A perfect example of how Trump hurts the GOP

Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
what's to address? you hate trump and will come up with 2-3 reasons a week to start a thread on it. you want to talk about real topics, stop making shit up to be mad about.

What's made up?
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
what's to address? you hate trump and will come up with 2-3 reasons a week to start a thread on it. you want to talk about real topics, stop making shit up to be mad about.

What's made up?
most of what he says.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Naw, man, I know you are just terrified of the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

sorry, one or two terrorist incidents a year, just can't get worked up about them. They aren't an existential threat to Western Civilization. They are just a way to keep dumb people like you panicked.

Europe's problems aren't my problems. Israel's problems aren't my problem.

^^ Yet this guy is worried about white supremacists under his bed. ROFLMAO!

If compared to the hard left, who caused the problem in the first place, sure they aren't an existential threat.
Yet this guy is worried about white supremacists under his bed.

More like the ones in the White House.
*Slavery is progressive when brown people do it*

A Christian Serf in Andalusia probably lived better than a Christian Serf in England.

You see, the period that you guys whine about, the reason why the Islamic World had an advantage was because they embraced science, trade and multi-culturalism.

While a non-Muslim merely had to pay a tax in Andalusia, A non-Christian in Spain was likely to be tortured by the inquisition. That's kind of fucked up.
So let me get this straight, you think it is "fucked up" for the indigenous people of Spain to punish invaders who treated their men like eunuchs and their women like whores while you think it is perfectly acceptable for those same invader to tax the invaded.

Why the hell do you hate Nazis so much again?
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
what's to address? you hate trump and will come up with 2-3 reasons a week to start a thread on it. you want to talk about real topics, stop making shit up to be mad about.
Okie dokie, that answers my question, thanks.
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?

Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).

Most people are shot by people they know. Sometimes people they share a bed with.

You just said that the police didn't find anything wrong, so must be tainted. Eric Holder(Obummers DOJ) didn't find anything wrong, but you suck Eric's dick and let him slide. I now know how you think, you sorry piece of white guilt trash.

No, I don't give Holder a pass. He should have prosecuted. He should have prosecuted Zimmerman, too. But he was too afraid of that 10% chance a jury might acquit and make him look bad.
The ironic thing is - this is just the kind of irresponsible internet posting that Trump thrives on. By all accounts, Trump's popularity is largely based on the perception that he "says it like it is". People like that he says what everyone is thinking, but no one has the guts to say in public. Guess they don't have the courage of their convictions.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
what's to address? you hate trump and will come up with 2-3 reasons a week to start a thread on it. you want to talk about real topics, stop making shit up to be mad about.
Okie dokie, that answers my question, thanks.
you are so welcome.

see you next pointless thread. :)
So let me get this straight, you think it is "fucked up" for the indigenous people of Spain to punish invaders who treated their men like eunuchs and their women like whores while you think it is perfectly acceptable for those same invader to tax the invaded.

Okay, let's get real here, guy. The Omayyad's drove out the Visigoths, who drove out the Romans, who drove out the Carthaginians. The Romans were particularly brutal in Spain.

So by the time that Spanish drove out the last of the Moorish invaders, it was something like six centuries later. A lot of these people never knew any other rulers.

Were they brutal? Maybe, but compared to whom? The Spanish went on to genocide the shit out of the Americas, after they were done having an inquisition that was so bad we still use it as a metaphor today.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
what's to address? you hate trump and will come up with 2-3 reasons a week to start a thread on it. you want to talk about real topics, stop making shit up to be mad about.
Okie dokie, that answers my question, thanks.

Pretty much every Republican who railed against Trump before he was elected, and then got in line behind him once he was President, has lost all credibility in my book. The fools who liked him right out of the gate never had any.
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?

Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).

Most people are shot by people they know. Sometimes people they share a bed with.

You just said that the police didn't find anything wrong, so must be tainted. Eric Holder(Obummers DOJ) didn't find anything wrong, but you suck Eric's dick and let him slide. I now know how you think, you sorry piece of white guilt trash.

No, I don't give Holder a pass. He should have prosecuted. He should have prosecuted Zimmerman, too. But he was too afraid of that 10% chance a jury might acquit and make him look bad.
I said
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?
Joe Said
Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).
Isnt disproportionately by their own race, the same as 90%? Joe, are you a fucking moron.


  1. too large or too small in comparison with something else:

Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Naw, man, I know you are just terrified of the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

sorry, one or two terrorist incidents a year, just can't get worked up about them. They aren't an existential threat to Western Civilization. They are just a way to keep dumb people like you panicked.

Europe's problems aren't my problems. Israel's problems aren't my problem.
/----/ So said the isolationist up until Dec 7, 1941
Isnt disproportionately by their own race, the same as 90%? Joe, are you a fucking moron.

No, disproportionately means a lot more than other people. Whites kill whites. Blacks kill blacks. Asians kill Asians.

The fact you try to use crime (too high in this country for a lot of reasons) to rationalize your racism isn't my problem.

/----/ So said the isolationist up until Dec 7, 1941

You mean after years of provoking the Axis Powers, they attacked us? Hellooooooo....
Isnt disproportionately by their own race, the same as 90%? Joe, are you a fucking moron.

No, disproportionately means a lot more than other people. Whites kill whites. Blacks kill blacks. Asians kill Asians.

The fact you try to use crime (too high in this country for a lot of reasons) to rationalize your racism isn't my problem.

/----/ So said the isolationist up until Dec 7, 1941

You mean after years of provoking the Axis Powers, they attacked us? Hellooooooo....
/----/ so FDR should have kept selling oil to Japan so they could continue the rape of Nanking and he should have cut off aid to Great Britan. Man are you a stand up guy.
Isnt disproportionately by their own race, the same as 90%? Joe, are you a fucking moron.

No, disproportionately means a lot more than other people. Whites kill whites. Blacks kill blacks. Asians kill Asians.

The fact you try to use crime (too high in this country for a lot of reasons) to rationalize your racism isn't my problem.

/----/ So said the isolationist up until Dec 7, 1941

You mean after years of provoking the Axis Powers, they attacked us? Hellooooooo....
I am done with you Joe, as I cannot compete with your stupidity. Have a blessed weekend Joe, you know up there in White Chicago, where you have 2 houses away from the crime riddled area of Southside. Enjoy your white guilt, Joe.
/----/ so FDR should have kept selling oil to Japan so they could continue the rape of Nanking and he should have cut off aid to Great Britan. Man are you a stand up guy.

Here was the thing. Nobody in 1941 wanted us to get into another war. So instead of putting us in the middle of a war no one signed up for, FDR should have went to Congress and asked for a declaration of war like Wilson did in 1917.

I am done with you Joe, as I cannot compete with your stupidity. Have a blessed weekend Joe, you know up there in White Chicago, where you have 2 houses away from the crime riddled area of Southside. Enjoy your white guilt, Joe.

I don't feel guilty about anything. I just think we have problems we need to correct. I didn't personally cause them, but they have to be fixed.
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?

Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).

Most people are shot by people they know. Sometimes people they share a bed with.

You just said that the police didn't find anything wrong, so must be tainted. Eric Holder(Obummers DOJ) didn't find anything wrong, but you suck Eric's dick and let him slide. I now know how you think, you sorry piece of white guilt trash.

No, I don't give Holder a pass. He should have prosecuted. He should have prosecuted Zimmerman, too. But he was too afraid of that 10% chance a jury might acquit and make him look bad.
I said
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?
Joe Said
Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).
Isnt disproportionately by their own race, the same as 90%? Joe, are you a fucking moron.


  1. too large or too small in comparison with something else:

View attachment 144414

Is English your native language?
I'm starting to turn against POTUS Trump. The dingbat is too stupid to leave well enough alone. He has to open his stupid piehole to counter every sound bite and slight that he perceives is against him. Sometimes, listen to the people below you whom you nominated and leave the podium. Leave the mike. You farking stupid asshole.
So let me get this straight, you think it is "fucked up" for the indigenous people of Spain to punish invaders who treated their men like eunuchs and their women like whores while you think it is perfectly acceptable for those same invader to tax the invaded.

Okay, let's get real here, guy. The Omayyad's drove out the Visigoths, who drove out the Romans, who drove out the Carthaginians. The Romans were particularly brutal in Spain.

So by the time that Spanish drove out the last of the Moorish invaders, it was something like six centuries later. A lot of these people never knew any other rulers.

Were they brutal? Maybe, but compared to whom? The Spanish went on to genocide the shit out of the Americas, after they were done having an inquisition that was so bad we still use it as a metaphor today.
*oppression is acceptable when it is against white people*
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?

Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).

Most people are shot by people they know. Sometimes people they share a bed with.

You just said that the police didn't find anything wrong, so must be tainted. Eric Holder(Obummers DOJ) didn't find anything wrong, but you suck Eric's dick and let him slide. I now know how you think, you sorry piece of white guilt trash.

No, I don't give Holder a pass. He should have prosecuted. He should have prosecuted Zimmerman, too. But he was too afraid of that 10% chance a jury might acquit and make him look bad.
I said
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?
Joe Said
Uh, no, they really aren't. Most white people are shot by other white people (86%). Most blacks are shot by other blacks (90%).
Isnt disproportionately by their own race, the same as 90%? Joe, are you a fucking moron.


  1. too large or too small in comparison with something else:

View attachment 144414

Is English your native language?
Rules for Radicals #13, attack me for what I said, don't debate the issue brought forth. Just fucking typical of a liberal.

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