A proper introduction....

Eh, whatever. I could care less where you come from. It's probably all lies regardless.

As a white muslim in an American prison system, I guarantee you would be made someone's sperm-receptacale in a heartbeat and I would find allies much earlier and with more ease than you would. And the whole while I would laugh at you because you got what you deserved for being an ignorant twit that would dismiss my opinions as idiotic when on the whole you should be thankful we allow the lot of you to live under the same flag.

Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.

OK lets discuss or debate if your closet homosexual..I say you are...discuss

The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

when did you come out? was your family upset?
OK lets discuss or debate if your closet homosexual..I say you are...discuss

The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

when did you come out? was your family upset?

I made it clear in my introduction that I feel that they don't have a place in America, along side a various number of different groups. If you didn't understand it the first time, read it again.
The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

when did you come out? was your family upset?

I made it clear in my introduction that I feel that they don't have a place in America, along side a various number of different groups. If you didn't understand it the first time, read it again.

Seems to me you are overlooking the obvious ... that there might not be a place for YOU in "America."
Seems to me you are overlooking the obvious ... that there might not be a place for YOU in "America."

In THIS America, there probably isn't... even though I have served it faithfully and without question for nearly 6 years and will continue to do so.

That is why I have stated that radical change is probably necessary to get back on the right track.

And I'm not talking about "Obama" change.
Oh nonsense.

Plenty of room for neo-Nazis.

That's what rural Illinois and South Carolina are basically used for, now, aren't they?

I do so wish somebody would give these guys a state (we've got 50...are we using them all?) so they would stop whining in public about having to compete with the non-whites.

It's embarrassing to see my fellow White men whining about something so silly.

Give these guys a couple generations to test out their theories about the inherent superiority of a Whites'-only nation.

We coddle and pretend that every other kind of racist that is so obvious in this nation doesn't exist and isn't bad, so why not the NAZIs?

I'm begining to think that this nation is prejudiced against White racists.
I am advocating a return to a way of life of the 50's, not 50's technology. It is a matter looking backward socially, not technology.

And I am not referring to technology either, but that our way of life in the Fifties was flawed and that we have the benefit of hindsight now to attempt to rectify those flaws.

There is no room for the White race in America. There is only room for one race in America, and that is the American race..
If you truly consider a facist, then you most certainly are not a Nationalistic facist or anyone I would associate with in my party.

I am most certainly Nationalistic. My nation is the American people, the whole American people, who were forged in the crucible of the New World, of an alloy of the races of the Old World. We started off English and Scot and Irish and Dutch, and by the time of our Revolution-- our schism from our Canadian brothers and sisters-- we also numbered among us, to varying degree, the native tribes of this continent and the tribes of Africa. As we spread westward, we added the Chinese and the Japanese, and as our nation entered modernity we opened our gates to the unwanted human detritus of every other nation and we have made them our own.

And our nation, our race, is superior for this. We have taken what every other nation did not want, distilled the weak and unworthy out of it, and built it into the greatest nation that this planet has ever seen.

Where our nation has gone wrong is in recent decades, when we have abandoned the notion of one America under one flag, divided ourselves into foolish political and religious and racial camps, and built a culture that glorified and rewarded weakness and cowardice.

I am not concerned that I would be unwelcome in your party. I have no use for any "nationalist" party that would discard half my nation.

Korimyr the Rat said:
Tell me, what is your opinion of the black men and women that wear the uniform of our armed services and serve our country alongside you? What is your opinion of General Powell, Dr. Cosby, Dr. Rice, Larry Elder, and Marva Collins? Are these men and women not fine Americans, and worthier of the title than any uncultured thug of any race?
I think they are fine people - as individuals. However, they could have achieved such prestige in another country just as easily.

They certainly could have, had they not been born and raised as Americans. Indeed, the line of their ancestors in this country probably predates yours-- as it does mine, except for a few branches. These are our people, and they do a tremendous credit to our nation.

would like to hear your ideas on the division of the United States, perhaps in a separate thread where they may given the attention they deserve..

Do you have a reccomendation of where we could best discuss this?

I'd recommend General Global Topics or Immigration/Illegal Immigration. Possibly Canada, depending on your views of our relationship with them.

That's fine if you want to paint me with that brush. However, you have to remember that if you consider yourself a true Facist you need to remember that race is what binds us together and is what we most readily identify with. In America, that idea has come a complete blurred mess.

That idea is a blurred mess throughout the entire world, and has always been a blurred mess. "Race" is at its very best a pseudo-scientific classification and its worst a base superstition; there are only tribes and nations, and it is our bonds of kinship and our bonds of blood that bind us together, and nothing so foolish as our skin color.

Your notion of "race" and your notion of "White" would imply that I should have more in common with a Frenchman I have never met, who does not even speak my language, than I should with my own neighbors, and some of my own family. This is backward. This is wrong.

Think about television, the air waves, our youth and their love for for the culture of gang-banging nonsense... look at MTV, the total pedestal our society has somehow placed on Rap music.

It disgusts me, too. But it isn't just Rap music. It is reality television. It is a culture of pornography that not only rewards promiscuity and empty hedonism, it glorifies them and holds up as "role models" those celebrities who are most shameless and boldest in discarding even the last vestiges of their dignity.

But it is not a matter of some people being Black and some people being White. It is a matter of some people being decent and some people being garbage. And the Black-skinned ladies and gentlemen I listed earlier in my posts, these decent Americans, they speak out loud and clear against the garbage and degradation promoted by the media, just as the White trash-- and every other kind of American trash-- sucks it up.

Strength and honor.
The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

when did you come out? was your family upset?

I made it clear in my introduction that I feel that they don't have a place in America, along side a various number of different groups. If you didn't understand it the first time, read it again.

i didn't bother reading it the first time.
one needn't be a proctologist to recognize a trophy size asshole

Seems to me you are overlooking the obvious ... that there might not be a place for YOU in "America."

In THIS America, there probably isn't... even though I have served it faithfully and without question for nearly 6 years and will continue to do so.

That is why I have stated that radical change is probably necessary to get back on the right track.

And I'm not talking about "Obama" change.

I didn't say a thing about "Obama" change. His idea of "change" is more of the same.

Being a member of the US Armed Forces, you might want to be a bit more careful about what you advocate. Be perfectly clear: I'm not calling you anything ... yet. However, your words border on sedition.
The answer is no, I am not.

I actually think you are the one uncomfortable with your own sexuality, since that it the only thing you have to say and have contributed nothing in your post.

Well I'm not the one having prison gay sex fantasies with Muslims ..that would of been.. you... and I also contributed this piece of brilliance

but you must of missed the the hidden meaning...

You contributed nothing.

Your profile picture looks like the a pitiful cross-breeding result of a mentally-retarded middle aged man, and an ape.

Eugenics would have done wonders for your kind.

I am going to take my lunch break now as my day is halfway finished and continue to contemplate the beauty of that idea.

you should see my real picture ! I'M sure would love it even more ! ..the retarded part is not correct.. but the rest is accurate enough.. all tho it has more often been described .. dee snider meets.. the early morning stone pimp....but ya the 50s where grand where they not

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I am advocating a return to a way of life of the 50's, not 50's technology. It is a matter looking backward socially, not technology.

And I am not referring to technology either, but that our way of life in the Fifties was flawed and that we have the benefit of hindsight now to attempt to rectify those flaws.

There is no room for the White race in America. There is only room for one race in America, and that is the American race..

I am most certainly Nationalistic. My nation is the American people, the whole American people, who were forged in the crucible of the New World, of an alloy of the races of the Old World. We started off English and Scot and Irish and Dutch, and by the time of our Revolution-- our schism from our Canadian brothers and sisters-- we also numbered among us, to varying degree, the native tribes of this continent and the tribes of Africa. As we spread westward, we added the Chinese and the Japanese, and as our nation entered modernity we opened our gates to the unwanted human detritus of every other nation and we have made them our own.

And our nation, our race, is superior for this. We have taken what every other nation did not want, distilled the weak and unworthy out of it, and built it into the greatest nation that this planet has ever seen.

Where our nation has gone wrong is in recent decades, when we have abandoned the notion of one America under one flag, divided ourselves into foolish political and religious and racial camps, and built a culture that glorified and rewarded weakness and cowardice.

I am not concerned that I would be unwelcome in your party. I have no use for any "nationalist" party that would discard half my nation.

They certainly could have, had they not been born and raised as Americans. Indeed, the line of their ancestors in this country probably predates yours-- as it does mine, except for a few branches. These are our people, and they do a tremendous credit to our nation.

I'd recommend General Global Topics or Immigration/Illegal Immigration. Possibly Canada, depending on your views of our relationship with them.

That's fine if you want to paint me with that brush. However, you have to remember that if you consider yourself a true Facist you need to remember that race is what binds us together and is what we most readily identify with. In America, that idea has come a complete blurred mess.

That idea is a blurred mess throughout the entire world, and has always been a blurred mess. "Race" is at its very best a pseudo-scientific classification and its worst a base superstition; there are only tribes and nations, and it is our bonds of kinship and our bonds of blood that bind us together, and nothing so foolish as our skin color.

Your notion of "race" and your notion of "White" would imply that I should have more in common with a Frenchman I have never met, who does not even speak my language, than I should with my own neighbors, and some of my own family. This is backward. This is wrong.

Think about television, the air waves, our youth and their love for for the culture of gang-banging nonsense... look at MTV, the total pedestal our society has somehow placed on Rap music.

don't pretend you don't rap minnie me ..I have the evidence

What are your views on Jews? Do you see them as the blood-sucking type?
What are your views on Jews? Do you see them as the blood-sucking type?

no... but some can be annoying the way they shout holocaust denier..everytime someone criticizes the israeli government or disagrees with them on totally unrelated issues...now those blood sucking Nazi minne me ..wannna be.. mother fuckers ...thats another story
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What are your thoughts on Adolf Hitler?

I think he was a powerful leader who loved the German people deeply.

However, he was not a good foreign diplomat which lead to the downfall of the third reich.

What about the aggression on his neighbors? The idea of a master Aryan race? The Holocaust?

What are your views on that?

Yo, Nationalismus? Where did you go? We were having such a good interview!

Do you think Adolf Hitler was a good man or an evil man?
Eh, whatever. I could care less where you come from. It's probably all lies regardless.
I wouldn't feel any shame over my origins regardless of what they were, much less enough shame to be dishonest about them. Unlike you, I don't put much stock in physical superficialities or subscribe to an ideology based on boorish racial impulses.

As a white muslim in an American prison system, I guarantee you would be made someone's sperm-receptacale in a heartbeat and I would find allies much earlier and with more ease than you would.
Every fifth person in prison converts to Islam, so I doubt I'd have too much to worry about.

And the whole while I would laugh at you because you got what you deserved for being an ignorant twit that would dismiss my opinions as idiotic when on the whole you should be thankful we allow the lot of you to live under the same flag.
You think that my right to live here is in your hands? :lol:

Of course I'm going to call your half-baked opinions what they are; you support measures that would threaten my wellbeing and the wellbeing of the entire country if ever enacted.

Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.
That you expect warmer responses from others is yet another testament to your delusion. Hopefully, you'll come to realize how utterly benighted your political positions are.
Hey kids, I am a returning member from way back, two.3 years ago.

I was wondering if there was a page that listed new posts and/or active topics instead of the categorized index page.

Thanks in advance.
Hey kids, I am a returning member from way back, two.3 years ago.

I was wondering if there was a page that listed new posts and/or active topics instead of the categorized index page.

Thanks in advance.

Scroll down.
As with the more conventional rightist, the populist-style nationalist is ultimately the ally of the progressive socialist. They lack any ability to appease worker militancy that liberal democratic capitalists do because their more "offensive" ideological views serve as a distraction from any more moderate ideology that would legitimately maintain capitalism. The focus of an open fascist on class division also serves to provoke raw worker militancy further, particularly among allegedly lesser races.
Furthermore, that's all the respone I'm warranting you. Your kind is hardly worthy of that and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of you. I'd rather do what I came here to do, discuss and debate.

i love it when an analyst in the air force attempts to talk like he's some sort of bad ass.
Seems to me you are overlooking the obvious ... that there might not be a place for YOU in "America."

Well, there's always North Dakota. I hear they are experiencing pretty massive population loss.

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