A Protestant told me she left the Catholic Church so she wouldn't have to sit next to a Vietnamese

The thing is, Protestants have different churches for white people, black people, Korean people, Chinese people, Mexican people, but in the Catholic Church there is one Mass for all races, and we sit together in the pews like we're all brothers and sisters in Christ, because we are.
/——/ The only variation is they do have Spanish and Portuguese masses here in New York, but otherwise it’s one church for everyone.
lol yes those Italian, Irish, and Polish Catholics are noted for their enlightened anti-racism throughout their history here in the U.S.

lol fantasy fiction is fun. And let's not leave out those enlightened latino Catholics and the 'diversity' in their barrios.

In real life, it is the WASP congregations that have the most diversity and tolerance, as it is in WASP countries in general. Now they're being punished for their gullibility.
Minorities will self-segregate to a large extent; people only whine and snivel when white people do it. Blacks, latinos, and Asians are allowed to be racist bigots by left wing whites and of course themselves. Czechs and Germans here in Texas also tend to congregate together in their own communities and churches. It's normal for all people.
Fuck of Doodley
Minorities will self-segregate to a large extent; people only whine and snivel when white people do it. Blacks, latinos, and Asians are allowed to be racist bigots by left wing whites and of course themselves. Czechs and Germans here in Texas also tend to congregate together in their own communities and churches. It's normal for all people.
Fuck of Doodley
woman, who she despised because she could see her bare feet through her thongs.

She joined a church that has crackers and grape juice at services, not bread wafers and wine.

I was thinking she was a racist, and also, she left the true celebration of the Eucharist to engage in a mockery involving the kind of food children are given at snack time in pre-school.
Grandma, what a big imagination you have
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In theory all catholics are equal and its for all and they all sit next together but i wonder if slovaks, croats, hungarians, poles would sit next to a gypsy family in church
Fuck of Doodley

Says the morbidly obese racist who mooches off white European govts. while sniveling about 'oppression' and 'discrimination'.

You're only a plane ride away from your fellow brownies, Mort. Surely you can afford a one way ticket to Turkey or somewhere where there are no white proddies to put up with, eh? Take a Train, they're cheaper. As a welfare bum you can probably get there for free.
are there no vietnamese that are protestant?

Most Vietnamese Christians here are a sect of Catholicism. I forget their sect name, cadoism or something.

In the U.S. 30% are catholic and 6% are Protestant.

They also tend to self-segregate same as almost all other minorities do. That way they don't have to assimilate, and then blame Whitey for being 'racists n stuff' when the entire country doesn't kiss their asses and make them Speshul'.
Says the morbidly obese racist who mooches off white European govts. while sniveling about 'oppression' and 'discrimination'.

You're only a plane ride away from your fellow brownies, Mort. Surely you can afford a one way ticket to Turkey or somewhere where there are no white proddies to put up with, eh? Take a Train, they're cheaper. As a welfare bum you can probably get there for free.
Not sure if "DudleySmith" the anonymous account is even a real white person. Could be anyone or anyTHING. Fuck off Doodly Doo Doodle
Not sure if "DudleySmith" the anonymous account is even a real white person. Could be anyone or anyTHING. Fuck off Doodly Doo Doodle

lol why is it important to you I be white? Why aren't you living in a brown country since 'white racism' bothers you so much?
lol why is it important to you I be white? Why aren't you living in a brown country since 'white racism' bothers you so much?
You are saying this not me im against discrimination and persecution and racism not against white racism you say im against whites not me

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