A perfect example of how Trump hurts the GOP

Just the regressives' standard deflect/pivot/attack tactic to protect their pet constituent religion.

Like I've said to you many times, if we are going to insist on fighting a perpetual war in the Middle East, we shouldn't whine like bunch of bitches when the Middle East fights back.

We really have three choices.

1) Change our middle east policies to stop giving them fresh grievances (Unlikely, given our insatiable thirst for oil and the hammer lock the Zionist Lobby has on our politics.)

2) Militarize our society to try to change them, with a World War II level effort. Not sure I want to do that, either. We only won WWII, because a lot of other people were willing to do a lot of the heavy lifting, and some of them became problems after the war.

3) realize that one or two disaffected young men really isn't an existential threat. Yeah, it's bad. Yeah, Law Enforcement should do more about it. Yeah, we should even deport people who are the bad actors.

But at the end of the day, these things are Europe's problem. They imported these people to provide a source of cheap labor.

Let Europe deal with Europe's problems, we'll deal with ours.

1. Zionist Lobby? You belong down there with the white power guys and the hood rats. You speak with the gusto of a grand pooba krunk wizard Klan master. Middle East policy will never change as long as we need oil and gas.

2. Americans atr
Just a few examples of this being just Europe's problem. This is just the last 10 that have recently occurred in the history of the US. there are plenty more. Joe is an idiot.

That was something that happened 16 years ago, and the way your Boy Bush fucked that up, maybe it's time to try something else.

Hey, maybe we can try "not attacking a country that had nothing to do with the attacks while the people who did the attacks got away". There's an idea.

What I do find amusing is that 33,000 people die from gun violence every year, and you are going to get upset about the one or two who were muslims.

So Joe, it is your fault that people are dying by radical Muslims? You voted for Obama, who had multiple times Droned Arab cities killing innocent men, women and children. You are culpable for that.

I think Obama was just as guilty of continuing our same bad policies going back to 1973, when Nixon decided to intervene to save the Zionists. Our policies aren't going to change. The Jews run both parties in this country, and if you think they don't, you are delusional.

Now, here's what we COULD do.

1) Completely withdraw from the middle east, and annouce we are no longer going to take sides in their conflicts.

2) Spend that money we currently spend on overpriced military toys on alternative energy and transportation infrastructure to end our dependence on ME oil.

3) Hope to God they forget about the previous 40 years of slaughter we've inflicted on them.

But we aren't going to do that. Because at the end of the day, too many people are making money off the status quo.

1. Won't ever happen because you refuse to not use gas and electricity.

2. Obama did just that, but the tech ain't ready for the money yet. Potential is there, but even democrats make big oil money so nothing will change.

3.40 years of slaughter? You need to watch TV and Xbox less, and go out more. You would fit right in with the skin heads, why not go to a rally?
Just a few examples of this being just Europe's problem. This is just the last 10 that have recently occurred in the history of the US. there are plenty more. Joe is an idiot.

That was something that happened 16 years ago, and the way your Boy Bush fucked that up, maybe it's time to try something else.

Hey, maybe we can try "not attacking a country that had nothing to do with the attacks while the people who did the attacks got away". There's an idea.

What I do find amusing is that 33,000 people die from gun violence every year, and you are going to get upset about the one or two who were muslims.

So Joe, it is your fault that people are dying by radical Muslims? You voted for Obama, who had multiple times Droned Arab cities killing innocent men, women and children. You are culpable for that.

I think Obama was just as guilty of continuing our same bad policies going back to 1973, when Nixon decided to intervene to save the Zionists. Our policies aren't going to change. The Jews run both parties in this country, and if you think they don't, you are delusional.

Now, here's what we COULD do.

1) Completely withdraw from the middle east, and annouce we are no longer going to take sides in their conflicts.

2) Spend that money we currently spend on overpriced military toys on alternative energy and transportation infrastructure to end our dependence on ME oil.

3) Hope to God they forget about the previous 40 years of slaughter we've inflicted on them.

But we aren't going to do that. Because at the end of the day, too many people are making money off the status quo.
Joe it is amazing how sometimes you can make sense and post logic, but other times go off the rails with complete insanity. Do you have any explanation for this?

Yes, I can, whatever conforms to your opinions you call sane and logical, everything else you call crazy.
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And yet you retards fear the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich....

It is not like there's literally 1000s of years of recorded history in which Islam has sought to conquer the west or anything....

If they've been at it for "1000's of years" and haven't done it yet, there's about as much chance of them doing it as there is of Wile E. Coyote catching the Road Runner.
what about the blacks killing blacks Joe, without any consequences in the southside of your City, Joe? Dumbass.

I've already answered that one.

When a black person kills another black person, he is arrested, prosecuted, convicted (usually by a jury of other blacks) and sent to prison. We stopped executing them in Illinois because we had too many cases of the corrupt cops framing black people of crimes they didn't commit.

When a white cop kills a black person, police hide the evidence, the FOP throws up the defenses, prosecutors slow-roll investigations, the city tries to buy off families, and you usually have to sue to just get the evidence out into the light of day.

Which is why it's been three years since Jason van Dyke murdered LaQuan McDonald by shooting him 16 times in the back when he was lying on the ground, all caught on videotape, and the guy's trial STILL hasn't started yet. And he's insisting that people from outside Chicago be on his jury so he can get a 'fair" trial.
I posted before Joe that most of the people killed by police are white , yet you still insist that there is a black problem. I also pointed out that many of the police shootings are JUSTIFIED, with rare exceptions when the police overstep their bounds. Once perfect example of your bullshit white guilt crap, is the shooting of the "Unarmed" black thug who was "supposedly" running away from officer Wilson, but even Eric(the racist) Holder couldn't find fault with the officer, who shot the thug multiple times in the chest, "how can you shoot a guy in the chest when he is running away" yet you libfucks went into a frenzy and burned down Ferguson. Shitfucks like you , I pray every day, that some criminal breaks into your house, and then you decide if you want to call 911 or not. You hate police so much, but in time of need, you will be dialing and praying they show up in time.

1. Zionist Lobby? You belong down there with the white power guys and the hood rats. You speak with the gusto of a grand pooba krunk wizard Klan master. Middle East policy will never change as long as we need oil and gas.

Here's the thing. If we were ONLY interested in oil and gas, we'd throw the Zionists under the bus in a heartbeat, as they are the source of 90% of the hostility the Middle East has for us.

But AIPAC has a hammer lock on our politicians- both parties. Could you think of any other foreign country that has a lobby like AIPAC that dictates our policies? I can't.

3.40 years of slaughter? You need to watch TV and Xbox less, and go out more. You would fit right in with the skin heads, why not go to a rally?

Dude, I'm an old person, I don't play Xbox. But since 1980, we've bombed, occupied or invaded - Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Pakistan, probably some others I'm not listing here... Not to mention our complicity in everything the Zionists do to the Palestinians.
And yet you retards fear the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich....

It is not like there's literally 1000s of years of recorded history in which Islam has sought to conquer the west or anything....

If they've been at it for "1000's of years" and haven't done it yet, there's about as much chance of them doing it as there is of Wile E. Coyote catching the Road Runner.
You might want to educate yourself on the history of Southern Europe concerning Islam sometime....

Spain was literally enslaved by Islamic imperials.
1. Zionist Lobby? You belong down there with the white power guys and the hood rats. You speak with the gusto of a grand pooba krunk wizard Klan master. Middle East policy will never change as long as we need oil and gas.

Here's the thing. If we were ONLY interested in oil and gas, we'd throw the Zionists under the bus in a heartbeat, as they are the source of 90% of the hostility the Middle East has for us.

But AIPAC has a hammer lock on our politicians- both parties. Could you think of any other foreign country that has a lobby like AIPAC that dictates our policies? I can't.

3.40 years of slaughter? You need to watch TV and Xbox less, and go out more. You would fit right in with the skin heads, why not go to a rally?

Dude, I'm an old person, I don't play Xbox. But since 1980, we've bombed, occupied or invaded - Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Pakistan, probably some others I'm not listing here... Not to mention our complicity in everything the Zionists do to the Palestinians.
Not only is Joe a racist, but also a bigot as well. Keep up your KKK attitude Joe, it bequeaths you as a card carrying member.

Sen. Robert Byrd not only was a KKK member but led his local Klan chapter
ABC News noted that “despite his successful political track record, the Senate’s senior Democrat was no stranger to controversy and was once a member of the Ku Klux Klan,” as if calling for the extermination of dark-skinned peoples (as well as Jews, Catholics, and gays) was no more stirring a gaffe than Gary Hart’s monkey business.
I posted before Joe that most of the people killed by police are white , yet you still insist that there is a black problem. I also pointed out that many of the police shootings are JUSTIFIED, with rare exceptions when the police overstep their bounds.

Well, first, people of color are shot in disproportiately high numbers. And the problem of "justified" is that if the cop felt really scared, then it was 'justified".

Now, here's the thing. 1200 Americans are killed by police every year. Most of those are ruled Justified. By comparison, in the United Kingdom, only 54 people were killed by police in the last 25 years. And most of those killings aren't made a big deal about. But when they do make a big deal, it's for a good reason. - LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc.

Once perfect example of your bullshit white guilt crap, is the shooting of the "Unarmed" black thug who was "supposedly" running away from officer Wilson, but even Eric(the racist) Holder couldn't find fault with the officer, who shot the thug multiple times in the chest, "how can you shoot a guy in the chest when he is running away" yet you libfucks went into a frenzy and burned down Ferguson.

Holder couldn't find a FEDERAL law to prosecute him under. Not quite the same thing. The thing was, the fatal shots on Brown were fired from 100 feet away when he wasn't an immediate threat and some witnesses said he had his hands up.

Shitfucks like you , I pray every day, that some criminal breaks into your house, and then you decide if you want to call 911 or not. You hate police so much, but in time of need, you will be dialing and praying they show up in time.

You hope that we all die from the racism you perpetuate? Interesting.

of course, most people are murdered by people they know.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

So, you agree that he is the target, but you blame him and not those firing the shots?

Mac, your liberalism is strong today.
1. Zionist Lobby? You belong down there with the white power guys and the hood rats. You speak with the gusto of a grand pooba krunk wizard Klan master. Middle East policy will never change as long as we need oil and gas.

Here's the thing. If we were ONLY interested in oil and gas, we'd throw the Zionists under the bus in a heartbeat, as they are the source of 90% of the hostility the Middle East has for us.

But AIPAC has a hammer lock on our politicians- both parties. Could you think of any other foreign country that has a lobby like AIPAC that dictates our policies? I can't.

3.40 years of slaughter? You need to watch TV and Xbox less, and go out more. You would fit right in with the skin heads, why not go to a rally?

Dude, I'm an old person, I don't play Xbox. But since 1980, we've bombed, occupied or invaded - Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, Pakistan, probably some others I'm not listing here... Not to mention our complicity in everything the Zionists do to the Palestinians.

Okay you got me. Only thing I take issue with is the new hating. It comes off as white power/Alex Jones type stuff. The Middle East is a curse. I say let them all kill each other. I'll go a step further and say the only real reason we are in the Middle East other then oil is because Americans believe that when Jesus. Ones he won't burn America because we gave Israel nukes and bunker buster bombs. It's a funny thing. In my family both my sons have fought a war in the Middle East. I did no fighting, but I did go to the first party I over there. Keep the racist shit out of what you post man. It removes the validity from what you are saying.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Nobody wants to deflect from jihadism.

May all violent Muslim extremists be drowned in a mixture of pigs blood and my splooge.

I posted before Joe that most of the people killed by police are white , yet you still insist that there is a black problem. I also pointed out that many of the police shootings are JUSTIFIED, with rare exceptions when the police overstep their bounds.

Well, first, people of color are shot in disproportiately high numbers. And the problem of "justified" is that if the cop felt really scared, then it was 'justified".

Now, here's the thing. 1200 Americans are killed by police every year. Most of those are ruled Justified. By comparison, in the United Kingdom, only 54 people were killed by police in the last 25 years. And most of those killings aren't made a big deal about. But when they do make a big deal, it's for a good reason. - LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc.

Once perfect example of your bullshit white guilt crap, is the shooting of the "Unarmed" black thug who was "supposedly" running away from officer Wilson, but even Eric(the racist) Holder couldn't find fault with the officer, who shot the thug multiple times in the chest, "how can you shoot a guy in the chest when he is running away" yet you libfucks went into a frenzy and burned down Ferguson.

Holder couldn't find a FEDERAL law to prosecute him under. Not quite the same thing. The thing was, the fatal shots on Brown were fired from 100 feet away when he wasn't an immediate threat and some witnesses said he had his hands up.

Shitfucks like you , I pray every day, that some criminal breaks into your house, and then you decide if you want to call 911 or not. You hate police so much, but in time of need, you will be dialing and praying they show up in time.

You hope that we all die from the racism you perpetuate? Interesting.

of course, most people are murdered by people they know.
Well, first, people of color are shot in disproportiately high numbers. And the problem of "justified" is that if the cop felt really scared, then it was 'justified".
Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage: analysis
Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage
Analysis contradicts widespread views about racial targets
I guess if a white guy with a gun comes at a cop or a black guy with a gun comes at a cop, the cop is more afraid of the black than the white? You are such a retard Joe.

This is America Joe not some island that we kicked butt with back 200 years ago, Joe.
Those shots were not 100 feet away, Joe but every increasing in closeness as Mr. Brown was approaching the officer to do him harm. I guess you are as drugged up as the thug brown was, because you don't know if you are coming or going. Dumbass.

Also I noticed that you "SAID" all those things but not once did you put up anything to PROVE your point. Just because you saying it Joe, the moron, doesn't make it true.

Ferguson ‘Witness’ Who Made Up the ‘Hands Up, Don’t Shoot’ Lie...
Johnson told the media that Brown had his “hands up” and said “don’t shoot” to Wilson, but that Wilson murdered him anyway. Johnson even said Brown was shot in the back. His shocking claims led to riots, looting and violence that tore Fergsuon apart.

But both claims were proven to be complete fabrications by 3 coroner’s reports and the Grand Jury that later exonerated Wilson completely.
You Joe are a liar, Obama is a liar, all liberals lie, and you guys wonder why no one believes you or your fake news...
Okay you got me. Only thing I take issue with is the new hating. It comes off as white power/Alex Jones type stuff. The Middle East is a curse. I say let them all kill each other. I'll go a step further and say the only real reason we are in the Middle East other then oil is because Americans believe that when Jesus. Ones he won't burn America because we gave Israel nukes and bunker buster bombs. It's a funny thing. In my family both my sons have fought a war in the Middle East. I did no fighting, but I did go to the first party I over there. Keep the racist shit out of what you post man. It removes the validity from what you are saying.

I'm not sure how criticizing a religion is racist, exactly. The problem with Zionism is that it's a bunch of white people from Europe deciding they have a right to someone else's land because 2000 years ago, people who have the same religion they had lived there.

And, yes, the Christians in this country who think that we need for Israel to exist so Jesus can come back and bring the Apocalypse are kind of part of the problem. (A lot of liberal minded Jews actually see Zionism as kind of an embarrassment.
I guess if a white guy with a gun comes at a cop or a black guy with a gun comes at a cop, the cop is more afraid of the black than the white? You are such a retard Joe.

Um, yeah, the statistics kind of bear that out, dummy.

It's why the cops didn't shoot any of the nutters who took over that bird sanctuary in Oregon in 2015, but Tamir Rice got blown away for playing with a toy.

This is America Joe not some island that we kicked butt with back 200 years ago, Joe.
Those shots were not 100 feet away, Joe but every increasing in closeness as Mr. Brown was approaching the officer to do him harm. I guess you are as drugged up as the thug brown was, because you don't know if you are coming or going. Dumbass.

Also I noticed that you "SAID" all those things but not once did you put up anything to PROVE your point. Just because you saying it Joe, the moron, doesn't make it true.

Officer Wilson saying it doesn't make it true, either. But when the prosecutor excluded witnesses who said Brown had his hands up and allowed Witness #40, a schizophrenic with a history of racism who wasn't even there, to be a witness, you can tell the process was tainted.
*Slavery is progressive when brown people do it*

A Christian Serf in Andalusia probably lived better than a Christian Serf in England.

You see, the period that you guys whine about, the reason why the Islamic World had an advantage was because they embraced science, trade and multi-culturalism.

While a non-Muslim merely had to pay a tax in Andalusia, A non-Christian in Spain was likely to be tortured by the inquisition. That's kind of fucked up.
*Slavery is progressive when brown people do it*

A Christian Serf in Andalusia probably lived better than a Christian Serf in England.

You see, the period that you guys whine about, the reason why the Islamic World had an advantage was because they embraced science, trade and multi-culturalism.

While a non-Muslim merely had to pay a tax in Andalusia, A non-Christian in Spain was likely to be tortured by the inquisition. That's kind of fucked up.
*imperialism is progress when brown people do it*

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