A "President's" Priorities ...

Tissue, asswipe?

Who in the world said that the President must play consoler in chief for every shooting?

And don't come about me about the white - black horseshit that you racists love to sling.
how many people died that day? by gun fire.....and yet you go on and on about this one..cause she was killed by an illegal....do you even realize how sad that is
What does the commutation of non-violent crimes have to do with a murder?
hey, he's pushing on getting those illegals citizenship.

why would he want to hurt his agenda by bringing notice to one that is obviously a criminal
How is it that this POTUS, who has lied repeatedly to the American people, still has high approval ratings. Seems to prove that many Americans are terribly uninformed or just plain dumb.
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How is that this POTUS, who has lied repeatedly to the American people, still has high approval ratings. Seems to prove that many Americans are terribly uninformed or just plain dumb.
A lot of them are Libs...

Tissue, asswipe?

Who in the world said that the President must play consoler in chief for every shooting?

And don't come about me about the white - black horseshit that you racists love to sling.
Hey you tampon, obuthole is a piece of shit like you commie libtards. Stfu.
It is a safe bet that every single one of these 46 innocent victims are of the African-American persuasion.
How is that this POTUS, who has lied repeatedly to the American people, still has high approval ratings. Seems to prove that many Americans are terribly uninformed or just plain dumb.

The Democrats have controlled education for over half a century. We see the results. And here we thought "Idiocracy" was a comedy.

For all the fake screaming about a "laser focus" on jobs creation, industry can't even hire the clowns being turned out at the university level because they can't do anything useful.

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