A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

No...... there is a show on one of the cable networks......"Long Lost Family," they reunite children and parents separated at birth. They either find the children given up for adoption or the parents who gave up the child for adoption........Many of the stories involve rape and incest and in the end, you have the mother and child reunited.........it really changes the perception on killing children for the crimes of the father....when the adult child and the mother finally meet......

Rape and incest are not a legitimate reason to kill a baby. Adoption should be the answer......
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.

yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
So its kind of a human?.....its life but?...but what?...its a life but it is inconvenient so we should just kill it?.....is a small child less of a human than a grown person?.....the fact is abortion is killing off a life...you may think you have a good reason but its still killing.....

then don't have an abortion if you are against it. see? easy peasy.

it's not my business nor yours why anybody makes the decision to terminate.

& don't impose your will onto anybody else.

So........I guess if you aren't against murder, that should be okay too......right? Don't commit murder if you are against it....if you want to commit murder, who has the right to judge you...right?
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

That's not what the issue is. It's an issue of using abortion in lieu of birth control you sniveling oxygen thief.

Not that I care, I want liberals to get abortions. Retroactively if need be. You're genetic garbage.

Woman's body = woman's choice. Are you even a woman? Probably not, you're probably some idiot Republican who likes to control womens' bodies!
No one cares what a single woman does to her own body. If you doubt me; run your fingers through a bandsaw, and see who tryā€™s to propose legislation to stop you, or even gives a shit if you do it. Truth is no one ever gave a shot about you, or what you do to your body. What you do with your body is another matter however. Specifically when you decide to use your body to injure or kill others. No different than if some man decides to punch you in the face or snap your neck.His body, his choice? Hmmm...? I didnā€™t think so.
Itā€™s the victims, specifically the innocent that are cared about. No you. But you know that. That why you found yourself at an abortion clinic...
no no, I have a ban saw. I watch my fingers, I'm not that dumb? get it? nor have I ever been that dumb to end up at a clinic. just saying. if you cant stand my point of view... then don't have one dummy.
Just because I donā€™t kill babies doesnā€™t mean I will turn a blind eye to it, simply because you prefer to. Itā€™s not just a single womanā€™s business. Itā€™s societyā€™s a wholes business. Including the one you intend to kill. Once you can master the art of successful abortion that doesnā€™t result in a death; Iā€™ll let your ilk about your merry way.
Outlawing or restricting abortion doesn't stop abortions, it just makes abortions more dangerous for women. Similar to IV drug users not having access to free, clean needles. Then they just end up infecting themselves with dirty needles.
Make abortions safe for the unborn; then Iā€™ll consider giving a shit about the homicidal motherā€™s safety. Deal?
The unborn are just that -- not yet born, not yet citizens, don't have any rights, unless they are murdered by someone other than their mother. The mother is the host -- so she can decide if that dependent life form lives or dies.
Kill the dependent huh? So what about the dependent welfare recipients, can we off them to save our money?
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
When I was in grad school, a classmate of mine talked about a display that a Christian group set up about abortion. It was a bunch of crosses on the ground and each cross represented a large number of abortions that had taken place. She became very emotional and was nearly in tears when she said that she stomped down the crosses. I can't know for sure (I didn't think is wise to ask her), but I suspect that she has had an abortion, otherwise she would not get so emotional about others being against abortion. Anyway, that was a long time ago. I guess labeling abortion as murder made her angry.

Also, when I was in college, my roommate knocked up his girlfriend who was a senior in high school. Although discussed, abortion was not an option with them, but the temptation was there. Being like brother to my roommate,I became "Uncle Joe" to his son and next two sons produced by that marriage.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
I was once young and pretty wild myself. But I never contemplated killing someone, so that I could dodge responsibility for my youthful indiscretions...
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
They all know. They just have to dehumanize these people to maintain the nerve to promote their killings of them.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
I was once young and pretty wild myself. But I never contemplated killing someone, so that I could dodge responsibility for my youthful indiscretions...
well. Out of the entire gang. There was One young couple who did get married. Had the baby and are married till this day. years and years.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
We were all smaller when we were younger...
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
We were all smaller when we were younger...
whah ha ha. I'm smaller NOW!
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
We were all smaller when we were younger...
whah ha ha. I'm smaller NOW!
youre smaller now than when you were a baby in your mothers womb???
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

ok smart arss? LOL
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

ok smart arss? LOL
in deep fear of being called a dumbass I try and be a smartass as much as possible,,,
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

ok smart arss? LOL
in deep fear of being called a dumbass I try and be a smartass as much as possible,,,
that's very cute. I luv that. it's a good cover! LOLOL
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

ok smart arss? LOL
in deep fear of being called a dumbass I try and be a smartass as much as possible,,,
that's very cute. I luv that. it's a good cover! LOLOL
more so that its true,,,
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear theyā€™ve never had one. Almost like theyā€™d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

ok smart arss? LOL
in deep fear of being called a dumbass I try and be a smartass as much as possible,,,
that's very cute. I luv that. it's a good cover! LOLOL
more so that its true,,,
shush up! we'll keep it our little secret?

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