A pretty good analysis of where we are politically

This isn't news, it was revealed by the 2016 election.

They PRIMARY reason is "liberals" as they call themselves are bent over for 24/7 progressive propaganda. They're all victims you know, everything is racist, sexist, yadda yadda. So when a white man wins they literally cry. At no time in history has their been a bigger pussy than today's progressive.
Shit! The 2016 elections left the libtards bitterly unhappy. My wish is that any democrat who gets elected to POTUS gets the same shit treatment Trump got. It’s only fair.

You mean like when the Republicans impeached Clinton?
So he should have been able to lie to a federal grand jury? Got it.

The the Grand Jury should have returned a true bill and a warrant issued as a criminal matter, not a political one.

The air has become so damn clouded by both sides that I'll wait it out to see what's what. ATM, it's all screaming and yelling with finger pointing. Hell, I've been to domestic disturbance that had less discontent and hatred.
Shit! The 2016 elections left the libtards bitterly unhappy. My wish is that any democrat who gets elected to POTUS gets the same shit treatment Trump got. It’s only fair.

You mean like when the Republicans impeached Clinton?
So he should have been able to lie to a federal grand jury? Got it.

The the Grand Jury should have returned a true bill and a warrant issued as a criminal matter, not a political one.

The air has become so damn clouded by both sides that I'll wait it out to see what's what. ATM, it's all screaming and yelling with finger pointing. Hell, I've been to domestic disturbance that had less discontent and hatred.
I hope the next democrat in office gets the exact same treatment Trump got. That’s fair.
The 2020 Election Is Guaranteed to Leave Many Americans Bitterly Unhappy

It's hard for me to imagine that people, especially Americans, reject liberty. And reject it they do.
This article doesn't touch on that but it is where we are as a Country.
"Liberty" means different things to different people.

no; liberty has a specific contect.

How Do We Protect and Preserve Our Liberty?
The U.S. government was established on the foundation that liberty must be protected and preserved from tyrannical forces who would seek to impose their will on the individual.

Thomas Jefferson described the term liberty in the Declaration of Independence as “unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’ because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”

In modern day, liberty is defined as “the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.”

Americans talk a lot about how to protect and preserve their liberty. People on both sides of the political aisle wish the same thing — for individuals to be endowed with all their natural rights. The challenge is over what the role of government should be in ensuring it.

For many, liberty means government keeping a light touch on how its citizens conduct their lives, businesses, and associations. Others argue that laws must be enacted to protect small groups of people who would otherwise be restricted to conduct their lives as they wish if left to conform to majority standards.

Self-determination is a key factor. So, is the role of government to ensure that all people are treated equally and free from societal encumbrances, or is the government’s role to guarantee that each individual has basic rights and it is up to the individual to exploit his or her own abilities to their fullest potential? Are these roles in contradiction, and why is it so difficult for the political left and right to agree on how to achieve liberty when they agree that it is a basic endowment?

Liberty in the Declaration of Independence

Let's examine Democratic Party priorities. Impeaching President Trump is obviously #1. But then there is:

-Open Borders.

-Health care for all including illegal immigrants.

-Pushing Transgender rights.

-Taking down the oil industry.

-Pushing unproven, expensive "Green Energy" that does not include nuclear power.

-Demonizing the Police.

-Gun control as a solution for gun violence.

That is everything that traditional Americans oppose, so of course the country is divided.
Oh yeah! And every judge a demonRat tries to seat should get the exact same treatment as Trump’s nominees endured. That’s fair.
There are people with a vested professional interest in dividing us as much as they can. They're winning right now, that's for sure.

Many people have a need to belong to a tribe, so it's us vs. them, "beat" the other guys, party over country.

And there it is!

All humans need to belong to a "tribe" of some kind. It's the immutable stuff of human nature and goes to the essence of liberty: ideological dissent/discrimination and free association. But lefty can't just leave folks alone to live and let live within a melting pot of true diversity, a melting pot wedded together by liberty and mutual respect . . . by the celebration of the differences and the beauty thereof. Rather, lefty insists on forcing the people via government policy into a collectivist utopia of conformity and sameness that only serves to balkanize and denigrate along a new paradigm of race and ethnicity--a new pecky order of grievance and victimhood.

I have absolutely nothing but utter contempt for lefty. I loath everything he represents. Lefty is a fascist, statist thug, a murderous tyrant champing at the bit to get his Sieg Heil on, an utter barbarian, a godless punk.

I will not be ruled by him, and if necessary, I will take up arms against him. I make no bones about that.
Dictionaries are easy on line

noun: liberty
  1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
2. the power or scope to act as one pleases.

Pretty narrow definition(s)- not at all hard to understand.
"oppressive" and "scope" are both subjective terms.
Dear gawd
Definitions are not subjective. Is that better?
This divide is the result of politicians using voters as tools. That, to me, speaks to the lack of education perpetrated on a trusting public. If people really believe that a politician, or a Party, is their savior, then it's a deeper divide than can be overcome with a mere election. The inability, or unwillingness, to see that is apalling.
The question the above article that comes to my mind is; when will it become a physical fight?
When havoc is created, chaos ensues, and catastrophe is inevitable.

Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs.
This divide is the result of politicians using voters as tools. That, to me, speaks to the lack of education perpetrated on a trusting public. If people really believe that a politician, or a Party, is their savior, then it's a deeper divide than can be overcome with a mere election. The inability, or unwillingness, to see that is apalling.
The question the above article that comes to my mind is; when will it become a physical fight?
When havoc is created, chaos ensues, and catastrophe is inevitable.

Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs, and ultimately the solution is the 2nd Amendment.
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
This divide is the result of politicians using voters as tools. That, to me, speaks to the lack of education perpetrated on a trusting public. If people really believe that a politician, or a Party, is their savior, then it's a deeper divide than can be overcome with a mere election. The inability, or unwillingness, to see that is apalling.
The question the above article that comes to my mind is; when will it become a physical fight?
When havoc is created, chaos ensues, and catastrophe is inevitable.

Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs, and ultimately the solution is the 2nd Amendment.
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
Give examples please. Of Republicans dividing.
This divide is the result of politicians using voters as tools. That, to me, speaks to the lack of education perpetrated on a trusting public. If people really believe that a politician, or a Party, is their savior, then it's a deeper divide than can be overcome with a mere election. The inability, or unwillingness, to see that is apalling.
The question the above article that comes to my mind is; when will it become a physical fight?
When havoc is created, chaos ensues, and catastrophe is inevitable.

Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs, and ultimately the solution is the 2nd Amendment.
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
Give examples please. Of Republicans dividing.
Are you fuckin kidding me?
This divide is the result of politicians using voters as tools. That, to me, speaks to the lack of education perpetrated on a trusting public. If people really believe that a politician, or a Party, is their savior, then it's a deeper divide than can be overcome with a mere election. The inability, or unwillingness, to see that is apalling.
The question the above article that comes to my mind is; when will it become a physical fight?
When havoc is created, chaos ensues, and catastrophe is inevitable.

Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs, and ultimately the solution is the 2nd Amendment.
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
Give examples please. Of Republicans dividing.
Are you fuckin kidding me?
No. I am serious!
This divide is the result of politicians using voters as tools. That, to me, speaks to the lack of education perpetrated on a trusting public. If people really believe that a politician, or a Party, is their savior, then it's a deeper divide than can be overcome with a mere election. The inability, or unwillingness, to see that is apalling.
The question the above article that comes to my mind is; when will it become a physical fight?
When havoc is created, chaos ensues, and catastrophe is inevitable.

Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs, and ultimately the solution is the 2nd Amendment.
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
Give examples please. Of Republicans dividing.
Are you fuckin kidding me?
No. I am serious!
You got me willow. Your party doesnt marginalize anyone. It doesnt divide the populace.
Holy fuck
Nonsense! The divide is due to the activities of American-hating, leftist lemmings, punks and thugs, and ultimately the solution is the 2nd Amendment.
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
Give examples please. Of Republicans dividing.
Are you fuckin kidding me?
No. I am serious!
You got me willow. Your party doesnt marginalize anyone. It doesnt divide the populace.
Holy fuck
Come on. It must not be difficult if what you say is true! I didn’t know you were a democrat.

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