A perfect example of how Trump hurts the GOP

I guess if a white guy with a gun comes at a cop or a black guy with a gun comes at a cop, the cop is more afraid of the black than the white? You are such a retard Joe.

Um, yeah, the statistics kind of bear that out, dummy.

It's why the cops didn't shoot any of the nutters who took over that bird sanctuary in Oregon in 2015, but Tamir Rice got blown away for playing with a toy.

This is America Joe not some island that we kicked butt with back 200 years ago, Joe.
Those shots were not 100 feet away, Joe but every increasing in closeness as Mr. Brown was approaching the officer to do him harm. I guess you are as drugged up as the thug brown was, because you don't know if you are coming or going. Dumbass.

Also I noticed that you "SAID" all those things but not once did you put up anything to PROVE your point. Just because you saying it Joe, the moron, doesn't make it true.

Officer Wilson saying it doesn't make it true, either. But when the prosecutor excluded witnesses who said Brown had his hands up and allowed Witness #40, a schizophrenic with a history of racism who wasn't even there, to be a witness, you can tell the process was tainted.
So because it was "tainted" that you lefties couldn't prove, your side went on the rampage, and justifiably burned the city down? Do you think the actions of the left was justifiable Joe?
Okay you got me. Only thing I take issue with is the new hating. It comes off as white power/Alex Jones type stuff. The Middle East is a curse. I say let them all kill each other. I'll go a step further and say the only real reason we are in the Middle East other then oil is because Americans believe that when Jesus. Ones he won't burn America because we gave Israel nukes and bunker buster bombs. It's a funny thing. In my family both my sons have fought a war in the Middle East. I did no fighting, but I did go to the first party I over there. Keep the racist shit out of what you post man. It removes the validity from what you are saying.

I'm not sure how criticizing a religion is racist, exactly. The problem with Zionism is that it's a bunch of white people from Europe deciding they have a right to someone else's land because 2000 years ago, people who have the same religion they had lived there.

And, yes, the Christians in this country who think that we need for Israel to exist so Jesus can come back and bring the Apocalypse are kind of part of the problem. (A lot of liberal minded Jews actually see Zionism as kind of an embarrassment.

When you start saying something normal people typically stop listening when they hear "Zionist ". It's the same as what happens when ya person says "n@/get, wet back chink or whatever. The person speaking is immediately dismissed as a lesser then.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.

Naw, man, I know you are just terrified of the sweaty Muslim you think is hiding under your bed.

sorry, one or two terrorist incidents a year, just can't get worked up about them. They aren't an existential threat to Western Civilization. They are just a way to keep dumb people like you panicked.

Europe's problems aren't my problems. Israel's problems aren't my problem.

I'm agreeing with JoeB?!? What's next? Will god blot out the sun?
I guess if a white guy with a gun comes at a cop or a black guy with a gun comes at a cop, the cop is more afraid of the black than the white? You are such a retard Joe.

Um, yeah, the statistics kind of bear that out, dummy.

It's why the cops didn't shoot any of the nutters who took over that bird sanctuary in Oregon in 2015, but Tamir Rice got blown away for playing with a toy.

This is America Joe not some island that we kicked butt with back 200 years ago, Joe.
Those shots were not 100 feet away, Joe but every increasing in closeness as Mr. Brown was approaching the officer to do him harm. I guess you are as drugged up as the thug brown was, because you don't know if you are coming or going. Dumbass.

Also I noticed that you "SAID" all those things but not once did you put up anything to PROVE your point. Just because you saying it Joe, the moron, doesn't make it true.

Officer Wilson saying it doesn't make it true, either. But when the prosecutor excluded witnesses who said Brown had his hands up and allowed Witness #40, a schizophrenic with a history of racism who wasn't even there, to be a witness, you can tell the process was tainted.
Officer Wilson saying it doesn't make it true, either
But both claims were proven to be complete fabrications by 3 coroner’s reports and the Grand Jury that later exonerated Wilson completely.
Once again Joe you lied, but hey, the more you talk ,the more you just make yourself look the fool,. I posted this 26 minutes ago #55 and you completely ignored it, and posted your bullshit reply typical of the liberal playbook. I wonder what you mother would say about your habitual lying Joe?

Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
So because it was "tainted" that you lefties couldn't prove, your side went on the rampage, and justifiably burned the city down? Do you think the actions of the left was justifiable Joe?

i think when you push people too far, they are going to react. It wasn't just the shooting of Brown, it was the entire conduct of that police department that regularly fined people for even the most minor offenses such as jaywalking.

But, yeah, when you put a known perjurer on the stand and present her as an eyewitnesses, that's a tainted process.
Once again Joe you lied, but hey, the more you talk ,the more you just make yourself look the fool,. I posted this 26 minutes ago #55 and you completely ignored it, and posted your bullshit reply typical of the liberal playbook. I wonder what you mother would say about your habitual lying Joe?

Yup, and I'm going to continue to ignore it, because the police can't be trusted to investigate themselves.

"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong."
So because it was "tainted" that you lefties couldn't prove, your side went on the rampage, and justifiably burned the city down? Do you think the actions of the left was justifiable Joe?

i think when you push people too far, they are going to react. It wasn't just the shooting of Brown, it was the entire conduct of that police department that regularly fined people for even the most minor offenses such as jaywalking.

But, yeah, when you put a known perjurer on the stand and present her as an eyewitnesses, that's a tainted process.
the 3 coroners were perjuring themselves? Joe, what the fuck is your problem?
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
I have a strong suspicion that Thursday's comments about the confederate statues were exactly that--an intentional deflection from .... all the other stuff that he'd rather not have folks talking about. Like disbanding three advisory councils in two days? Russia? Dunno.
I find it hard to believe he is intentionally fanning the flames of this mess. But it appears he is.
If Trump were to say "God Bless America" the establishment media would attack him and say that is the most disgusting racist statement they have ever heard a sitting president utter and then call for him to resign. Bob Corker would say that he needs to watch his language. John McCain would scream from his hospital bed about Trump insulting immigrants. Nancy Pelosi would tweet that Trump is trying to divide us. Hitlery would call for more resistance. Lindsey Graham would say "Fuck You Trump". Marco Rubio would say that Trump supports white supremacists. Paul Ryan would say "I can't defend these anti-American statements anymore". Unknown government officials would leak to the press that Trump was planning to resign before the end of the year.

Yeah.....Trump is the one fanning the flames. Lol. :slap:
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Once again Joe you lied, but hey, the more you talk ,the more you just make yourself look the fool,. I posted this 26 minutes ago #55 and you completely ignored it, and posted your bullshit reply typical of the liberal playbook. I wonder what you mother would say about your habitual lying Joe?

Yup, and I'm going to continue to ignore it, because the police can't be trusted to investigate themselves.

"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong."
Eric Holder investigated and found nothing was done wrong? Are you saying that Eric(the racist) Holder is a racist?
When you start saying something normal people typically stop listening when they hear "Zionist ". It's the same as what happens when ya person says "n@/get, wet back chink or whatever. The person speaking is immediately dismissed as a lesser then.

The Zionists call themselves "Zionists". It's only now that Zionism has become kind of a discredited philosophy that it's become a pejorative.

Maybe people need to listen, but frankly, the Zionist media spends hundreds of millions of dollars floating their propaganda, at least in this country.
I posted before Joe that most of the people killed by police are white , yet you still insist that there is a black problem. I also pointed out that many of the police shootings are JUSTIFIED, with rare exceptions when the police overstep their bounds.

Well, first, people of color are shot in disproportiately high numbers. And the problem of "justified" is that if the cop felt really scared, then it was 'justified".

Now, here's the thing. 1200 Americans are killed by police every year. Most of those are ruled Justified. By comparison, in the United Kingdom, only 54 people were killed by police in the last 25 years. And most of those killings aren't made a big deal about. But when they do make a big deal, it's for a good reason. - LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc.

Once perfect example of your bullshit white guilt crap, is the shooting of the "Unarmed" black thug who was "supposedly" running away from officer Wilson, but even Eric(the racist) Holder couldn't find fault with the officer, who shot the thug multiple times in the chest, "how can you shoot a guy in the chest when he is running away" yet you libfucks went into a frenzy and burned down Ferguson.

Holder couldn't find a FEDERAL law to prosecute him under. Not quite the same thing. The thing was, the fatal shots on Brown were fired from 100 feet away when he wasn't an immediate threat and some witnesses said he had his hands up.

Shitfucks like you , I pray every day, that some criminal breaks into your house, and then you decide if you want to call 911 or not. You hate police so much, but in time of need, you will be dialing and praying they show up in time.

You hope that we all die from the racism you perpetuate? Interesting.

of course, most people are murdered by people they know.

Have to agree, people of color ARE indeed shot disproportionately compared to honky's,BUT, in most cases it's by another minority of the same color. In all those cases as evidence came out it became more clear that those who were shot by cops needed to be shot except for Philando Castille. That cop shot anlegal CCW and all the NRA can do is commercials with Dana Lash. Apparently, the NRA gotnwoth the program and got them selves an infoslut.
Eric Hold investigated and found nothing was done wrong? Are you saying that Eric(the racist) Holders is a racist?

I'm saying Eric Holder couldn't find a Federal law that had been broken. It's not quite the same thing.

I do think that Holder had a bad habit of hyping up that his DOJ was going to do something and then didn't follow through because there was a slight chance he might lose. Shame on him.

Shit, Poppy Bush put the four cops who beat Rodney King on trial. And that guy lived and probably deserved the beating.
I posted before Joe that most of the people killed by police are white , yet you still insist that there is a black problem. I also pointed out that many of the police shootings are JUSTIFIED, with rare exceptions when the police overstep their bounds.

Well, first, people of color are shot in disproportiately high numbers. And the problem of "justified" is that if the cop felt really scared, then it was 'justified".

Now, here's the thing. 1200 Americans are killed by police every year. Most of those are ruled Justified. By comparison, in the United Kingdom, only 54 people were killed by police in the last 25 years. And most of those killings aren't made a big deal about. But when they do make a big deal, it's for a good reason. - LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc.

Once perfect example of your bullshit white guilt crap, is the shooting of the "Unarmed" black thug who was "supposedly" running away from officer Wilson, but even Eric(the racist) Holder couldn't find fault with the officer, who shot the thug multiple times in the chest, "how can you shoot a guy in the chest when he is running away" yet you libfucks went into a frenzy and burned down Ferguson.

Holder couldn't find a FEDERAL law to prosecute him under. Not quite the same thing. The thing was, the fatal shots on Brown were fired from 100 feet away when he wasn't an immediate threat and some witnesses said he had his hands up.

Shitfucks like you , I pray every day, that some criminal breaks into your house, and then you decide if you want to call 911 or not. You hate police so much, but in time of need, you will be dialing and praying they show up in time.

You hope that we all die from the racism you perpetuate? Interesting.

of course, most people are murdered by people they know.

Have to agree, people of color ARE indeed shot disproportionately compared to honky's,BUT, in most cases it's by another minority of the same color. In all those cases as evidence came out it became more clear that those who were shot by cops needed to be shot except for Philando Castille. That cop shot anlegal CCW and all the NRA can do is commercials with Dana Lash. Apparently, the NRA gotnwoth the program and got them selves an infoslut.
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?
When you start saying something normal people typically stop listening when they hear "Zionist ". It's the same as what happens when ya person says "n@/get, wet back chink or whatever. The person speaking is immediately dismissed as a lesser then.

The Zionists call themselves "Zionists". It's only now that Zionism has become kind of a discredited philosophy that it's become a pejorative.

Maybe people need to listen, but frankly, the Zionist media spends hundreds of millions of dollars floating their propaganda, at least in this country.

Blacks call each other n!gger and most Mexican call each other fag. Don't make it okay or a good way to have a Conversation. When it's used they way you and most democrats here use it it either comes off as Alex Jones or white power. Sometimes both.
Eric Hold investigated and found nothing was done wrong? Are you saying that Eric(the racist) Holders is a racist?

I'm saying Eric Holder couldn't find a Federal law that had been broken. It's not quite the same thing.

I do think that Holder had a bad habit of hyping up that his DOJ was going to do something and then didn't follow through because there was a slight chance he might lose. Shame on him.

Shit, Poppy Bush put the four cops who beat Rodney King on trial. And that guy lived and probably deserved the beating.
You just said that the police didn't find anything wrong, so must be tainted. Eric Holder(Obummers DOJ) didn't find anything wrong, but you suck Eric's dick and let him slide. I now know how you think, you sorry piece of white guilt trash.
I posted before Joe that most of the people killed by police are white , yet you still insist that there is a black problem. I also pointed out that many of the police shootings are JUSTIFIED, with rare exceptions when the police overstep their bounds.

Well, first, people of color are shot in disproportiately high numbers. And the problem of "justified" is that if the cop felt really scared, then it was 'justified".

Now, here's the thing. 1200 Americans are killed by police every year. Most of those are ruled Justified. By comparison, in the United Kingdom, only 54 people were killed by police in the last 25 years. And most of those killings aren't made a big deal about. But when they do make a big deal, it's for a good reason. - LaQuan McDonald, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, etc.

Once perfect example of your bullshit white guilt crap, is the shooting of the "Unarmed" black thug who was "supposedly" running away from officer Wilson, but even Eric(the racist) Holder couldn't find fault with the officer, who shot the thug multiple times in the chest, "how can you shoot a guy in the chest when he is running away" yet you libfucks went into a frenzy and burned down Ferguson.

Holder couldn't find a FEDERAL law to prosecute him under. Not quite the same thing. The thing was, the fatal shots on Brown were fired from 100 feet away when he wasn't an immediate threat and some witnesses said he had his hands up.

Shitfucks like you , I pray every day, that some criminal breaks into your house, and then you decide if you want to call 911 or not. You hate police so much, but in time of need, you will be dialing and praying they show up in time.

You hope that we all die from the racism you perpetuate? Interesting.

of course, most people are murdered by people they know.

Have to agree, people of color ARE indeed shot disproportionately compared to honky's,BUT, in most cases it's by another minority of the same color. In all those cases as evidence came out it became more clear that those who were shot by cops needed to be shot except for Philando Castille. That cop shot anlegal CCW and all the NRA can do is commercials with Dana Lash. Apparently, the NRA gotnwoth the program and got them selves an infoslut.
people of color are shot disproportionately by their own race, why is that?

Well, to put it bluntly, lack of initiative to go out and grab an opportunity.
Another slaughter in Europe, and all we're talking about is statues and Hitler.

And let's not pretend this was not predictable, or some kind of surprise. You don't hitch your wagon to a guy who you KNOW AHEAD OF TIME is going to be the easiest target in the history of historical histories.

No doubt, those who want to deflect from jihadism are grateful for this guy.
oh look - a trump sucks post from you.

i'm agosh and afire with surprise.
My goodness. Are you ever going to actually address one of my posts head on, or are you just going to bitch about their existence?

If this is the best you can do, let me know, and I'll add you to the wingers on both ends whose posts I don't go out my way to read.
what's to address? you hate trump and will come up with 2-3 reasons a week to start a thread on it. you want to talk about real topics, stop making shit up to be mad about.

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