A Question for Pro-Choice Christians


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

There is no such animal as a prochoice "Christian". There are TARES within the church that claim to be Christian who's seeds were sown by the Evil One. These will grow together alongside the Christians until God sends His angels to sever them and bind them for burning.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

There is no such animal as a prochoice "Christian". There are TARES within the church that claim to be Christian who's seeds were sown by the Evil One.

About the same as a "Christian" who supports homosexuality and SSM....not happening
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

It does seem to be a contradiction huh? The first thing to realize is that being "pro-choice" does not mean one thinks abortion is the right thing to do. It simply means one recognizes the freedom of choice. Guess what? God gave us free will. He gave us the freedom to choose. I am pro-choice and a Christian because I want the world to freely choose to make abortions a thing of the past instead of it being forced upon the world.

See...here's the deal. Making something illegal doesn't stop it from happening. If that were the case there would be no rape, no murder, no child abuse...nothing. All it does is punish those who do it. So if we make abortion illegal will it stop abortion? About as much as DUI laws stop drunk driving. So it's a fool's errand. The only way to end abortion is for society to evolve to the point where we freely choose other options. That's the freedom God gave us and that's the only way it will work.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

It does seem to be a contradiction huh? The first thing to realize is that being "pro-choice" does not mean one thinks abortion is the right thing to do. It simply means one recognizes the freedom of choice. Guess what? God gave us free will. He gave us the freedom to choose. I am pro-choice and a Christian because I want the world to freely choose to make abortions a thing of the past instead of it being forced upon the world.

See...here's the deal. Making something illegal doesn't stop it from happening. If that were the case there would be no rape, no murder, no child abuse...nothing. All it does is punish those who do it. So if we make abortion illegal will it stop abortion? About as much as DUI laws stop drunk driving. So it's a fool's errand. The only way to end abortion is for society to evolve to the point where we freely choose other options. That's the freedom God gave us and that's the only way it will work.

Well, I certainly don't profess to have the answer here but it does appear that we are heavily vested in law. Thy shalt not kill or murder here is one of the oldest laws on the books. We have a whole slew of degrees and subsets of this thing. I don't know all of them but here's a few: Murder in the First, Second, and Third, those ruled hate crimes, vehicular homicide, manslaughter, self-defense, involuntary manslaughter, etc. What would happen were we to not have these laws in society? Certainly we would at least deprive the courts of revenue and a whole slew of attorney their livelihood. Indeed, we have all these laws on the books prohibiting murder yet we still have murders being committed, even serial killings.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?

Seems to me if my memory serves me correctly, that Paul was vetted and totally accepted by the apostles themselves and proclaimed himself that he taught the gospel of Christ.
The first thing to realize is that being "pro-choice" does not mean one thinks abortion is the right thing to do. It simply means one recognizes the freedom of choice. Guess what? God gave us free will. He gave us the freedom to choose. I am pro-choice and a Christian because I want the world to freely choose to make abortions a thing of the past instead of it being forced upon the world.

According to that logic, why shouldn't we abolish all laws and just hope that people will decide to do the right thing?
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?

Seems to me if my memory serves me correctly, that Paul was vetted and totally accepted by the apostles themselves and proclaimed himself that he taught the gospel of Christ.

Not quite, there was a great deal of dispute. Paul promised to teach certain things and then went back on his way and did what he wanted. He taught to the romans and stayed way from the jews and asia.
Luke was a companion of Paul and got her version of the stories of Jesus from Paul, who never met the real Jesus in life. Luke knew nothing of Jesus that was not fed to him by Paul, which is why the gospels don't all tell the same story.

There had been some 250 gospels, acts and other text but the roman Constantine had he bishops pare it down to those most favorable to his new acceptance of the faith. If he did not approve, the books were not made until he was satisfied. It was a struggle, as was the divinity of Jesus.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?

You have a very F'dU view of things and a weird understanding of the Bible. First, Joseph and Mary were married. Not all babies came nine months after the marriage not unlike today nor throughout time. My kids were born at seven months although we'd been married for years prior to conception. So, it's not a FACT that Mary and the baby would have been killed. Abortion and birth control did not exist from the beginning of time nor 2,000 plus a years ago after Christ came. Gays/lesbians did exist during the time of Sodom, but this practice as well as other depraved and immoral things, is why God destroyed the earth with a flood. Those extrodinary sins don't make them acceptable to God and He can't tolerate them. Jesus didn't like the Pharisees not because they lived under the law, but because they were doing bad things in the name of religion, like being money changers and ripping off people inside the church. The only thing you were partially correct is that Jesus IS about love, forgiveness, and hate. However, He didn't condone lawlessness and sin, and was vocal about it which is mostly why the Pharsees didn't like him, but they actually killed him because he simply stated He was the Son of God. Paul lived with Jesus and as such he merely told what Jesus was like because few (11 others) had the opportunity since no mass media existed in those days. Paul's intention was to spread the Word and instruct others how they should live according to Jesus. Who gives a shit what the pope thinks. He's is about as disconnected from God as a person can be. The pope has NO authority to forgive abortion nor sodomy. As far as abortion being okay because "it isn't the right time" to care for a child, doesn't make it right or acceptable to kill one of God's creation. Killing is right up there in the top of the Ten Commandments, and I'm thankful I don't have to suffer God's rath for that one. There WILL be judgement for that, it's a certainity. Lastly, the reason Christain people cannot accept the acts of others that continually commit heinous sins against God and His Son, it's called discuss disobedience, is because they find them repulsive and we are instructed in the Bible to separate ourselves from them. YOU don't know the Bible whatsoever. Learn!!! Why don't you!
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?

Seems to me if my memory serves me correctly, that Paul was vetted and totally accepted by the apostles themselves and proclaimed himself that he taught the gospel of Christ.

Not quite, there was a great deal of dispute. Paul promised to teach certain things and then went back on his way and did what he wanted. He taught to the romans and stayed way from the jews and asia.
Luke was a companion of Paul and got her version of the stories of Jesus from Paul, who never met the real Jesus in life. Luke knew nothing of Jesus that was not fed to him by Paul, which is why the gospels don't all tell the same story.

There had been some 250 gospels, acts and other text but the roman Constantine had he bishops pare it down to those most favorable to his new acceptance of the faith. If he did not approve, the books were not made until he was satisfied. It was a struggle, as was the divinity of Jesus.

So you were there in Jerusalem with the apostles when Paul went down there and received their blessings and their sending of him forth? I didn't realize that. He didn't stay away from the Jews either. Actually it was the Jews who caused him the most headache with their circumcision requirement among other things. I agree that Peter was a Jew in all his doings until God finally had to tell him to "Kill and eat" and Paul had to scold him for being two-face about eating with the Gentiles. It sounds to me like you have a personal thing against Paul or against some of his teachings.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?

Seems to me if my memory serves me correctly, that Paul was vetted and totally accepted by the apostles themselves and proclaimed himself that he taught the gospel of Christ.

Not quite, there was a great deal of dispute. Paul promised to teach certain things and then went back on his way and did what he wanted. He taught to the romans and stayed way from the jews and asia.
Luke was a companion of Paul and got her version of the stories of Jesus from Paul, who never met the real Jesus in life. Luke knew nothing of Jesus that was not fed to him by Paul, which is why the gospels don't all tell the same story.

There had been some 250 gospels, acts and other text but the roman Constantine had he bishops pare it down to those most favorable to his new acceptance of the faith. If he did not approve, the books were not made until he was satisfied. It was a struggle, as was the divinity of Jesus.

Just so you know Paul and Luke were both dudes. You make reference to "her version". Who is she? Constantine was simply a Roman emperor, not God. Jesus had more struggles in his short life than we'll ever know and can hardly appreciate. Stop talking when you don't know what you're saying. It's an embarrassment, or it should be to you.
The first thing to realize is that being "pro-choice" does not mean one thinks abortion is the right thing to do. It simply means one recognizes the freedom of choice. Guess what? God gave us free will. He gave us the freedom to choose. I am pro-choice and a Christian because I want the world to freely choose to make abortions a thing of the past instead of it being forced upon the world.

According to that logic, why shouldn't we abolish all laws and just hope that people will decide to do the right thing?
The lawyers wouldn't allow us to do that!
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

It does seem to be a contradiction huh? The first thing to realize is that being "pro-choice" does not mean one thinks abortion is the right thing to do. It simply means one recognizes the freedom of choice. Guess what? God gave us free will. He gave us the freedom to choose. I am pro-choice and a Christian because I want the world to freely choose to make abortions a thing of the past instead of it being forced upon the world.

See...here's the deal. Making something illegal doesn't stop it from happening. If that were the case there would be no rape, no murder, no child abuse...nothing. All it does is punish those who do it. So if we make abortion illegal will it stop abortion? About as much as DUI laws stop drunk driving. So it's a fool's errand. The only way to end abortion is for society to evolve to the point where we freely choose other options. That's the freedom God gave us and that's the only way it will work.
Pro-choice is pro-abortion.

Trust me, God isn't behind abortion.
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

It does seem to be a contradiction huh? The first thing to realize is that being "pro-choice" does not mean one thinks abortion is the right thing to do. It simply means one recognizes the freedom of choice. Guess what? God gave us free will. He gave us the freedom to choose. I am pro-choice and a Christian because I want the world to freely choose to make abortions a thing of the past instead of it being forced upon the world.

See...here's the deal. Making something illegal doesn't stop it from happening. If that were the case there would be no rape, no murder, no child abuse...nothing. All it does is punish those who do it. So if we make abortion illegal will it stop abortion? About as much as DUI laws stop drunk driving. So it's a fool's errand. The only way to end abortion is for society to evolve to the point where we freely choose other options. That's the freedom God gave us and that's the only way it will work.
We end abortions by sending the doctors to jail.
I don't even know where to begin with this.

Abortion and birth control did not exist from the beginning of time nor 2,000 plus a years ago after Christ came.

Well I don't know about the beginning of time, but it was certainly around when Jesus was alive and far before. A common form of contraception in antiquity, for example, was using half a lemon as a diaphragm. Abortion was around as well in all cultures. Assyrian Law from over 1050 BCE provides punishments for women who get an abortion against their husband's wishes. Obviously no one knows exactly when these practices began but they were alive and well at least 3,000 years ago and most likely for a few thousand years prior to that.

Gays/lesbians did exist during the time of Sodom, but this practice as well as other depraved and immoral things, is why God destroyed the earth with a flood. Those extrodinary sins don't make them acceptable to God and He can't tolerate them.

Well first of all Sodom came after the flood and second the Bible never says what the sin of Sodom was nor what sins man was participating in that led Him to flood the Earth. It just says they were wicked and that's it.

Jesus didn't like the Pharisees not because they lived under the law, but because they were doing bad things in the name of religion, like being money changers and ripping off people inside the church. The only thing you were partially correct is that Jesus IS about love, forgiveness, and hate. However, He didn't condone lawlessness and sin, and was vocal about it which is mostly why the Pharsees didn't like him, but they actually killed him because he simply stated He was the Son of God.

"simply stated He was the Son of God"...."simply". That's what was called heresy. Even saying the name of God would get you killed back then. There is no "simply" about it. According to Jewish law it was blasphemy and punishable by death. And it was the Sadducees that killed Him not the Pharisees. It was the Sadducees that were ripping off the people in the Temple not the Pharisees.

Paul lived with Jesus and as such he merely told what Jesus was like because few (11 others) had the opportunity since no mass media existed in those days. Paul's intention was to spread the Word and instruct others how they should live according to Jesus.

Paul never even MET Jesus. Try reading Acts for Christ's sake. If you read Paul's letters he almost never quotes Jesus and he and Jesus disagreed on several points. It's very possible that Paul didn't quote Jesus or talk about the life of Jesus because he didn't know much about Jesus.

YOU don't know the Bible whatsoever. Learn!!! Why don't you!

That may be the most ironic statement on this entire thread
How are you able to reconcile the legitimacy of elective abortion with the conception and birth of Jesus? Should Mary have had the right to terminate her pregnancy? How about Elizabeth, within whom John the Baptist stirred when she met Mary? Would terminating that pregnancy also have been all right with you?

I would appreciate an explanation of this seeming contradiction of viewpoints.

If Joseph had not accepted her, she would have been stoned to death, as would the baby.

Abortion is permitted in the bible as is birth control. Christianity is pro-choice, but to often it is the clergy that translate the bible instead of actually understanding the stories. Gays exist in the bible as well, both men and women.

Jesus was against pharisees, those that live only by the letter and not the spirit of the text. He was about love and forgiveness, not judgment, exclusion and hate.

Why do so many christian not know their own bible?

Too much Paul and not enough Jesus in their thinking. If they want to be Paulinites, then let they say that. If they want to be followers of Jesus, then let them decide that and accept the idea of loving all people, as they are.

The Pope is visiting now and he has said to forgive abortions. We all wish that children brought into the world should be loved and cared for. Sometimes fate, age, rape and health make caring for a child the wrong time. We have the right to choose. To choose and still be loved and accepted.
Jesus loved those who otherwise would be rejected by society, why can't christians follow in his foot steps? Why do so many choose to reject others?

You have a very F'dU view of things and a weird understanding of the Bible. First, Joseph and Mary were married. Not all babies came nine months after the marriage not unlike today nor throughout time. My kids were born at seven months although we'd been married for years prior to conception. So, it's not a FACT that Mary and the baby would have been killed. Abortion and birth control did not exist from the beginning of time nor 2,000 plus a years ago after Christ came. Gays/lesbians did exist during the time of Sodom, but this practice as well as other depraved and immoral things, is why God destroyed the earth with a flood. Those extrodinary sins don't make them acceptable to God and He can't tolerate them. Jesus didn't like the Pharisees not because they lived under the law, but because they were doing bad things in the name of religion, like being money changers and ripping off people inside the church. The only thing you were partially correct is that Jesus IS about love, forgiveness, and hate. However, He didn't condone lawlessness and sin, and was vocal about it which is mostly why the Pharsees didn't like him, but they actually killed him because he simply stated He was the Son of God. Paul lived with Jesus and as such he merely told what Jesus was like because few (11 others) had the opportunity since no mass media existed in those days. Paul's intention was to spread the Word and instruct others how they should live according to Jesus. Who gives a shit what the pope thinks. He's is about as disconnected from God as a person can be. The pope has NO authority to forgive abortion nor sodomy. As far as abortion being okay because "it isn't the right time" to care for a child, doesn't make it right or acceptable to kill one of God's creation. Killing is right up there in the top of the Ten Commandments, and I'm thankful I don't have to suffer God's rath for that one. There WILL be judgement for that, it's a certainity. Lastly, the reason Christain people cannot accept the acts of others that continually commit heinous sins against God and His Son, it's called discuss disobedience, is because they find them repulsive and we are instructed in the Bible to separate ourselves from them. YOU don't know the Bible whatsoever. Learn!!! Why don't you!

They were not married at the time of conception. Mary would have been stoned by the public. Joseph originally turned away from her when he found out.
Pharasees were literalists. They did not live by the meaning of the law and apply it to the circumstances of each different case. For them is was black of white, there was no in between.

Jesus accepted all people as they were, if they had the ability to love.

Murder is in the ten commandments, not killing.

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