A Prime Reason to Vote for GOP Candidates

Well you've gotta run against SOMETHING. Can't be an enthusiastic vote of confidence FOR Dear Donald, so the Nancy Card will indeed be played!
I didn't say anything about making poorer people pay more, I asked how much would be enough to consider the rich paying their fair share. What percent would that be?
Don't Parrot the Plutocratic Puppet Show

Liberals are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Their embedded class instinct supersedes any displays they may make to the public, or even within their acting troupe. With that in mind, they purposely waste tax money on feral parasites in order to make everybody sympathize with those who have a large tax bill.
I've heard 85% income tax with heavy penalties on investing, and complete confiscation upon death.
Real Men Say to HeirHeads, "If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must You"

Inheritance is the well-hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations. How long would pro sports be watchable if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons?
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You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.
Republicans control the government, dumbass.
Not really. It's infested with Obama operatives. If they control the government, then why hasn't Rosenstein or the FBI turned over the documents that Congress has been demanding?
I've heard 85% income tax with heavy penalties on investing, and complete confiscation upon death.
Real Men Say to HeirHeads, "If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must You"

Inheritance is the well-hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations. How long would pro sports be watchable if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons?
What does pro-sports have to do with property rights?
I've heard 85% income tax with heavy penalties on investing, and complete confiscation upon death.
Real Men Say to HeirHeads, "If We Have to Do It on Our Own, So Must You"

Inheritance is the well-hidden cancer that has destroyed all civilizations. How long would pro sports be watchable if the players had the right to pass on their positions to their sons?

Inheritance is what made this country great. Every generation tried to make it better for their children and grandchildren; not only with money, but passing on family values, religion, work ethics and so on.

So Mr. Rich dies being worth 10 million dollars. Mr Rich had four children and six grandchildren. He left them an equal amount of a million dollars each. Not bad money, but certainly not filthy rich either. It's enough money to get a nice house and car, have enough to fund college and make some small investments.

Democrats come along and say this isn't fair. Government deserves half of that money for doing nothing but being government. Now each heir only gets 500K, and government gets 5 million. Does that seem right to you?
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.

Here’s some .

U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $1 trillion by 2020, two years sooner than previously estimated, as tax cuts and spending increases signed by President Donald Trump do little to boost long-term economic growth, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that worthless affirmative action Negro you elected ran up $10 trillion in debt so you have no credibility bitching about debt now.

Pay back the $10 trillion you spent on welfare for illegals or whatever and then you can bitch.

1. Obama didn’t run up the debt . The bills came due on his watch

2. It’s irrelevant. Gop is in charge and you specifically ran on the debt as a issue .

3. How as Obama affirmative action ? He won the election . Twice .

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say anything was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland.
I didn't say anything about making poorer people pay more, I asked how much would be enough to consider the rich paying their fair share. What percent would that be?

What is “fair” ? You act like there is one tax. There are 100s . What is the actul tax burden of rich vs poor?

We have bills to pay. That’s an unavoidable fact .

Of course there are all kinds of taxes, but what taxes actually go to our federal government, their agencies, their social programs, their spending?

Those would be income taxes. But what about payroll taxes? Payroll taxes (on the federal level) are taxes that you will not only get back if you live the average lifespan in America, but get even more back than you put in.
Healthcare was such a bad thing for millions of America.
So was equal pay for equal work.
So was credit card reform.
School lunches for poor children.
Woman's rights.

Well I'll start from the top:

Healthcare coverage: had it my entire adult life until Hussein kicked in his plan. Then my employer dropped it and I havant' had it since. Commie Care wanted over 25% of my net pay for a crummy plan with a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no prescription coverage, no dental, a $50.00 doctor copay. However if you made french fries for a living, you got a great plan for next to nothing since my taxes were paying for it. But then again, you're not going to find many Republican french fry makers in the country.

Credit card reform: Banks and lending institutions made a good deal of money from irresponsible borrowers. They had fines and penalties for those who made late payments or otherwise skipped payments. Because of that, those lending institutions rewarded responsible borrowers who paid their bills. They gave us 0% interest rates, no transfer fees, just perks for doing what is right. When Hussein got done, those lending institutions had to pass on their loss to somebody else; that somebody else were responsible borrowers. Now, every time I transfer a balance to a new account, I have to pay a transfer fee. What did this accomplish? Well.......responsible people generally vote Republican. Irresponsible people generally vote Democrat. A gift from Ears to his voters.

When did Republicans ever attack school lunches?

Daycare: taxpayer money going to support children the parents could not. Another reward for irresponsible people......again, who generally vote Democrat.

Equal pay for equal work. Oh, that sounds so fair, doesn't it. Well, we've had equal pay for equal work. It was passed and signed into law by John F Kennedy back in the early 60's. Democrats (once again) lied to their constitutions as if it were never law before and vowed to have equal pay for equal work.
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Hey Timmy, rich people pay the most taxes, thus benefit more from cuts. You can't just dump buckets of money at low earners, that's redistribution and the death of jobs. Big biz employs America. Instead of punishing them or exterminating them, why don't we grow them and create jobs? Grow the country, grow opportunity.

America buys big biz products and services .

The wealthy were doing fine . Remember, trump saved the economy!! After the cuts they ain’t creating jobs . They are buying back stock.

I see, so what you are saying is buying back stock gave us the lowest unemployment rate in 18 years? Wow. How does that work exactly?
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..

How about the fact they targeted most everybody?

If the Dims win, she's gonna run for Speaker. What better reason is there to keep the majority of the House GOP?

She also promises to raise your taxes if they win.

More @ Pelosi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: 'We Will Win. I Will Run for Speaker'
What’s her promise to raise taxes all about?

What's hard to understand? She clearly said that, if Dims regain control of the House, they will legislate tax increases,
I just want to see what statement you are talking about so I can see if she it trying to raise my taxes or not. Can you provide a link to her quote or tax plan that you are referring to?

If previous proposals are any indication, Pelosi plans on instituting a major tax hike, particularly focused on punishing those same generous corporations. In a plan published last month, Congressional Democrats proposed a $1 trillion dollar tax hike, pushing the corporate tax rate from its current 21% to 25%, undoing tax breaks for high earners, and re-instituting a top tax bracket that could tax some Americans at a rate of nearly 40%.

From Nancy Pelosi: When We Take Back The House, I PROMISE We'll Repeal Those Republican Tax Cuts reporting on a Culver City event.
Healthcare was such a bad thing for millions of America.
So was equal pay for equal work.
So was credit card reform.
School lunches for poor children.
Woman's rights.

Well I'll start from the top:

Healthcare coverage: had it my entire adult life until Hussein kicked in his plan. Then my employer dropped it and I havant' had it since. Commie Care wanted over 25% of my net pay for a crummy plan with a 7K deductible, 7K out of pocket, no prescription coverage, no dental, a $50.00 doctor copay. However if you made french fries for a living, you got a great plan for next to nothing since my taxes were paying for it. But then again, you're not going to find many Republican french fry makers in the country.

Credit card reform: Banks and lending institutions made a good deal of money from irresponsible borrowers. They had fines and penalties for those who made late payments or otherwise skipped payments. Because of that, those lending institutions rewarded responsible borrowers who paid their bills. They gave us 0% interest rates, no transfer fees, just perks for doing what is right. When Hussein got done, those lending institutions had to pass on their loss to somebody else; that somebody else were responsible borrowers. Now, every time I transfer a balance to a new account, I have to pay a transfer fee. What did this accomplish? Well.......responsible people generally vote Republican. Irresponsible people generally vote Democrat. A gift from Ears to his voters.

When did Republicans ever attack school lunches?

Daycare: taxpayer money going to support children the parents could not. Another reward for irresponsible people......again, who generally vote Democrat.

Equal pay for equal work. Oh, that sounds so fair, doesn't it. Well, we've had equal pay for equal work. It was passed and signed into law by John F Kennedy back in the early 60's. Democrats (once again) lied to their constitutions as if it were never law before and vowed to have equal pay for equal work.

Wow! Awesome post.

If the Dims win, she's gonna run for Speaker. What better reason is there to keep the majority of the House GOP?

She also promises to raise your taxes if they win.

More @ Pelosi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: 'We Will Win. I Will Run for Speaker'
What’s her promise to raise taxes all about?

What's hard to understand? She clearly said that, if Dims regain control of the House, they will legislate tax increases,
I just want to see what statement you are talking about so I can see if she it trying to raise my taxes or not. Can you provide a link to her quote or tax plan that you are referring to?

If previous proposals are any indication, Pelosi plans on instituting a major tax hike, particularly focused on punishing those same generous corporations. In a plan published last month, Congressional Democrats proposed a $1 trillion dollar tax hike, pushing the corporate tax rate from its current 21% to 25%, undoing tax breaks for high earners, and re-instituting a top tax bracket that could tax some Americans at a rate of nearly 40%.

From Nancy Pelosi: When We Take Back The House, I PROMISE We'll Repeal Those Republican Tax Cuts reporting on a Culver City event.
So when you say Pelosi is going to raise your taxes you are actually speaking to high income earners, Wall Street, and corporations. Is that right?
Nobody cares about the House, they are the minor concern.

It is in the best interest of the country for the White House and the Senate to always be in different hands.

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