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A possible reason why Trump is trying to silence opposition media

Oh, we see the difference. This time, it's your guys getting the cold shoulder. And you didn't say squat about then.

And by the way, rating everything with which you disagree as 'funny' really is not.

Someday....maybe....when you grow up.....you too will be able to tellthe difference between an Obama having a feud with FOX......and Trump having a feud with EVERYONE but FOX and Breitbart and Daily Caller......One can only hope.....for your sake of smartening up......LOL

Far as I know there was no O'bama equivalent.

Guess that's why the poster can't be specific. Nothing to hang his hat on but vague innuendo and out the other.

The New York Times disagreed, but I'm sure you know best...

Still no specifics, still no link. As expected.

Previously provided. Since google seems to be too much for you to handle, here you go:


You really are an ass.

You really are a doofus. **YOU** brought up the assertion about the NYT, ***YOU*** therefore have the burden of proof. It ain't my job to go hunt down something I just got done saying I hve no reason to believe exists. You actually want me to go hunt for something I have no reason to believe exists, because you can't do it? Are you retarded?

Ten minutes I'll never get back. I read the whole article and it contains no such story. Next time don't shoot if all you have is blanks.
On the road to dictatorship and fascism, the free press is and free speech are always the first casualties.

Well, when they become casualties, let us know.

Being shunned from a presidential press conference does not qualify.

How about when Trump said that the media should be required to reveal their sources of information when they publish it? That is ironic, considering that Trump himself is constantly revealing fake news to the press, like the 3 million fraudulent votes that were cast for Hillary, with only "I have been given that information..." as his given source. But more important than his hypocrisy is that truths, like Watergate, would never have been revealed.

Actually that's also the same lame excuse he had for the electoral college gaffe --- "it's what I was told". Which (a) continues a lifelong aversion to ever taking any responsibility for anything, ever, and (b) speaks volumes about his own pathetic need for self-delusion to ignore the real world and contrive his own facts, even provable quantifiable ones like numbers, because his fragile narcissistic ego can't handle reality.

As far as Rump constantly feeding fake news to the press, it goes back a long time --- not only the fake Rump water and fake Rump steaks he tried to pawn off in a campaign event, but years ago when he was feeding stories about himself behind the fake names of "John Miller" and "John Baron".
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Same treasonous media screw heads that attacked McCarthy, with the same idea, and same group of people behind it.
Same treasonous media screw heads that attacked McCarthy, with the same idea, and same group of people behind it.

About the best thing that I can say about tailgunner (who never was a tailgunner) Joe McCarthy is that he drank himself to a premature death....
Liberalism is an endangered religion under Trump! Keep up the good work president Trump!

Stupid response......Trump's ONLY reason to be converted into the "conservative" ranks, was because he saw that as the WEAKER of the 2 major parties where he could gain traction for his power-quest.

He is neither a conservative or liberal......just a power hungry demagogue.
Is that why conservatives are happy, and your kind are losing your minds?
Trump being elected is a win for Libs because inevitably it will turn voters running back to the Dems. That said I think the system does need a shake up I just wish a mentally stable person with sound policies was there to make it happen, as in lead the Dems back to the party of FDR. The Dems will continue to lose should they stay with a 1992's Clintonesque Democrat Leadership Counsel-Led from the Middle politics.
Is that why conservatives are happy, and your kind are losing your minds?

True....SOME conservatives are happy because they have found a perfect stooge in Trump. The problem will arise when Trump asks them to fund his "causes" while slashing taxes and be faced with a HUGE debt.
In the past eight years liberals didn't care about debt. Why all a sudden you care now?
When the GOP wins the WH conservative voters don't care about the deficit and debt either! Why is that????
Most right wingers who are now stuck with the Trumpster have NO choice but to condone all of the excesses this clown is imposing on our democracy.....and that is too bad; brainwashing is never pleasant to watch.

However, the current administration is well aware that there are very damaging leaks about the Trump administration dealings with Russian thugs just waiting to be exposed in the upcoming weeks (and probably some of these leaks will be from the Russians themselves in their quest to ridicule the current status of U.S. standing in the world's eyes.)

Given these realities, the oval office has launched a preemptive strike against our own media outlets (labeling them fake news) in order to "cushion" the blow of what these media outlets will soon reveal..

Cute theory.

First of all, Republicans voted for Trump because they thought he was a fighter, he wouldn't kowtow to the liberal media, and he would actually try to get stuff done as opposed to giving nothing but rhetoric about good vibes. Because the Left can't go 48 hours without giving itself a hernia over Trump doesn't mean we're in dire straits. We're good. :)

Second, the one thing that won't work on Trump is the one thing the media keeps trying to use, and that is innuendo. Most of us know the media is in the tank for the Democrats, they're pissed off Hillary lost, and now they want to drag Trump through the mud and call it holding him accountable. The thing that would cut through all the sore loser petty nonsense is the truth, but that requires waiting on something concrete to go on. Prove Trump and/or his aides are closely allied with Russia. Prove he colluded with Russia to have them hack the DNC. Hell, we could go even simpler than that: PROVE RUSSIA WAS INVOLVED AT ALL. Making sure to say that the FBI is investigating Trump and what they "think" they know is all about innuendo and making it seem like they know something they don't.

And lastly, the media came up with the term "fake news" to explain why Hillary lost. Allegedly people sharing fake news stories on social media caused her to be corrupt and lacking substance which is why Trump won. Trump is just washing the media's face in their own made up term.
Most right wingers who are now stuck with the Trumpster have NO choice but to condone all of the excesses this clown is imposing on our democracy.....and that is too bad; brainwashing is never pleasant to watch.

However, the current administration is well aware that there are very damaging leaks about the Trump administration dealings with Russian thugs just waiting to be exposed in the upcoming weeks (and probably some of these leaks will be from the Russians themselves in their quest to ridicule the current status of U.S. standing in the world's eyes.)

Given these realities, the oval office has launched a preemptive strike against our own media outlets (labeling them fake news) in order to "cushion" the blow of what these media outlets will soon reveal.

Whenever any organization is beleaguered by an onslaught of controversy, the organization retreats into its bunkers hoping that the controversy will be overshadowed by a more important exigency.

Ultimately this sham of an administration will not be brought down by so-called liberals, but by sane republicans who would rather lose a battle than a more devastating war launched by a charlatan under their banner.

We will be facing very nasty and contentious springtime months..

Obama set the standard for bashing news. From entire stations to individual reporters, he was bashing away. You come across as a whiny punk. Obama attacked police, and he even had the audacity to tell half the country to get in back. He was a punk thug that ignored what was best for the country he was tasked with protecting and did the opposite. You lazy whiny liberals need to step up to plate. Stop physically attacking people and burning things that don't belong to you and open up your checkbook and start sponsoring illegals to live with you. Be responsible for their welfare and actions. How many Syrian's have you welcomed into your home?

That does not mean you put an incompetent idiot unable to answer a simple question in the white house.. Talked about his rating yesterday lied about how big his election was biggest ever when it was not even close and a reporter told him he just said that's what I have been told..

So either people tell him what he wants to hear or he is surrounded with incompetent idiots that he appointed.. And even if that's the case he watches the TV a lot which points out his lies and dishonesty so he must know they are lies but continues to repeat them anyway... He lives a delusional land.. I hear you if there are things you want to change but this is stupid... If you can not see that I can not help you...
No President has ever had the low poll readings that the orange clown has at present this early in their term.

Same polls that predicted a Hillary landslide? :/
The polls failed to take into consideration the Republicans ability to interject Interstate Crosschecking to purge and suppress Democrat voters in key battle ground states just enough for Trump to win those states.
No President has ever had the low poll readings that the orange clown has at present this early in their term.

Same polls that predicted a Hillary landslide? :/
The polls failed to take into consideration the Republicans ability to interject Interstate Crosschecking to purge and suppress Democrat voters in key battle ground states just enough for Trump to win those states.

I believe that the polls also failed because many voters who were polled were too ashamed to admit that they would actually vote for an orange clown (as they are now ashmed to admit.....as they should be.)
No President has ever had the low poll readings that the orange clown has at present this early in their term.

Same polls that predicted a Hillary landslide? :/
The polls failed to take into consideration the Republicans ability to interject Interstate Crosschecking to purge and suppress Democrat voters in key battle ground states just enough for Trump to win those states.

I believe that the polls also failed because many voters who were polled were too ashamed to admit that they would actually vote for an orange clown (as they are now ashmed to admit.....as they should be.)

But when the time came, they voted for him. It's going to end up being the best thing they ever did. :p

I hope.
Trump being elected is a win for Libs because inevitably it will turn voters running back to the Dems. That said I think the system does need a shake up I just wish a mentally stable person with sound policies was there to make it happen, as in lead the Dems back to the party of FDR. The Dems will continue to lose should they stay with a 1992's Clintonesque Democrat Leadership Counsel-Led from the Middle politics.

Well stated......

I and millions of others would not care to hear the name Clinton again, and as I would also readily admit, D.C. DOES NEED a major shakeup, but such cannot nor can be adequately done when given the task in the hands of an inept demagogue who has surrounded himself with equally inept acolytes or surrounded himself with smarter but much more evil and self-serving bastards. .
But when the time came, they voted for him. It's going to end up being the best thing they ever did

Only after just one month, "buyers' remorse" is in full gear; smarter right wingers realize this.....folks like you lost, but haven;t the brains or balls to admit it.....Yet.
Trump being elected is a win for Libs because inevitably it will turn voters running back to the Dems. That said I think the system does need a shake up I just wish a mentally stable person with sound policies was there to make it happen, as in lead the Dems back to the party of FDR. The Dems will continue to lose should they stay with a 1992's Clintonesque Democrat Leadership Counsel-Led from the Middle politics.

Well stated......

I and millions of others would not care to hear the name Clinton again, and as I would also readily admit, D.C. DOES NEED a major shakeup, but such cannot nor can be adequately done when given the task in the hands of an inept demagogue who has surrounded himself with equally inept acolytes or surrounded himself with smarter but much more evil and self-serving bastards. .

Newsflash:Trump is the shaker-upper. You're Welcome. Watch how big regular Americans win tomorrow. Trump is going to need backup. He has mine.
Most right wingers who are now stuck with the Trumpster have NO choice but to condone all of the excesses this clown is imposing on our democracy.....and that is too bad; brainwashing is never pleasant to watch.

However, the current administration is well aware that there are very damaging leaks about the Trump administration dealings with Russian thugs just waiting to be exposed in the upcoming weeks (and probably some of these leaks will be from the Russians themselves in their quest to ridicule the current status of U.S. standing in the world's eyes.)

Given these realities, the oval office has launched a preemptive strike against our own media outlets (labeling them fake news) in order to "cushion" the blow of what these media outlets will soon reveal..

Cute theory.

First of all, Republicans voted for Trump because they thought he was a fighter, he wouldn't kowtow to the liberal media, and he would actually try to get stuff done as opposed to giving nothing but rhetoric about good vibes. Because the Left can't go 48 hours without giving itself a hernia over Trump doesn't mean we're in dire straits. We're good. :)

Second, the one thing that won't work on Trump is the one thing the media keeps trying to use, and that is innuendo. Most of us know the media is in the tank for the Democrats, they're pissed off Hillary lost, and now they want to drag Trump through the mud and call it holding him accountable. The thing that would cut through all the sore loser petty nonsense is the truth, but that requires waiting on something concrete to go on. Prove Trump and/or his aides are closely allied with Russia. Prove he colluded with Russia to have them hack the DNC. Hell, we could go even simpler than that: PROVE RUSSIA WAS INVOLVED AT ALL. Making sure to say that the FBI is investigating Trump and what they "think" they know is all about innuendo and making it seem like they know something they don't.

And lastly, the media came up with the term "fake news" to explain why Hillary lost. Allegedly people sharing fake news stories on social media caused her to be corrupt and lacking substance which is why Trump won. Trump is just washing the media's face in their own made up term.


Not sure what cave you've been living in but "fake news" was rampant during the last POTUS campaign. Much if not most of it came from Macedonia and used (anti)social media to play host to its parasite.

These included "three million Amish mobilize to vote for Rump", "Clintons kill CIA Agent", "Hillary has Parkinson's", "Bill Clinton has illegitimate black son" (recycled), "Hillary and Yoko Ono had affair" (also recycled) and of course the usual bullshit stories about Da Eeebil Mooooslims. (Fatter o' mact here's a good article about exactly how it worked).

If those sound like they're all geared to a particular audience --- they are. The Gullibles.
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