A plan to save the western civilization


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

We draft a plan that says America doesn't recognize Islam as an official religion, we will classify it as a crime syndicate, and all Mosques are to be destroyed.

based on the history of murder, slavery, child molestation, and inability to practice forgiveness.

Step #2

We find a legislator that is willing to draw up the bill. Any legislator that even so much as hesitates to write and support the bill will be on their way pout of office.

Step #3

We put the bill up for a vote. (state level) When the bill passes by 70% we celebrate the new law of the land.

Step #4

When the traffic judge throws the law out, we remove the judge and overturn the ruling.

Step #5

When the ACLU shows up and tells us we can't pass the law, we have the ACLU show us in the Constitution where it says the ACLU decides what is constitutional. We remind the ACLU that the only "Civil Rights" come from the Bill of Rights, not their kooky opinions. We put our guns in their face and tell the ACLU to take a hike.

Step #6

We start bulldozing Mosques.

When the police show up to stop us, we remind the police that they work for us "civilians" and we will disband the police department, and raise our own militia to police the city.

Step #7

When the feds start acting up and threaten action, we tell the feds they have no jurisdiction here, and now is a good time to bring up all the other illegal sht the feds are doing.
Not a bad idea. You just need a good title of the plan that is representative of what it is.

How about:
The plan to destroy everything that America stands for
The plan to ensure tranquility at the cost of freedom

or the best one:
The plan to allow fear and loathing to replace sanity

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