A Possibility?,What Next?,White Paint Has Got To Go?,And Later.Black And Brown Paint Too !!


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
well it seems as if we are getting there. If they can tell Aunt Jemima to take a hike, then the loons can tell any retailer that sells art/house paint that White Paint needs to be removed from the shelves immediately !!!, and along with black paint, and certain shades of brown paint too!
Hmm, isn't white the best selling color of home paint and craft paint?
what are we to do? substitute it with orange or yellow?
Chess, white always moves first. Plus for the board to be set properly you must have a white square on your right. Not the left, the RIGHT!
I've painted some of the white walls I had in my home to a bright Communist red. I do not want any allegations of racism in my dossier.
Chess, white always moves first. Plus for the board to be set properly you must have a white square on your right. Not the left, the RIGHT!
just you wait,,give it another month, in blue states, if you ask a salesman any question about "White Paint" you will be deemed a racist and security will escort you back to your car!
The branding of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's were based in racial stereotypes when they started. White paint never started off as a racial stereotype. But, good to see that you are busy trying to make it one.

Are we going to have to build a Black House if any future presidents are black?

What if they're purple, green, red, brown, yellow, etc,...?

Might have to buy up all the DC area and some of the surrounding districts just to accommodate the federal property required.


Chess, white always moves first. Plus for the board to be set properly you must have a white square on your right. Not the left, the RIGHT!
i can just vision the day coming when someone like me, heads for the check out with 3 or 4 gallons of white paint, and when I get to the black female cashier, she get on the store mike and says,,,"Attention Please, Attention Please, I need security at check out 7, got a whitey here buying whitey paint"
If the Ds take the House and Senate expect your assets to vanish.
I'm not joking.
The minorities at my local Western Beef are incredibly friendly and are disgusted by BLM.
i go to Micheals often for craft paint, I buy white paint often, maybe I should stock up soon?

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