Wow! mamooth's dialogue has too many fallacies to cover them all.
You neglected to show where any of it was a fallacy. You just repeated your various unsupported conspiracy theories.
I showed the problem with Popper. Feynman, the problem is not with Feynman, but with the way deniers cherrypick him to misrepresent his views, and the way that they lack the self-awareness to understand Feynman was criticizing them. For instance, this bit of Feynman is aimed directly at denier types.
“Ordinary fools are all right; you can talk to them, and try to help them out. But pompous fools-guys who are fools and are covering it all over and impressing people as to how wonderful they are with all this hocus pocus -- THAT, I CANNOT STAND! An ordinary fool isn't a faker; an honest fool is all right. But a dishonest fool is terrible!”
That is, Feynman was a real skeptic, and he'd have had zero patience with poseur-skeptics like deniers.
The favorite denier quote from Feynman is
“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong”
Which is stupid of them, being climate science does agree with the experiments, while those experiments contradict denier claims.
It's also an oversimplification. If an observation contradicts a theory, it doesn't mean the theory has to be completely wrong. It often means the theory only needs a bit of modification.
For example, the theory of gravity says things fall down.
I see a bird flying.
That doesn't nullify the entire theory of gravity, but denier logic says that it does.
Let's change the example. Peptic ulcers are caused by stress. The evidence was overwhelming that stress exacerbated peptic ulcers. But that dealt only with symptoms not the primary cause. Bacteria was found to be the primary cause. Was the evidence for stress wrong? Or just misguided?
I think everyone already clearly sees how global warming deniers are the equivalent to the "Ulcers are caused by stress!" diehards. New convincing evidence poured in saying they were wrong, but they refused to budge from their debunked beliefs. Some of them, doctors with practices based on treating ulcers the old way, had a financial incentive to deny the evidence. And some people just liked being contrarians, because they thought it made them look smart.
Why am I unsurprised that you didn't get the point. Consensus science determined that stress caused peptic ulcers. A team of skeptic scientists came along and demonstrated Heliobacter was the primary cause and that stress was secondary.
While global warming skeptics have not disproved CO2 as the primary cause of warming, they have certainly shown that it has been exaggerated and likely to only be a secondary factor.