A Perfect Summation on Vaccine Failure

On 17 Nov, this:
'This is rather pathetic coming from a Democrat who was AWOL 3 years ago and never criticized Fauci, Birx, Redfield, etc. Why the outrage now, after millions have died and the Frankenstein science keeps going?'
You like so many the left are hypocrites to your cause. Like Bernie who once stood for anti-war, anti-billionaires, anti-establishment, anti-big pharma you have become Fascists. WTF!


rightwinger is on the bottom of the OP poster--the vaccines won't do you any good, and you may die, but you will go to heaven if you die from vaccines because you did the right thing.

It's a religion. A cult.
They might have saved some lives for a couple of months, before they wore off.

Now they are killing people. Turbo-cancer, for one.
On other threads, we are tracking the cancer, and will show that it links to American coronaviruses, circa 2009.
rightwinger is on the bottom of the OP poster--the vaccines won't do you any good, and you may die, but you will go to heaven if you die from vaccines because you did the right thing.

It's a religion. A cult.
Typhoid Sue strikes again

Spreading misinformation that killed hundreds of thousands.
It is a crap shoot at best.

I know of fully vaccinated people that didn't get Covid.

I know of fully vaccinated people that got Covid.

I know of two people that died of Covid. One was vaccinated and one was not.

I know people that had no adverse effect with the vaccine.

I know of one person that spent three days in the emergency room because of the vaccine.

I know of children that tested positive for Covid and never had any symptoms that amounted to a hill of beans.

Biden's Chicom buddies' bioweapon sure screwed up this country. At least the Biden family got rich from the Chicoms. The Chicoms also got their man in the White House.
rightwinger is on the bottom of the OP poster--the vaccines won't do you any good, and you may die, but you will go to heaven if you die from vaccines because you did the right thing.

It's a religion. A cult.
It’s most ironic that the left calls Trumpers Fascists, yet they’re the ones demanding all comply with government dictates. They are the ones trying to silence independent voices.
It’s most ironic that the left calls Trumpers Fascists, yet they’re the ones demanding all comply with government dictates. They are the ones trying to silence independent voices.
It is called following the law
It’s most ironic that the left calls Trumpers Fascists, yet they’re the ones demanding all comply with government dictates. They are the ones trying to silence independent voices.

In some ways I think Trump broke them because he IS them....and they hate looking at it.

I voted for Trump twice and I don't spend a fraction of the time they do obsessing about him. He's a politician. I don't care.

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