Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

Only a sicko Libtard Feminazi would not see anything wrong with killing a child as a birth control method.
They also see nothing with telling victims and other young and vulnerable women that when THEY get pregnant it is a punishment.. that THEY will not be able to succeed.. because they were abused or because they are poor. That THEY will be terrible mothers and even if they put their child up for adoption that THEIR child will be abused and miserable. It's gaslighting, coercion, and lies meant to trick women into kill I bv their offspring and participating in negative eugenics.
They also see nothing with telling victims and other young and vulnerable women that when THEY get pregnant it is a punishment.. that THEY will not be able to succeed.. because they were abused or because they are poor. That THEY will be terrible mothers and even if they put their child up for adoption that THEIR child will be abused and miserable. It's gaslighting, coercion, and lies meant to trick women into kill I bv their offspring and participating in negative eugenics.
Of all the methods of birth control that are available today why would these Libtard assholes condone killing a child?
Of all the methods of birth control that are available today why would these Libtard assholes condone killing a child?
Negative eugenics/genocide/trafficking/paganism/child sacrifice... They endorse them all, and the abortion industry is a huge part of it.
Which is non sequitur. Despite your apparent belief that randomness reigns supreme, the real world shows the exact opposite; that every effect had a cause. You apparently cannot see it because you think violating moral laws is like violating physical laws. It isn't. It's statistical in nature. But make no mistake, the consequences one suffers are directly related to their actions. Even if they get away with it for long periods of time.
Stalin died in his bed.
The ONLY authority of force the government has is the authority to protect vulnerable humans from being butchered by those who are stronger or who want the resources their victims are sitting on.
The law doesn't exist to protect the rights of the strong from their dependents. It exists to protect the vulnerable, the weak, the minority from being killed.
I agree.

But do you see that you are basing this on the idea that they are provably "humans." That is, that they are fully developed humans with Constitutional rights. Not everyone believes they are.

And you may see those people as soulless monsters, which is fine, but our society is built around the idea of forming a government that guarantees the rights of those soulless monsters as much as those of enlightened paragons such as yourself.
I agree.

But do you see that you are basing this on the idea that they are provably "humans." That is, that they are fully developed humans with Constitutional rights. Not everyone believes they are.

And you may see those people as soulless monsters, which is fine, but our society is built around the idea of forming a government that guarantees the rights of those soulless monsters as much as those of enlightened paragons such as yourself.
And this is what antiabortion people never want to talk about.

What are the consequences of fetal rights of personhood?

How does the government protect an unborn "person" that has all the recognized rights of a born person without violating the rights of a woman?
The law doesn't exist to protect the rights of the strong from their dependents. It exists to protect the vulnerable, the weak, the minority from being killed.
Really now? So you could just murder your employer, and government should look the other way?
I agree.

But do you see that you are basing this on the idea that they are provably "humans." That is, that they are fully developed humans with Constitutional rights. Not everyone believes they are.

And you may see those people as soulless monsters, which is fine, but our society is built around the idea of forming a government that guarantees the rights of those soulless monsters as much as those of enlightened paragons such as yourself.
Er.. no. It isn't "human rights for fully developed US Citizens"... it's just human rights.
Really now? So you could just murder your employer, and government should look the other way?
What on earth are you gibbering about?
you guys yammer the most random, weird shit. Seriously.
It's just a distraction from the fact that elective abortion is a human rights offense.. as is the exploitation and coercion of vulnerable women that you target and gaslight and shame into killing their offspring.
What on earth are you gibbering about?
you guys yammer the most random, weird shit. Seriously.
It's just a distraction ...
Fair enough. And I took it out of context to boot. It's just that I see that excuse a lot, as though the rights of rich or powerful people don't matter.

... as is the exploitation and coercion of vulnerable women that you target and gaslight and shame into killing their offspring.
Care to explain, or given an example? I don't recall doing any of that. I think abortion is a horror. I just don't think it should be up the state.
Really now? So you could just murder your employer, and government should look the other way?
What on earth are you gibbering about?
you guys yammer the most random, weird shit. Seriously.
It's just a distraction from the fact that elective abortion is a human rights offense.. as is the exploitation and coercion of vulnerable women that you target and gaslight and shame into killing their offspring.
Fair enough. And I took it out of context to boot. It's just that I see that excuse a lot, as though the rights of rich or powerful people don't matter.

Care to explain, or given an example? I don't recall doing any of that. I think abortion is a horror. I just don't think it should be up the state.
The only time the state is authorized to interfere with us is to protect vulnerable, weak and defenseless humans from being extinguished.
If you have not engaged in coercion in the form of lying to women about abortion and human rights, or shaming women with tales of terror regarding unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy after rape,adoption etc., then you are the pro abort exception.
What on earth are you gibbering about?
you guys yammer the most random, weird shit. Seriously.
It's just a distraction from the fact that elective abortion is a human rights offense.. as is the exploitation and coercion of vulnerable women that you target and gaslight and shame into killing their offspring.

The only time the state is authorized to interfere with us is to protect vulnerable, weak and defenseless humans from being extinguished.
If you have not engaged in coercion in the form of lying to women about abortion and human rights, or shaming women with tales of terror regarding unplanned pregnancy, pregnancy after rape,adoption etc., then you are the pro abort exception.
I'm not pro-abort. I don't know anyone who is. Like most things Trumpsters get all stewed up about, it's a fantasy.
I'm not pro-abort. I don't know anyone who is. Like most things Trumpsters get all stewed up about, it's a fantasy.
Yeah that's what all the baby killers say. It's a lie.
What is true is that they claim, just as the nazls and the one child rule ccp claim... it is "pro life" to engage in negative eugenics/genocide/human rights violations associated with trafficking and state endorsed euthanasia and abortion.
You ALL say you only approve of the killing of the children of OTHERS. Not because you think it is a right.. but because you think the children of others have no value.
It's the same mentality all anti human rights ghouls share.

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