A Prime Reason to Vote for GOP Candidates

I didn't say anything about making poorer people pay more, I asked how much would be enough to consider the rich paying their fair share. What percent would that be?
I didn't say anything about making poorer people pay more, I asked how much would be enough to consider the rich paying their fair share. What percent would that be?

What is “fair” ? You act like there is one tax. There are 100s . What is the actul tax burden of rich vs poor?

We have bills to pay. That’s an unavoidable fact .
The far right extremists need to be de-fanged. They need to be put out of business. A Democrat majority in the House would force Republicans to compromise. I would love to see a 50-50 Senate as well.
Timmy, why don't dems think the poor have to pay at least some taxes? Give them a ridiculously low rate just so they have some skin in the game. Why should 50% of the country just pay sales tax? Does nobody find it a bit odd that not only do the poor pay no income tax, they actually get a check for having kids? We give people who can't support themselves incentive to have more kids. Rubio thought that was a great idea. Talk about pandering, thank goodness he did not win.
I didn't say anything about making poorer people pay more, I asked how much would be enough to consider the rich paying their fair share. What percent would that be?

What is “fair” ? You act like there is one tax. There are 100s . What is the actul tax burden of rich vs poor?

We have bills to pay. That’s an unavoidable fact .
Well, a lot of people say the rich aren't paying enough, and they think they should pay their fair share. I just want to know what percent of a rich persons income should they pay in order to be considered paying enough.
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.

Here’s some .

U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $1 trillion by 2020, two years sooner than previously estimated, as tax cuts and spending increases signed by President Donald Trump do little to boost long-term economic growth, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that worthless affirmative action Negro you elected ran up $10 trillion in debt so you have no credibility bitching about debt now.

Pay back the $10 trillion you spent on welfare for illegals or whatever and then you can bitch.

If the Dims win, she's gonna run for Speaker. What better reason is there to keep the majority of the House GOP?

She also promises to raise your taxes if they win.

More @ Pelosi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: 'We Will Win. I Will Run for Speaker'
Gotta raise taxes to cover Trump's budget.
No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.

Here’s some .

U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $1 trillion by 2020, two years sooner than previously estimated, as tax cuts and spending increases signed by President Donald Trump do little to boost long-term economic growth, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that worthless affirmative action Negro you elected ran up $10 trillion in debt so you have no credibility bitching about debt now.

Pay back the $10 trillion you spent on welfare for illegals or whatever and then you can bitch.
Whoa dude, ten trillion on welfare for illegals? Gonna need a link or a retraction and apology.
No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.

Here’s some .

U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $1 trillion by 2020, two years sooner than previously estimated, as tax cuts and spending increases signed by President Donald Trump do little to boost long-term economic growth, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that worthless affirmative action Negro you elected ran up $10 trillion in debt so you have no credibility bitching about debt now.

Pay back the $10 trillion you spent on welfare for illegals or whatever and then you can bitch.

1. Obama didn’t run up the debt . The bills came due on his watch

2. It’s irrelevant. Gop is in charge and you specifically ran on the debt as a issue .

3. How as Obama affirmative action ? He won the election . Twice .
You seriously want The Don messing up more of the country ? We need a dem congress to keep him in check .
Dims are the ones messing up the country, dumbass.

No they are not . Cons only care about lineing the pockets of their big biz masters . Screw the American people !
How much do you feel the rich should pay? What percent do you feel would be fair?
99.9%. after they get their loopholes and deductions they should end up paying 30% or so.
you do nothing buy spew idiocies.

How about some facts. That tax cut bill benefits the rich and Big biz the most . While throwing crumbs to the working class. Ya know , they could’ve just targeted every day working Americans . But no..
I'll let you know when you post some actual facts.

Here’s some .

U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says

The U.S. budget deficit will surpass $1 trillion by 2020, two years sooner than previously estimated, as tax cuts and spending increases signed by President Donald Trump do little to boost long-term economic growth, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't give a shit when that worthless affirmative action Negro you elected ran up $10 trillion in debt so you have no credibility bitching about debt now.

Pay back the $10 trillion you spent on welfare for illegals or whatever and then you can bitch.
Whoa dude, ten trillion on welfare for illegals? Gonna need a link or a retraction and apology.

He must mean the military when he says “welfare”.
I guess either way a picture of Pelosi might make a swell election guide for the clueless. But those with even a wee bit of common sense will stick with voting for who they prefer representing their own congressional district.
Hey Timmy, rich people pay the most taxes, thus benefit more from cuts. You can't just dump buckets of money at low earners, that's redistribution and the death of jobs. Big biz employs America. Instead of punishing them or exterminating them, why don't we grow them and create jobs? Grow the country, grow opportunity.

The fact is that the tax plan left in place and created new tax loopholes for the rich. While the rate cut should be left alone, the loopholes should be closed. That includes the carried interest deduction which is a special break for Wall Street. The pass-through rate should be axed as the rich are already figuring how to exploit it. It also includes a special tax break for real estate trusts that benefits Trump and Paul Ryan.
I shake my head in wonder at reading some of this tripe. How can supposedly intelligent people think like this?

If the Dims win, she's gonna run for Speaker. What better reason is there to keep the majority of the House GOP?

She also promises to raise your taxes if they win.

More @ Pelosi Guarantees Victory in Midterms: 'We Will Win. I Will Run for Speaker'
What’s her promise to raise taxes all about?

What's hard to understand? She clearly said that, if Dims regain control of the House, they will legislate tax increases,
I just want to see what statement you are talking about so I can see if she it trying to raise my taxes or not. Can you provide a link to her quote or tax plan that you are referring to?

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