A possible "hidden nugget" in the Mueller report

So there is nothing

Gnat cannot wrap his head around the concept of 'nothing'.
Countless others, too!

and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.
Some special counsel investigations have taken longer; it is the nature of such probes to drag on and on. But why did Mueller need nearly two years to determine whether the Trump campaign and Russia conspired or coordinated to fix the 2016 election?

He didn’t, it appears. In the wake of the release of Mueller’s report, there are indications that special counsel prosecutors mostly knew by the end of 2017, and certainly by a few months later, that the evidence would not establish that conspiracy or coordination — or collusion, to use the popular term — had taken place. Mueller clearly spent a lot of time on the other half of his report — trying to establish that Trump obstructed justice — but on the most explosive and consequential allegation of the Trump-Russia affair, the conspiracy allegation, the Mueller investigation was essentially over long before it officially ended.
...Mueller.....could NEVER indict a sitting president, no on with a half brain would have "concluded" that the final report would call for an outright indictment.......if that was the expectation, then those expecting it were fools...
I'm with you on "Johnny The Commie" Brennan. That old commie fool with less than half a brain told us to expect indictments.
...Mueller's task was .... [f]or Congress to take up the task and utilize the evidence offered to invoke "high crimes and misdemeanors" as the conduit towards developing artciles of impeachment...
No it wasn't. Mueller has no authority to conduct an impeachment inquiry, Congress has the power of Impeachment and Muller was operating within the Executive Branch.
....were Trump just an "ordinary citizen" he WOULD BE INDICTED based on the report...
If wishes were kisses I'd be covered in lipstick. Trump IS the President. Trump WAS Comey's Boss and had every right to discuss Comey's work and to make recommendations. Your novel theory of an FBI director that is unaccountable to the elected head of the Executive Branch is yet another bit of nonsense that the Left has burped up for clicks from idiots.

The country is never going to stand for a President being removed from office for exercising his lawful constitutional powers. As Barr warned, go down this path and any prosecutor can, after the fact, criminalize ANY decision by ANY member of the Executive branch that the prosecutor disagrees with.

Now an unlawful act, like when Clinton lied under oath or arranged for Monica to submit a false affidavit to the court, those are clear crimes and frankly the country didn't support impeachment for even that.

But if you guys want to impeach Trump, by all means get on with it. I know some people claim it would destroy your party, but hell, you survived starting and losing the Civil War, why shouldn't you survive this as well? I say: "Giddy Up!"
...Of course, one extreme necessity for Trump is to be re-elected so that statutes of limitations would lapse, allowing him to escape justice.
Trump will be re-elected. Do you think Dems should nominate another woman, or knowing that would mean that the first two democrat women nominated go 0-2, wouldn't be better for Biden to take a flop for the team?

Mueller only ended this farce because of the IG report that was going to report that this entire thing was a hoax engineered by the Obama Administration complete with under oath lies to FISC. When Mueller was appointed SC, his billing rates likely tripled and he would have hung around until run out of town, but with the IG report due, he packed up his crap and ran like his tail was on fire.
Barr........the Trump newest stooge, "wisely" chose to REDACT most of the testimony that Don Junior gave before a grand jury....

A few legal scholars have speculated that most likely, Don Jr. decided to plead the 5th since, basically, the guy is a slimy son of an equally slimy daddy.......Now, Trump has often used the 5th amendment to cover his corrupt behind.....and COULD have used it if he had the balls to testify before Mueller......(but he was too scared.)

Bear in mind that eventually, ALL redacted parts of Mueller's report will have to surface......and if indeed Donny-baby pleaded the 5th, the entire corrupt Trump family will have to come to terms with the following:

Trump's past comments about pleading the Fifth look pretty ominous ...

'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?' Trump said — years ...

Trump blasts those who take the Fifth, but he used it 97 times on ...

Once again you show that your priorities are entirely partisan. Mueller's work is about a criminal and national security investigation. But what you care about is finding something embarrassing against Donald.
lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

......WITH one major difference....

Trump could have gone on in the private sector with his life-long screwing of poor sub contractors, cheating on his taxes, and laundering money for Russian oligarchs, etc.....BUT, his ego has now placed him in the stark spotlight of a congress that is not intimidated by his bullying, his threats of unleashing his attorneys at them, etc...................AND, Trump will live to regret that he placed family and fortune to closer scrutiny.
Barr........the Trump newest stooge, "wisely" chose to REDACT most of the testimony that Don Junior gave before a grand jury....

A few legal scholars have speculated that most likely, Don Jr. decided to plead the 5th since, basically, the guy is a slimy son of an equally slimy daddy.......Now, Trump has often used the 5th amendment to cover his corrupt behind.....and COULD have used it if he had the balls to testify before Mueller......(but he was too scared.)

Bear in mind that eventually, ALL redacted parts of Mueller's report will have to surface......and if indeed Donny-baby pleaded the 5th, the entire corrupt Trump family will have to come to terms with the following:

Trump's past comments about pleading the Fifth look pretty ominous ...

'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?' Trump said — years ...

Trump blasts those who take the Fifth, but he used it 97 times on ...

Still desperately grasping at straws I see. After nine innings of play when you've had your ass whooped so badly the game is over, dunce.

better send that memo to Goldilocks .....
Better you should go see a shrink. Maybe there's help for you but it's doubtful.
So there is nothing

Gnat cannot wrap his head around the concept of 'nothing'.
Countless others, too!

and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

$35 million dollars of taxpayer paid oversight wasn't enough for you?
lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.
... the stark spotlight of a congress ...
Fat Jerry Nadler is gonna get Trump? You think that Americans feel the same way about Trump that you do, and that driving him from office is the biggest concern facing our nation.

GDP growth rates are up 50% under Trump, our paychecks are rising as we enjoy low inflation growth.

This entire thing was a farce and when you had to show your cards, Mueller admitted that he didn't have squat.

The Mueller Report Indicts the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory.

“In the end, Mueller’s report shows that the Trump-Russia collusion narrative embraced and evangelized by the US political and media establishments to be a work of fiction. The American public was presented with a far different picture from what was expected, because leading pundits, outlets, and politicians ignored the countervailing facts and promoted maximalist interpretations of others. Anonymous officials also leaked explosive yet uncorroborated claims, leaving behind many stories that were subsequently discredited, retracted, or remain unconfirmed to this day.”​

When the Left has lost the The Nation!
So there is nothing

Gnat cannot wrap his head around the concept of 'nothing'.
Countless others, too!

and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

$35 million dollars of taxpayer paid oversight wasn't enough for you?
Not only has Trump not colluded with the Russians, but, Trump has more female senior advisers than last three administrations.
So there is nothing

Gnat cannot wrap his head around the concept of 'nothing'.
Countless others, too!

and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

$35 million dollars of taxpayer paid oversight wasn't enough for you?

every time he wipes his butt his drones lick his fingers -
Last edited:
Gnat cannot wrap his head around the concept of 'nothing'.
Countless others, too!

and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

$35 million dollars of taxpayer paid oversight wasn't enough for you?

every time he wipes his butt his drones lick his fingers - like you're doing now.

You can't handle the truth, eh?
No doubt.
So there is nothing

Gnat cannot wrap his head around the concept of 'nothing'.
Countless others, too!

and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

When did he screw up?
and you cant wrap your mini-brain around Congress totally disagrees with your tripe -

A Congress that OVERREACHES bruddah, instead of conducting oversight.

lack of oversight got Trump where he is today -- getting by with countless fuck ups without consequence empowered his fat ass.

$35 million dollars of taxpayer paid oversight wasn't enough for you?

every time he wipes his butt his drones lick his fingers - like you're doing now.

You can't handle the truth, eh?
No doubt.

If he could handle the truth he wouldnt be a Democrat
Barr........the Trump newest stooge, "wisely" chose to REDACT most of the testimony that Don Junior gave before a grand jury....

A few legal scholars have speculated that most likely, Don Jr. decided to plead the 5th since, basically, the guy is a slimy son of an equally slimy daddy.......Now, Trump has often used the 5th amendment to cover his corrupt behind.....and COULD have used it if he had the balls to testify before Mueller......(but he was too scared.)

Bear in mind that eventually, ALL redacted parts of Mueller's report will have to surface......and if indeed Donny-baby pleaded the 5th, the entire corrupt Trump family will have to come to terms with the following:

Trump's past comments about pleading the Fifth look pretty ominous ...

'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?' Trump said — years ...

Trump blasts those who take the Fifth, but he used it 97 times on ...
Take a nap, Jake
Barr........the Trump newest stooge, "wisely" chose to REDACT most of the testimony that Don Junior gave before a grand jury....

A few legal scholars have speculated that most likely, Don Jr. decided to plead the 5th since, basically, the guy is a slimy son of an equally slimy daddy.......Now, Trump has often used the 5th amendment to cover his corrupt behind.....and COULD have used it if he had the balls to testify before Mueller......(but he was too scared.)

Bear in mind that eventually, ALL redacted parts of Mueller's report will have to surface......and if indeed Donny-baby pleaded the 5th, the entire corrupt Trump family will have to come to terms with the following:

Trump's past comments about pleading the Fifth look pretty ominous ...

'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?' Trump said — years ...

Trump blasts those who take the Fifth, but he used it 97 times on ...
If you had even 1 brain cell....
THAT would be a hidden nugget
Barr........the Trump newest stooge, "wisely" chose to REDACT most of the testimony that Don Junior gave before a grand jury....

A few legal scholars have speculated that most likely, Don Jr. decided to plead the 5th since, basically, the guy is a slimy son of an equally slimy daddy.......Now, Trump has often used the 5th amendment to cover his corrupt behind.....and COULD have used it if he had the balls to testify before Mueller......(but he was too scared.)

Bear in mind that eventually, ALL redacted parts of Mueller's report will have to surface......and if indeed Donny-baby pleaded the 5th, the entire corrupt Trump family will have to come to terms with the following:

Trump's past comments about pleading the Fifth look pretty ominous ...

'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?' Trump said — years ...

Trump blasts those who take the Fifth, but he used it 97 times on ...
/——/ @realDonaldTrump
Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”
Barr........the Trump newest stooge, "wisely" chose to REDACT most of the testimony that Don Junior gave before a grand jury....

A few legal scholars have speculated that most likely, Don Jr. decided to plead the 5th since, basically, the guy is a slimy son of an equally slimy daddy.......Now, Trump has often used the 5th amendment to cover his corrupt behind.....and COULD have used it if he had the balls to testify before Mueller......(but he was too scared.)

Bear in mind that eventually, ALL redacted parts of Mueller's report will have to surface......and if indeed Donny-baby pleaded the 5th, the entire corrupt Trump family will have to come to terms with the following:

Trump's past comments about pleading the Fifth look pretty ominous ...

'If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth?' Trump said — years ...

Trump blasts those who take the Fifth, but he used it 97 times on ...

/——/ @realDonaldTrump
Bob Mueller was a great HERO to the Radical Left Democrats. Now that the Mueller Report is finished, with a finding of NO COLLUSION & NO OBSTRUCTION (based on a review of Report by our highly respected A.G.), the Dems are going around saying, “Bob who, sorry, don’t know the man.”

They're worse than the birfers...And they were nucking futs.

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