A plea to Democrats, stop milking this immigration issue with effin tears!!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Off all the crap Trump and his family and his administration has pulled since going into office, from Pruitt milking tax payers, to the Trumps profiting from the white house....not one single democrat has spoken on it or held a press conference complaining about it, only Adam Schiff is speaking up. Now, because of this immigration shit, we got Rachel Madow crying, John Lewis moaning and crying, every democrat under the banner, all boarding the "free the immigrant; Titanic", because of the out pouring of rage from the american public...Now they're having press conferences, talk show appearances, you name the venue, they're all on board. To date, not one single democrat or republican has come up with a solution to illegal immigration, not one....because that would require making a decision of prosecuting Wall Street from hiring and profiting off these people

But where is the outrage over Trump and his administration? Where is the outrage when American born children in the inner cities can't play out side or enjoy a summer due to gun violence and threats? Where is the outrage over our kids being ripped from their parents due to OPIOD abuse and drugs? Where's the outrage of our young black kids being systematically slaughter by inner city cops? Newest victim, Antwon Rose It’s since been learned that the teenager was shot three times in the back as he ran from a vehicle that was stopped by police Tuesday evening. Police said they stopped the car in an investigation into an earlier drive-by shooting.

Democrats always to play it safe when there's a national consensus.....we jumped on the MeToo boat and lost good politicians, while Trump still sit in the white house, never challenging the man, just clearing our house, yet coward when the Parkland kids demanded gun legislation.

Despite the uproar today...this Nov. as a voter, I want to know what are you going to do for me, my family, my community, my country and so help me, reuniting illegal kids ain't on my list...sorry!!


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