A question about the accuracy of science

A couple of years ago the most important scientific tool ever created by mankind ....was off by a couple of degrees and blurry. The freaking Hubble telescope was a multi billion dollar scientific endeavor and they ground the glass wrong. If the big stuff can be off by a couple of degrees what happens to minor stuff that is funded just as heavily (but for a different reason) by the federal government?

I for one am not sure what you're saying. That we should expect Humans to be infallible? Do you think there was or will be a time when we were or will be?
Do you think we should just give up endeavors such as Hubble that has brought us revolutionary knowledge of the Cosmos because there might be errors? Or was that just a random observation without any real relevance?
No one has successfully disputed my claim that the greater the acceptance of a theory among the experts, the greater the likelihood that it is correct. Not surprising, but surprising that they still try. And with what? Science has made mistakes, therefore.... what? Should we reject all science? Should we stop the practice? Should we return to running naked across the savannah eating dead rats? That would seem to be what you're suggesting.
No one has successfully disputed my claim that the greater the acceptance of a theory among the experts, the greater the likelihood that it is correct. Not surprising, but surprising that they still try. And with what? Science has made mistakes, therefore.... what? Should we reject all science? Should we stop the practice? Should we return to running naked across the savannah eating dead rats? That would seem to be what you're suggesting.
says you. Prove that no one has. All anyone need do is go to the thread More Proof Skeptics are Winning. It's a really good read, and you should actually do some research on a subject if you want to pound your chest.

As for the accuracy of science, the lack of an experiment disproves your hypothesis whatever it is. Frank has asked and you have evaded it. So you can't actually make the claim since you presented crickets to the party.
The experiment has been done several times in the history of the Earth. Rapid changes in the level of GHGs have led to major extinction periods in the past. Just because we are the cause of the rapid change, does not change the physics of the situation.

And the hypothesis is simple. Increase the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, and the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans will increase.
The experiment has been done several times in the history of the Earth. Rapid changes in the level of GHGs have led to major extinction periods in the past. Just because we are the cause of the rapid change, does not change the physics of the situation.

And the hypothesis is simple. Increase the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, and the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans will increase.
And is there any evidence to back up that claim? Do you have the figures on the temperature swings when that happens and the expectations? Or just someone's math based on a model? I see that is your difficulty, and dinosaurs went extinct because of ice and not warm. The water froze in the oceans and limited CO2 release which after time lowered the levels from the thousands to ~120 PPM. The earth has been working to get back to a higher PPM since because it is good for agriculture and plant growth. Essential for our well being. Now you have zero experiments or evidence to show that CO2 causes a rise in temperatures. It's what Frank, I and others have requested for years now in here. Crickets is all we have.

But thanks for proving you have no experiment. At least you stepped up there.
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The experiment has been done several times in the history of the Earth. Rapid changes in the level of GHGs have led to major extinction periods in the past. Just because we are the cause of the rapid change, does not change the physics of the situation.

And the hypothesis is simple. Increase the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere, and the temperature of the atmosphere and oceans will increase.
That's not an experiment, that's an observation.

You've never presented a single on point lab experiment
What a surprise, conservatives who reject reality and science as if it is hemlock try to challenge science that was settled by the world's PH.D's 15 years ago.

Fear is the overwhelming emotion in the con psyche, and make no mistake conservatives operate entirely on emotion, science is just something that makes no sense to them.

The science of Global Warming was settled 15 years ago by the world's PH.D's. There is no debate in the scientific community, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The only debate is among the conspiracy theory nutjobs on the far right who reject reality out of self preservation. It is just too scary for them. Better to hide your head under the sand.

Its ok cons, we understand you are scared. Children can't accept reality and we don't expect them to. The adults have to handle the hard stuff.

So you go play with your blocks.
What a surprise, conservatives who reject reality and science as if it is hemlock try to challenge science that was settled by the world's PH.D's 15 years ago.

Fear is the overwhelming emotion in the con psyche, and make no mistake conservatives operate entirely on emotion, science is just something that makes no sense to them.

The science of Global Warming was settled 15 years ago by the world's PH.D's. There is no debate in the scientific community, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The only debate is among the conspiracy theory nutjobs on the far right who reject reality out of self preservation. It is just too scary for them. Better to hide your head under the sand.

Its ok cons, we understand you are scared. Children can't accept reality and we don't expect them to. The adults have to handle the hard stuff.

So you go play with your blocks.

I'll go play with my blocks if you

1) ....can present the unimpeachable evidence of a Central Theorem of your "settled science".. And that is the premise that a trigger temperature exists (usually called at 2degC ) that if EXCEEDED, will cause IRREPARABLE damage to the Earth's climate system and destroy it..

2) .... show me ANY historical proxy study of Surface Temperature that can accurately measure the RATE of temperature rise that we've seen in the past 100 years. If you can't do so -- all those hockey stick claims of this little blip being faster or bigger than anything in the past------ fill in the blank ---- years are conjecture, not science.

Would be a good start to an ADULT discussion -- would it not??

There are childish things going on here. Mostly by the folks who ONLY understand appeals to authority and poster slogans like "settled science"..
What a surprise, conservatives who reject reality and science as if it is hemlock try to challenge science that was settled by the world's PH.D's 15 years ago.

Fear is the overwhelming emotion in the con psyche, and make no mistake conservatives operate entirely on emotion, science is just something that makes no sense to them.

The science of Global Warming was settled 15 years ago by the world's PH.D's. There is no debate in the scientific community, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The only debate is among the conspiracy theory nutjobs on the far right who reject reality out of self preservation. It is just too scary for them. Better to hide your head under the sand.

Its ok cons, we understand you are scared. Children can't accept reality and we don't expect them to. The adults have to handle the hard stuff.

So you go play with your blocks.

Science is never settled, dipshit; like DENIER!!!, that's a Cult term
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Science is science. The babblings of obese junkies on the AM radio, or that of fake British Lords is just that, babblings.

Name a single Scientific Society that states AGW is not happeing.
so show how many of the members to those societies agree with the society? I do know that Judith Curry does not believe the APS. I'm just saying, how many scientists are part of the society and then post up how many agree with the statement from said society. I know you won't and without it is rather weak at best. I do laugh at you and the others on here. your continued posts of inaccuracies is all we get daily in here. And still you can't provide evidence to support your claim, or how it is that the IPCC agrees with the pause? just funny shit daily in here.

IPCC, they back me and my side.

Better yet, how many of these societies actually did their own work to verify the results they are agreeing with?


What a surprise, conservatives who reject reality and science as if it is hemlock try to challenge science that was settled by the world's PH.D's 15 years ago.

Fear is the overwhelming emotion in the con psyche, and make no mistake conservatives operate entirely on emotion, science is just something that makes no sense to them.

The science of Global Warming was settled 15 years ago by the world's PH.D's. There is no debate in the scientific community, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The only debate is among the conspiracy theory nutjobs on the far right who reject reality out of self preservation. It is just too scary for them. Better to hide your head under the sand.

Its ok cons, we understand you are scared. Children can't accept reality and we don't expect them to. The adults have to handle the hard stuff.

So you go play with your blocks.
what reality are you referring to? Please, can you name a location on the planet that climate actually has changed? Let's read about your stated reality.
What a surprise, conservatives who reject reality and science as if it is hemlock try to challenge science that was settled by the world's PH.D's 15 years ago.

Fear is the overwhelming emotion in the con psyche, and make no mistake conservatives operate entirely on emotion, science is just something that makes no sense to them.

The science of Global Warming was settled 15 years ago by the world's PH.D's. There is no debate in the scientific community, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

The only debate is among the conspiracy theory nutjobs on the far right who reject reality out of self preservation. It is just too scary for them. Better to hide your head under the sand.

Its ok cons, we understand you are scared. Children can't accept reality and we don't expect them to. The adults have to handle the hard stuff.

So you go play with your blocks.

The science of Global Warming was settled 15 years ago by the world's PH.D's. There is no debate in the scientific community, Global Warming is real and accelerating.

How many trillions do we have to spend on windmills to stop global warming?

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