A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?
It wasn't. Less than 0.5% of abortions even claim to be from incest or rape. Abortion is about convenience and free sex.
takes two to tango? dummy
Unless that tango involves killing the parties mutual unborn... Then it suddenly becomes a solo performance. Lol! How convenient. Lol!
so are you telling me that if you picked up a chick in a bar, took her home. Got her pregnant? you'd man up. I DOUBT it. lol
It doesn’t matter what you doubt. I wouldn’t take some slut out of a bar and knock her up. You know why? Cuz my body, my choice. That’s why... Lol!
there have been documented stories of little LITTLE girls being raped & impregnated. so i'll say the moment that can happen, then the decision is hers & hers alone, no matter what the age. because b4 that, the point is moot.

duh. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrr............ since i am consistant, i'd say the in cases like that - the 'father' should be also be terminated.

Far, far, less than the 0.5 per cent that even claim rape, let alone how many abortions are actually rape. But you must agree that the other 99.5% we can stop killing those babies, right? Let's get rid of those and have a talk about the ones that are for rape.
Well it is not covered enough. I'm taking a lot of heat on this you know. I take a lot of heat on questions I ask. But some like it hot.

Seriously? It's a good thread and your question is a great one but, really, you're not taking any heat.. Stand tall.
That's Pom. He stirs the pot. LOL then leaves . do you need a back up? I thought you were doing a pretty good job. wearing down dummy
i'll go get him, I know exactly where he is right now. You want me to tell him you need help. lol
oh i have no doubt what you are proud to be... sieg heil!!!!

& i proudly stand for the right of any female to be the master of her own destiny.

I agree. Women should definitely be the master of their own destiny. But once they opened their legs, they chose their destiny. No man should ever be allowed to force a woman to spread her legs or to have sex and, if they do, they belong in prison for life.
I have not met any women that regret an abortion. I have met adults that regret not having that sibling.
I've never met a woman who I knew had an abortion that did not regret it. I have no idea how many woman I know had one that I didn't know but the ones I know are so torn apart emotionally that they never, ever, get over what they've done.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
I don't think he'll come back. we'll see gracie.
Outlawing or restricting abortion doesn't stop abortions, it just makes abortions more dangerous for women. Similar to IV drug users not having access to free, clean needles. Then they just end up infecting themselves with dirty needles.

I could not care less about a woman who dies killing her child; I care no more for her than any other murderer that dies in the act of their crime.
Outlawing or restricting abortion doesn't stop abortions, it just makes abortions more dangerous for women. Similar to IV drug users not having access to free, clean needles. Then they just end up infecting themselves with dirty needles.

I also could not care less about an addict using dirty needles. Darwin. Protecting addicts and abortionist mothers is human interference in the survival of the fittest. Neither of those were intended to to survive.
The unborn are just that -- not yet born, not yet citizens, don't have any rights, unless they are murdered by someone other than their mother. The mother is the host -- so she can decide if that dependent life form lives or dies.

Do you understand how utterly stupid that is? It's a life and if someone else kills it it is murder but not if the mother kills it? Well, the doctor is someone else...

Why don't you come over and visit; let's have dinner.. Then, while I'm your host, I'll abort you.
The unborn are just that -- not yet born, not yet citizens, don't have any rights, unless they are murdered by someone other than their mother. The mother is the host -- so she can decide if that dependent life form lives or dies.

Do you understand how utterly stupid that is? It's a life and if someone else kills it it is murder but not if the mother kills it? Well, the doctor is someone else...

Why don't you come over and visit; let's have dinner.. Then, while I'm your host, I'll abort you.
Why don't you shut your mouth and go to China if you wanna go someplace where they like to control women's bodies.
Cool! So you consider your children to be parasites.
Not uncommon, you know..? It’s a useful tactic. One that helps you muster up the moxy to do it... Dehumanize your intended victim first... It makes them easier to kill.
In another thread, isn't there a discussion that Michelle Obama is considering post-partem abortion of her own kids?
I have not met any women that regret an abortion. I have met adults that regret not having that sibling.
I've never met a woman who I knew had an abortion that did not regret it. I have no idea how many woman I know had one that I didn't know but the ones I know are so torn apart emotionally that they never, ever, get over what they've done.
so says you. cry me a river....
No, I don't have any children...but if I did, hmmm, ya they kind of are parasites, especially when they feed off of the mother's body.
Just a drawing because I'm trying to be careful about rules but the mother could abort this child because it's a parasite that feeds off of its mother's body?

The unborn are just that -- not yet born, not yet citizens, don't have any rights, unless they are murdered by someone other than their mother. The mother is the host -- so she can decide if that dependent life form lives or dies.

Do you understand how utterly stupid that is? It's a life and if someone else kills it it is murder but not if the mother kills it? Well, the doctor is someone else...

Why don't you come over and visit; let's have dinner.. Then, while I'm your host, I'll abort you.
Why don't you shut your mouth and go to China if you wanna go someplace where they like to control women's bodies.
And eat some bat stew.
so are you telling me that if you picked up a chick in a bar, took her home. Got her pregnant? you'd man up. I DOUBT it. lol
Are you telling us that you wouldn't? As the man, would you force the woman to abort your child? I don't know if you're man or woman, but you're about as low of a human being as I know. I hope you never do have children, especially daughters if you think so little of women.

I never picked up a woman in a bar but, coincidentally, my son did. Took her home, got her pregnant. My 18-year-old granddaughter just graduated from high school last week. My son and his wife struggled, as most married couples do. But they stuck through it and grew to love each other very much. They brought two more grandsons into our lives after they were married - after my son manned up. After my daughter-in-law mothered up.

You certainly prove my point that abortion, to the parents of the child, serves but one purpose: to strip the personal responsibility for their choice to engage in free sex. You're despicable.

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