A Question for the "Clowns" on this Forum

What is it that you think I should be so impressed by, in that video?

Prescience and consistency, for starters. What was Hillary doing at that time?
Trump & Hillary? Funny you say that: You must not have visited Drudge today

Question for OP - can you afford to buy Drumpf's clothing line? Neither can the Mexicans or Chinese to make them.

Why does he take all his business out of the country?


You gotta hand it to Drumpf. He really knows his base.

What is it that you think I should be so impressed by, in that video?

Prescience and consistency, for starters. What was Hillary doing at that time?
Trump & Hillary? Funny you say that: You must not have visited Drudge today


Try working on completing your thought(s).
:up: Drudge has Decided to Turn Against the Donald | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
OTOH, he IS consistent in his lies -

Quoting a non-existent source, he tweeted this:


Stoopid racists fell for it but intelligent people knew better. The actual numbers:

Blacks killed by whites: 7.6 percent.

Whites killed by whites: 82.4 percent.

Whites killed by blacks: 14.8 percent.

Blacks killed by blacks: 90 percent.

Needless to say, he never apologized for his lie. Nor have the RWNJs called him on that or any of his many other lies.

Thanks to all you mental midgets who responded. Sorry for exceeding your attention span by also asking why YOUR candidate would a better President. Or are you still waiting for instructions?
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Dos the OP know what the word "prescient" means?

adjective: prescient
having or showing knowledge of events before they take place

Does the OP believe ESP is among Duh Donuld's many other talents?

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