A Question For Fellow Anti-Obama Folks...

Yeah, because no one on the right ever said he was only elected because he was black, and no one on the right said black voters only voted for him because he was black, and Colin Powell only endorsed him because he was black, and on and on...


I endorse Allen West because he's a patriot:D


Allen West is a demented sociopathic rightwing extremist whose only success in the past 2 years was to successfully convince the voters of his district that he needed to be as far away from Congress as they could put him.

Racist..See how that works? Obama is a joke compared to a real patriot like west
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LTC West (Ret) served this country longer than Obamination and he didn't pander to blacks and other voters with lies like Obamination to rise to POTUS, so he is scum to liberals.

LTC West told the truth as a Congressman and that got him in the DNC crosshairs.....can't let some black man that escaped the plantation be telling other blacks what is really going on.....must keep the scam going for liberals.
Only the left is obsessed with his skin..

they can use it to bludgeon people over the head with if you disagree with the idiot in chief

Yeah, because no one on the right ever said he was only elected because he was black, and no one on the right said black voters only voted for him because he was black, and Colin Powell only endorsed him because he was black, and on and on...


Just because a FEW might of said that doesn't mean EVERYONE on the right thought it..Unless Bill Maher calling Palin a cxxt means all you on the left think that too. And how do you know no one on the LEFT every said he got elected because he was black? YOU DON'T
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Do really want to go there, no matter what is said the leftist asses on this board will call it BS and call every one that disagrees with their dear leader a racist, so that's all I'm going to say.

To much of a pussy to reveal your true feeling, take off the sheets, it's ok. We wouldn't kick you ass too badly
Yes, we know you're the OO7 from "Seria." :badgrin:

Do really want to go there, no matter what is said the leftist asses on this board will call it BS and call every one that disagrees with their dear leader a racist, so that's all I'm going to say.

To much of a pussy to reveal your true feeling, take off the sheets, it's ok. We wouldn't kick you ass too badly
Do you give a flying fuck about the color of Obama's skin or about where he was born...?

I don't...

you might not... but anyone who calls him hussein sure does... or who says he wasn't born here... or who questions how he got on harvard law review...

and if you think that the resistance to working with him on the far reaches of the loony right isn't at least IN PART based on racism, i'd say you're mistaken.

Alright, now you're a mind reader in what people mean...Wasn't your favorite name for Bush, Shrub or ChimpyMcCokespoon?
And saying Bush was Awol when he wasn't, what did THAT MEAN? Or McCain wasn't a citizen because he was born overseas?
get real and give it up already...people are tired of it
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Yes....the the unions are why he won the second time.

There was a researcher on Rush's show the other day that wrote some book about the unions spent $500 Billion in the last campaign for Obamination. It is "Shadow...." need to look it up.

Also, thousands of union workers like SEIU were paid with the union dues to register people and to drag them to the polls on election day. One deal for "volunteers" was $50 for 3 hours of work, a t-shirt and a turkey....yes they gave them a turkey for working for the black messiah.

The last election was stolen by the unions and the DNC machine that bought votes and did fraud in key states like Ohio....but now the American public is going to take it in the ass.

Youre right.

My opinion is that he won because he is black, but he was run because of his ideology. His handlers did him well. The only way I see how he won a second term is because of Unions and their dictatorship over their members and their organization. There is nothing going on in the country right now that made him worthy of reelection yet here we have it. I also think there was wide spread voter fraud.

It is hard to believe that Obama was playing to nightclub crowds and Romney was filling football stadiums and Romney lost. Shows the importance of organization.
Do you give a flying fuck about the color of Obama's skin or about where he was born...?

I don't...

you might not... but anyone who calls him hussein sure does... or who says he wasn't born here... or who questions how he got on harvard law review...

and if you think that the resistance to working with him on the far reaches of the loony right isn't at least IN PART based on racism, i'd say you're mistaken.

Alright, now you're a mind reader in what people mean...Wasn't your favorite name for Bush, Shrub or ChimpyMcCokespoon?
And saying Bush was Awol when he wasn't, what did THAT MEAN? Or McCain wasn't a citizen because he was born overseas?
get real and give it up already...people are tired of it

I have more respect for people who disagree with one side or the other because their policies, but these people who call the Tea Party racist? I loss any respect for these type of people, they are pretty much a joke in my book
Yeah, because no one on the right ever said he was only elected because he was black, and no one on the right said black voters only voted for him because he was black, and Colin Powell only endorsed him because he was black, and on and on...


I endorse Allen West because he's a patriot:D


Allen West is a demented sociopathic rightwing extremist whose only success in the past 2 years was to successfully convince the voters of his district that he needed to be as far away from Congress as they could put him.

The way you show respect for a genuine war hero, Alan West, shows your true feelings about all veterans in or out of uniform.

shame on you and damn you!
I endorse Allen West because he's a patriot:D


Allen West is a demented sociopathic rightwing extremist whose only success in the past 2 years was to successfully convince the voters of his district that he needed to be as far away from Congress as they could put him.

The way you show respect for a genuine war hero, Alan West, shows your true feelings about all veterans in or out of uniform.

shame on you and damn you!

It's not just the military with the left, they have no respect for any black Republican man or woman..
I endorse Allen West because he's a patriot:D


Allen West is a demented sociopathic rightwing extremist whose only success in the past 2 years was to successfully convince the voters of his district that he needed to be as far away from Congress as they could put him.

Racist..See how that works? Obama is a joke compared to a real patriot like west

Daily Kos: Congressman Allen West Is A Torturer, Not the 1st to Find a Home in Republican Party

The case stems from an incident August 20 at a military base in Taji, just north of Baghdad, when West was interrogating an Iraqi policeman, who was believed to have information about a plot to assassinate West with an ambush on a U.S. convoy.
In testimony at an Article 32 hearing -- the military's version of a grand jury or preliminary hearing -- West said the policeman, Yahya Jhrodi Hamoody, was not cooperating with interrogators, so he watched four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body.

West said he also threatened to kill Hamoody. Military prosecutors say West followed up on that threat by taking the suspect outside, put him on the ground near a weapons clearing barrel and fired his 9 mm pistol into the barrel.
Allen West is a demented sociopathic rightwing extremist whose only success in the past 2 years was to successfully convince the voters of his district that he needed to be as far away from Congress as they could put him.

Racist..See how that works? Obama is a joke compared to a real patriot like west

Daily Kos: Congressman Allen West Is A Torturer, Not the 1st to Find a Home in Republican Party

The case stems from an incident August 20 at a military base in Taji, just north of Baghdad, when West was interrogating an Iraqi policeman, who was believed to have information about a plot to assassinate West with an ambush on a U.S. convoy.
In testimony at an Article 32 hearing -- the military's version of a grand jury or preliminary hearing -- West said the policeman, Yahya Jhrodi Hamoody, was not cooperating with interrogators, so he watched four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body.

West said he also threatened to kill Hamoody. Military prosecutors say West followed up on that threat by taking the suspect outside, put him on the ground near a weapons clearing barrel and fired his 9 mm pistol into the barrel.

Dailykos now huh? seriously?
Do you give a flying fuck about the color of Obama's skin or about where he was born...?

I don't...

I don't either.

It's his ideology and lack of respect for Our Constitution and the lives of non-government dependent Americans that appall me.
Most people are opposed to Obama because they have been lead to believe that he is a communist bent on destroying the country. These are under-educated white folks who are being manipulated by the concentrated wealth that owns government and media. These people tend not to know anything about actual policies outside of what their pundits say. I think only a small portion is racist.
Do you give a flying fuck about the color of Obama's skin or about where he was born...?

I don't...

Other than realizing, probably, the biggest scam pulled on the American People, in relation to Presidential Elections, not once, but twice, yeah, I do. Granted it is a moot point. His handlers sure don't think much of us, that's for sure.
Most people are opposed to Obama because they have been lead to believe that he is a communist bent on destroying the country. These are under-educated white folks who are being manipulated by the concentrated wealth that owns government and media. These people tend not to know anything about actual policies outside of what their pundits say. I think only a small portion is racist.

Nobody could ever accuse you of generalizing or profiling, huh. ;) Jackass.
Racist..See how that works? Obama is a joke compared to a real patriot like west

Daily Kos: Congressman Allen West Is A Torturer, Not the 1st to Find a Home in Republican Party

The case stems from an incident August 20 at a military base in Taji, just north of Baghdad, when West was interrogating an Iraqi policeman, who was believed to have information about a plot to assassinate West with an ambush on a U.S. convoy.
In testimony at an Article 32 hearing -- the military's version of a grand jury or preliminary hearing -- West said the policeman, Yahya Jhrodi Hamoody, was not cooperating with interrogators, so he watched four of his soldiers from the 220th Field Artillery Battalion beat the detainee on the head and body.

West said he also threatened to kill Hamoody. Military prosecutors say West followed up on that threat by taking the suspect outside, put him on the ground near a weapons clearing barrel and fired his 9 mm pistol into the barrel.

Dailykos now huh? seriously?

West's Article 32 hearing, which probably ended his career, is a matter of public record.

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