A pretty good analysis of where we are politically

Let's examine Democratic Party priorities. Impeaching President Trump is obviously #1. But then there is:

-Open Borders.

-Health care for all including illegal immigrants.

-Pushing Transgender rights.

-Taking down the oil industry.

-Pushing unproven, expensive "Green Energy" that does not include nuclear power.

-Demonizing the Police.

-Gun control as a solution for gun violence.

That is everything that traditional Americans oppose, so of course the country is divided.


Democrats are NOT for open borders. That’s a righty slander.

Healthcare for all is a fine goal and the ACA was modeled off republican proposals you jokers supported until proposed by Democrats . What’s your plan for healthcare?

What’s the alternative to transgender rights? No rights for transgenders???

Fear of regulating fossil fuel pollution and fear of green energy is utterly ignorant.

Democrats don’t demonize police they do highlight police treatment of minorities which never bothers the right so someone has to stand up for what is justice.

Common sense gun control is common sense and supported by an overwhelming majority.

Is that all you got?
Dear gawd
Definitions are not subjective. Is that better?
no; liberty has a specific contect.
That's just silly. Every word in the language has a definition, but the way the definitions are interpreted works differently for different people within context.

What does "racism" mean? How about love, hate, freedom, regulation, smart, socialism, capitalism, ugly, pretty, hot, cold, big, small, etc., etc.?

"Liberty" is not a special sacred word that is only allowed one meaning for all. The word is not owned by those who constantly scream it.

Reality exists on a continuum. There is more "liberty" and less "liberty", not all or nothing. "Liberty" may have different connotations depending on the context. Man, this binary thinking is killing us.
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There are people with a vested professional interest in dividing us as much as they can. They're winning right now, that's for sure.
Many people have a need to belong to a tribe, so it's us vs. them, "beat" the other guys, party over country.
And there it is!

All humans need to belong to a "tribe" of some kind. It's the immutable stuff of human nature and goes to the essence of liberty: ideological dissent/discrimination and free association. But lefty can't just leave folks alone to live and let live within a melting pot of true diversity, a melting pot wedded together by liberty and mutual respect . . . by the celebration of the differences and the beauty thereof. Rather, lefty insists on forcing the people via government policy into a collectivist utopia of conformity and sameness that only serves to balkanize and denigrate along a new paradigm of race and ethnicity--a new pecky order of grievance and victimhood.

I have absolutely nothing but utter contempt for lefty. I loath everything he represents. Lefty is a fascist, statist thug, a murderous tyrant champing at the bit to get his Sieg Heil on, an utter barbarian, a godless punk.

I will not be ruled by him, and if necessary, I will take up arms against him. I make no bones about that.
Yeah, those who seek to divide us definitely are winning.
Dictionaries are easy on line

noun: liberty
  1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
2. the power or scope to act as one pleases.

Pretty narrow definition(s)- not at all hard to understand.
"oppressive" and "scope" are both subjective terms.
Why do you fear liberty?
The repubs do their fair share of dividing.
The duopoly is a YUGE problem is our country.
They OWN everything political.
Give examples please. Of Republicans dividing.
Are you fuckin kidding me?
No. I am serious!
You got me willow. Your party doesnt marginalize anyone. It doesnt divide the populace.
Holy fuck
Come on. It must not be difficult if what you say is true! I didn’t know you were a democrat.
I'm not a Democrat.
Dear gawd
Definitions are not subjective. Is that better?
no; liberty has a specific contect.
That's just silly. Every word in the language has a definition, but the way the definitions are interpreted works differently for different people within context.

What does "racism" mean? How about love, hate, freedom, regulation, smart, socialism, capitalism, ugly, pretty, hot, cold, big, small, etc., etc.?

"Liberty" is not a special sacred word that is only allowed one meaning for all. The word is not owned by those who constantly scream it.

Reality exists on a continuum. There is more "liberty" and less "liberty", not all or nothing. "Liberty" may have different connotations depending on the context. Man, this binary thinking is killing us.
Definitions are not subjective.
What kind of emotional horseshit are you peddling right now?
The two major political parties in the US could easily be re-named as follows, in this age...

GOP = White Straight Christian America

Dem = Everybody else

There are, of course, a great many exceptions, but that seems to be the main theme or stereotype with some truth to it.
My name is mac. I call my socks tshirts and my penis a vagina.
There are people with a vested professional interest in dividing us as much as they can. They're winning right now, that's for sure.

Many people have a need to belong to a tribe, so it's us vs. them, "beat" the other guys, party over country.

And there it is!

All humans need to belong to a "tribe" of some kind. It's the immutable stuff of human nature and goes to the essence of liberty: ideological dissent/discrimination and free association. But lefty can't just leave folks alone to live and let live within a melting pot of true diversity, a melting pot wedded together by liberty and mutual respect . . . by the celebration of the differences and the beauty thereof. Rather, lefty insists on forcing the people via government policy into a collectivist utopia of conformity and sameness that only serves to balkanize and denigrate along a new paradigm of race and ethnicity--a new pecky order of grievance and victimhood.

I have absolutely nothing but utter contempt for lefty. I loath everything he represents. Lefty is a fascist, statist thug, a murderous tyrant champing at the bit to get his Sieg Heil on, an utter barbarian, a godless punk.

I will not be ruled by him, and if necessary, I will take up arms against him. I make no bones about that.

I agreed with your post, but, I have to point out the left/right paradigm is a tool for politicians to fund their campaign coffers from their acolytes. It serves no useful purpose when citizens gather to discuss liberty, or the lack there of-
Politicians see citizens as tools or enemies and the political stripe of the politician is immaterial. It is who/what they do and are. They are sociopaths that have no inclination toward anything other than self preservation of the status they've lied to achieve. Behind the closed doors they're no different in policy beliefs. We have 200+ years of evidence to look at for support of that. Both Party leaders(?), those who look for the spotlight, subscribe to the same policy's of control but use different rhetoric to pander to their base so their campaign coffers over-flow with supporter tithes.
So far, everything I've read is just about two parties, Dems and GOPers. Although they don't have equal power, there are other parties that people belong to. They provide alternatives to the Big Two.

Another reality is that there are actually 2 Republican groups. The "official" one and the Trump sector. One is complaining how dirty things are while the other is cleaning it up. And, President Trump is dragging the GOP Insiders kicking and screaming to his side of the political spectrum.
The 2020 Election Is Guaranteed to Leave Many Americans Bitterly Unhappy

It's hard for me to imagine that people, especially Americans, reject liberty. And reject it they do.
This article doesn't touch on that but it is where we are as a Country.
"Liberty" means different things to different people.

How the fuck are Americans going to vote , if you eliminate a political rival?

We have an election from two people of the same party that use different names come election time. Both parties are war mongering slaves to wall street with the difference being one wants to serve tuna salad at lunch while the other wants chicken salad.
So far, everything I've read is just about two parties, Dems and GOPers. Although they don't have equal power, there are other parties that people belong to. They provide alternatives to the Big Two.

Another reality is that there are actually 2 Republican groups. The "official" one and the Trump sector. One is complaining how dirty things are while the other is cleaning it up. And, President Trump is dragging the GOP Insiders kicking and screaming to his side of the political spectrum.
There is one Party in DC, divided by personalities who use different rhetoric to achieve the same goal; that being to keep citizens divided into Tools and Enemies.
Dictionaries are easy on line

noun: liberty
  1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.
2. the power or scope to act as one pleases.

Pretty narrow definition(s)- not at all hard to understand.
"oppressive" and "scope" are both subjective terms.
Oppressive- 1) unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint, especially on a minority or other subordinate group.
2) weighing heavily on the mind or spirits; causing depression or discomfort.
3) (of weather) excessively hot and humid.

noun: scope; plural noun: scopes
1) the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant.
2) the opportunity or possibility to do or deal with something.
"the scope for major change is always limited by political realities"

Liberty too is subjective- it's *objective* is to act as one pleases without fear of "oppression" from the tyrannical "scope"
of a gov't entity. To oppress Liberty through the scope of gov't creates an anti-liberty function to wrest control from the Individual and negate/ignore his soveriegnty and expand the scope of the oppressor, be it a person or entity using the color of law as a tool to do the opposite of the intent of a law which is allegedly to punish a criminal action-
I have absolutely nothing but utter contempt for lefty. I loath everything he represents. Lefty is a fascist, statist thug, a murderous tyrant champing at the bit to get his Sieg Heil on, an utter barbarian, a godless punk...
Indeed, and those are their best traits.
Yeah, those who seek to divide us definitely are winning...
You mean like these guys?

Not one of those leftist talking heads has admitted they were, are, and will always be FOS but while their hysterical silliness contains no information, it does have comedic value.
So to date no one can articulate an example of Republicans dividing. Thanks.
So to date no one can articulate an example of Republicans dividing. Thanks.
You guys trash anyone who doesnt agree with you.
Agnostics, atheists, libertarians, regressives, progressives, liberals, gays, blah blah JUST LIKE DEMS
You are dumb or completely dishonest.
The 2020 Election Is Guaranteed to Leave Many Americans Bitterly Unhappy

It's hard for me to imagine that people, especially Americans, reject liberty. And reject it they do.
This article doesn't touch on that but it is where we are as a Country.
"Liberty" means different things to different people.
Funny you should mention that- I ran across this yesterday.

How To Misunderstand And Misrepresent The Founders

Although the Founders wrote and spoke with clarity and brilliance, it is evidently easy for us today to misunderstand them. The evidence is all around us.

David Boaz gives us a particularly vivid and therefore useful example of how it’s done in his book “The Libertarian Mind.”

I wouldn't know David Boaz from from Jeff Bezos if I met either- I'd at least recognize the name Bezos though.
For anyone to say they speak for another without his knowledge or consent is setting themselves up for failure.
I am a [l]ibertarian, that doesn't make me a [L]ibetarian and "my mind" tells me someone is pretty presumptuous and reading the article didn't change my mind about any of the authors talked about or the author of the article.

Offering speculation is just that, and, speculation is often as not very subjective with an objective of being, in this case, being a spokesman for someone he isn't.
The fact of the matter is, what was penned is what was signed off on- and words mean things.

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