A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

so are you telling me that if you picked up a chick in a bar, took her home. Got her pregnant? you'd man up. I DOUBT it. lol
Are you telling us that you wouldn't? As the man, would you force the woman to abort your child? I don't know if you're man or woman, but you're about as low of a human being as I know. I hope you never do have children, especially daughters if you think so little of women.

I never picked up a woman in a bar but, coincidentally, my son did. Took her home, got her pregnant. My 18-year-old granddaughter just graduated from high school last week. My son and his wife struggled, as most married couples do. But they stuck through it and grew to love each other very much. They brought two more grandsons into our lives after they were married - after my son manned up. After my daughter-in-law mothered up.

You certainly prove my point that abortion, to the parents of the child, serves but one purpose: to strip the personal responsibility for their choice to engage in free sex. You're despicable.
thank you! your a darling yourself. anyway signing off for the night. have to get some sleep. nice meeting you.
The unborn are just that -- not yet born, not yet citizens, don't have any rights, unless they are murdered by someone other than their mother. The mother is the host -- so she can decide if that dependent life form lives or dies.

Do you understand how utterly stupid that is? It's a life and if someone else kills it it is murder but not if the mother kills it? Well, the doctor is someone else...

Why don't you come over and visit; let's have dinner.. Then, while I'm your host, I'll abort you.
Hmm... Well... Ok then.

I eat meat. I either took a life, or I directly support someone else taking that life in order for my enjoyment of meat.

I will kill life for annoying me. Not all life, but there are forms of life that I'll have no trouble killing just because it's there within reach.

The fact that it is life is a very poor argument IMHO... Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Edit: It'll be a longer post though... I'll sleep now, see replies in the morning/after work.
Every egg that passes without being fertilized is also part of life. Nature provides enormous surplus of potential individuals. Most do not fully develop. That is natural selection. Humans are part of nature, and so is our selection. Calling abortion murder is a perversion of the word.
Deciding what is 'murder' and what is not is a matter of subjective morals. If I walk up to a man and shoot him to death, is that murder? Is it murder if we are on a beach in France, it is 1944 and he is wearing a Wehrmacht uniform?
Those who maintain abortion is a crime are hypocrites unless they are either at clinics stopping it or under arrest for having done so. Otherwise, they are knowingly abetting what they interpret as being a serious crime.
There is no other issue like this, where a woman is faced with the decision and consequences of what happens to her body, her person and her future. It is uniquely up to the woman, and there it should rest. Any consequences are on her.
Those opposed to abortion must use education and persuasion. Convince others and forget persecution.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

That's not what the issue is. It's an issue of using abortion in lieu of birth control you sniveling oxygen thief.

Not that I care, I want liberals to get abortions. Retroactively if need be. You're genetic garbage.

Woman's body = woman's choice. Are you even a woman? Probably not, you're probably some idiot Republican who likes to control womens' bodies!
No one cares what a single woman does to her own body. If you doubt me; run your fingers through a bandsaw, and see who try’s to propose legislation to stop you, or even gives a shit if you do it. Truth is no one ever gave a shot about you, or what you do to your body. What you do with your body is another matter however. Specifically when you decide to use your body to injure or kill others. No different than if some man decides to punch you in the face or snap your neck.His body, his choice? Hmmm...? I didn’t think so.
It’s the victims, specifically the innocent that are cared about. Not you. But you know that. That why you found yourself at an abortion clinic...

What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

That's not what the issue is. It's an issue of using abortion in lieu of birth control you sniveling oxygen thief.

Not that I care, I want liberals to get abortions. Retroactively if need be. You're genetic garbage.

Woman's body = woman's choice. Are you even a woman? Probably not, you're probably some idiot Republican who likes to control womens' bodies!
No one cares what a single woman does to her own body. If you doubt me; run your fingers through a bandsaw, and see who try’s to propose legislation to stop you, or even gives a shit if you do it. Truth is no one ever gave a shot about you, or what you do to your body. What you do with your body is another matter however. Specifically when you decide to use your body to injure or kill others. No different than if some man decides to punch you in the face or snap your neck.His body, his choice? Hmmm...? I didn’t think so.
It’s the victims, specifically the innocent that are cared about. No you. But you know that. That why you found yourself at an abortion clinic...
no no, I have a ban saw. I watch my fingers, I'm not that dumb? get it? nor have I ever been that dumb to end up at a clinic. just saying. if you cant stand my point of view... then don't have one dummy.
Just because I don’t kill babies doesn’t mean I will turn a blind eye to it, simply because you prefer to. It’s not just a single woman’s business. It’s society’s as a wholes business. Including the one you intend to kill. Once you can master the art of successful abortion that doesn’t result in a death; I’ll let your ilk about your merry way.

a zygote isn't a 'baby' ... an embryo isn't a 'baby'... & if that 'life' develops into a viable b-a-b-y, against a female's will - who pays for the medical care, food, housing, clothing, education, etc etc etc if the mother can't?

uh-huh. you? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

society? not if (R) - who want to take that decision away in the 1st place; that's for damn sure; 'cause once that cord is cut - all bets are off. & god forbid they are brown & have an anchor attached. send 'em back to that shit hole... right? - 'cause 'we' sure aren't responsible for 'em.

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yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.

No woman, certainly less than 0.5% of those having abortions can even make the claim that they were forced to carry a baby to term and give birth against her will. All the rest had a choice - and they made it 9 months ago.

you have no idea what the reasons are & you have no right to be told any reason.

it none of yer fucking business what the justification is.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?
It wasn't. Less than 0.5% of abortions even claim to be from incest or rape. Abortion is about convenience and free sex.
takes two to tango? dummy
Unless that tango involves killing the parties mutual unborn... Then it suddenly becomes a solo performance. Lol! How convenient. Lol!

some body gets to have the final say.

the man?


the zygote? embryo? unviable fetus?


the gov'ment?


the female?

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so will all the pro 'lifers' that want to turn away all them thar christians heading up from south america be needing to defend themselves?

No, what pro-lifers want is to not see all those Christians coming up from South America raped, child molested, robbed, beaten, and worse. We want them to follow the law and come be proud Americans and part of the open society.

It is the left (including the Republican Branch of the Democratic Party) that wants them here illegally, under the table, paid low wages, and don't care how many women get raped or how many children get molested, or how many young girls get stolen into human trafficking prostitution, as long as there's someone to pick the lettuce. And you know it's true. Lettuce versus rape-prevention? The left always chooses lettuce and ignores the rape.

ummmm..... you ask the majority of them brownies - why are they fleeing their country & they will tell you exactly what you just described. & the reason why there are so many coming at once - is because there is safety in numbers.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

That's not what the issue is. It's an issue of using abortion in lieu of birth control you sniveling oxygen thief.

Not that I care, I want liberals to get abortions. Retroactively if need be. You're genetic garbage.

Woman's body = woman's choice. Are you even a woman? Probably not, you're probably some idiot Republican who likes to control womens' bodies!
No one cares what a single woman does to her own body. If you doubt me; run your fingers through a bandsaw, and see who try’s to propose legislation to stop you, or even gives a shit if you do it. Truth is no one ever gave a shot about you, or what you do to your body. What you do with your body is another matter however. Specifically when you decide to use your body to injure or kill others. No different than if some man decides to punch you in the face or snap your neck.His body, his choice? Hmmm...? I didn’t think so.
It’s the victims, specifically the innocent that are cared about. No you. But you know that. That why you found yourself at an abortion clinic...
no no, I have a ban saw. I watch my fingers, I'm not that dumb? get it? nor have I ever been that dumb to end up at a clinic. just saying. if you cant stand my point of view... then don't have one dummy.
Just because I don’t kill babies doesn’t mean I will turn a blind eye to it, simply because you prefer to. It’s not just a single woman’s business. It’s society’s as a wholes business. Including the one you intend to kill. Once you can master the art of successful abortion that doesn’t result in a death; I’ll let your ilk about your merry way.

a zygote isn't a 'baby' ... an embryo isn't a 'baby'... & if that 'life' develops into a viable b-a-b-y, against a female's will - who pays for the medical care, food, housing, clothing, education, etc etc etc if the mother can't?

uh-huh. you? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

society? not if (R) - who want to take that decision away in the 1st place; that's for damn sure; 'cause once that cord is cut - all bets are off. & god forbid they are brown & have an anchor attached. send 'em back to that shit hole... right? - 'cause 'we' sure aren't responsible for 'em.

I don’t engage in age discrimination, and need no such tool to forward my agenda. That’s your wheel house. As far as invaders shifting out their ilk here? Your damn right we need to send em back. My tax dollars are meant to support my people. I don’t really give a shit about anybody else’s people.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
No need to get riled up over a clump of cells.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
I don't think he'll come back. we'll see gracie.
Cyndi. I'm back. You see, I'm not here all the time.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
I don't think he'll come back. we'll see gracie.
Cyndi. I'm back. You see, I'm not here all the time.
good morning
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

That's not what the issue is. It's an issue of using abortion in lieu of birth control you sniveling oxygen thief.

Not that I care, I want liberals to get abortions. Retroactively if need be. You're genetic garbage.

Woman's body = woman's choice. Are you even a woman? Probably not, you're probably some idiot Republican who likes to control womens' bodies!
No one cares what a single woman does to her own body. If you doubt me; run your fingers through a bandsaw, and see who try’s to propose legislation to stop you, or even gives a shit if you do it. Truth is no one ever gave a shot about you, or what you do to your body. What you do with your body is another matter however. Specifically when you decide to use your body to injure or kill others. No different than if some man decides to punch you in the face or snap your neck.His body, his choice? Hmmm...? I didn’t think so.
It’s the victims, specifically the innocent that are cared about. No you. But you know that. That why you found yourself at an abortion clinic...
no no, I have a ban saw. I watch my fingers, I'm not that dumb? get it? nor have I ever been that dumb to end up at a clinic. just saying. if you cant stand my point of view... then don't have one dummy.
Just because I don’t kill babies doesn’t mean I will turn a blind eye to it, simply because you prefer to. It’s not just a single woman’s business. It’s society’s as a wholes business. Including the one you intend to kill. Once you can master the art of successful abortion that doesn’t result in a death; I’ll let your ilk about your merry way.

a zygote isn't a 'baby' ... an embryo isn't a 'baby'... & if that 'life' develops into a viable b-a-b-y, against a female's will - who pays for the medical care, food, housing, clothing, education, etc etc etc if the mother can't?

uh-huh. you? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

society? not if (R) - who want to take that decision away in the 1st place; that's for damn sure; 'cause once that cord is cut - all bets are off. & god forbid they are brown & have an anchor attached. send 'em back to that shit hole... right? - 'cause 'we' sure aren't responsible for 'em.

I don’t engage in age discrimination, and need no such tool to forward my agenda. That’s your wheel house. As far as invaders shifting out their ilk here? Your damn right we need to send em back. My tax dollars are meant to support my people. I don’t really give a shit about anybody else’s people.

uh-huh. 'your' people.

there are plenty of 'merikan white women having unwanted babies. you don't mind shelling out yer hard earned cash for white welfare queens?

suuuuuuuure you do.

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