to stop the escalated rhetoric and mood, though.

Nothing Trump does or says will stop lefties from manufacturing outrage.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Naw, man, I know you are just terrified of the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

sorry, one or two terrorist incidents a year, just can't get worked up about them. They aren't an existential threat to Western Civilization. They are just a way to keep dumb people like you panicked.

Europe's problems aren't my problems. Israel's problems aren't my problem.

Islam inspired deaths last 10+ years 50. extreme right wing caused deaths 337
/----/ you sliced the date range to make your point. Now go back 17 years and include 9/11
And yet you retards fear the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich....

It is not like there's literally 1000s of years of recorded history in which Islam has sought to conquer the west or anything....

If they've been at it for "1000's of years" and haven't done it yet, there's about as much chance of them doing it as there is of Wile E. Coyote catching the Road Runner.
You might want to educate yourself on the history of Southern Europe concerning Islam sometime....

Spain was literally enslaved by Islamic imperials.
The Moors were generally benign rulers and allowed religious freedom. Their counterparts in Greece were also decent people. They left a legacy of great architecture in Southern Spain.
You also fail to mention Christian invasions of African and Middle Eastern countries.Why is that ?
And yet you retards fear the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich....

It is not like there's literally 1000s of years of recorded history in which Islam has sought to conquer the west or anything....

If they've been at it for "1000's of years" and haven't done it yet, there's about as much chance of them doing it as there is of Wile E. Coyote catching the Road Runner.
You might want to educate yourself on the history of Southern Europe concerning Islam sometime....

Spain was literally enslaved by Islamic imperials.
The Moors were generally benign rulers and allowed religious freedom. Their counterparts in Greece were also decent people. They left a legacy of great architecture in Southern Spain.
You also fail to mention Christian invasions of African and Middle Eastern countries.Why is that ?
Because no one will acknowledge what I mentioned in the negative light that it deserves. What you call "benign" was FAR worse than Apartheid, and unlike Apartheid in South Africa, the Moors came as conquerors from the get-go, while the Bantus affected by Apartheid largely weren't even living in South Africa when the Dutch arrived.

Europe was literally nothing but a source of slavery for Asia and Africa until the rise of the Roman Empire.
And yet you retards fear the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich....

It is not like there's literally 1000s of years of recorded history in which Islam has sought to conquer the west or anything....

If they've been at it for "1000's of years" and haven't done it yet, there's about as much chance of them doing it as there is of Wile E. Coyote catching the Road Runner.
You might want to educate yourself on the history of Southern Europe concerning Islam sometime....

Spain was literally enslaved by Islamic imperials.
The Moors were generally benign rulers and allowed religious freedom. Their counterparts in Greece were also decent people. They left a legacy of great architecture in Southern Spain.
You also fail to mention Christian invasions of African and Middle Eastern countries.Why is that ?
Because no one will acknowledge what I mentioned in the negative light that it deserves. What you call "benign" was FAR worse than Apartheid, and unlike Apartheid in South Africa, the Moors came as conquerors from the get-go, while the Bantus affected by Apartheid largely weren't even living in South Africa when the Dutch arrived.

Europe was literally nothing but a source of slavery for Asia and Africa until the rise of the Roman Empire.
Its a bullshit comparison. The Moors ran Spain hundreds of years ago and by the standards of the day were benign,enlightened even. They built amazing palaces whilst the rest of Europe was living in thatched cottages.

Apartheid was a modern construct that was implemented after the war to end all wars. It was evil and needed to be destroyed.

Of course the US was practising its own form of apartheid at this time.

Black GIs could not believe how much more enlightened the UK was compared to back home. They could eat and sleep in the same places as white folks and even SPEAK TO WHITE WOMEN!! Good God what a sin.

Twenty years later and the Stax revue toured the UK and noted the same differences. They played to mixed audiences and stopped at hotels and restaurants. Not black hotels and black restaurants. Just hotels and restaurants. Radical or what ? Well radical in comparison to what they were used to in the "land of the free ".

So when you want to comment on other cultures you may want to consider the history of your own country.

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