A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?

It is a growing human........no matter how small...
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...
Perhaps a good start is that at this time you are a proponent of a society that changed direction massively since around1970. The truth is....we party hearty. Who cares about consequences. Most of us wise up at a certain point. But damage is done up till then. Those who do not go to the wayside. And we see the results in early deaths, useless lives, imprisonment and worse. Most families/extended families have something to this affect with a member or more.
Hmm... Well... Ok then.

I eat meat. I either took a life, or I directly support someone else taking that life in order for my enjoyment of meat.

I will kill life for annoying me. Not all life, but there are forms of life that I'll have no trouble killing just because it's there within reach.

The fact that it is life is a very poor argument IMHO... Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Edit: It'll be a longer post though... I'll sleep now, see replies in the morning/after work.

I have no interest in understanding why you support killing babies except for the purpose of telling you how evil and wrong you are. We're not going to get to where we agree to disagree. Until science can prove that a baby has no soul in the womb, we must err on the side of caution; on the side of NOT killing babies. Then, once we're not killing babies, we can debate whether or not we should for as long as you'd like. I can even agree to disagree with your feelings on the matter but I will never agree to simply disagree about the actual killing of human beings for the convenience of the mother because she couldn't keep her legs closed.
There is no other issue like this, where a woman is faced with the decision and consequences of what happens to her body, her person and her future. It is uniquely up to the woman, and there it should rest. Any consequences are on her.
Those opposed to abortion must use education and persuasion. Convince others and forget persecution.
The woman chose her future when she opened her legs. After that, it's not just her future. After the baby is born, she can choose her own future again and put the baby up for adoption.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?

It is a growing human........no matter how small...
the size of pea? shoot. we got polly wogs in our frog pond at least an i
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

shoot? I 'm so tiny? I think I ought be out in a car seat? The air bag would kill me. Shut up your face. I'm new here? trying to behave myself?
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?

It is a growing human........no matter how small...
the size of pea? shoot. we got polly wogs in our frog pond at least an i
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

shoot? I 'm so tiny? I think I ought be out in a car seat? The air bag would kill me. Shut up your face. I'm new here? trying to behave myself?
polly wogs dont grow up to be humans,,,
yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.

No woman, certainly less than 0.5% of those having abortions can even make the claim that they were forced to carry a baby to term and give birth against her will. All the rest had a choice - and they made it 9 months ago.

you have no idea what the reasons are & you have no right to be told any reason.

it none of yer fucking business what the justification is.
There's the hypocrisy of the baby killers. They always run to the rape exception when trying to justify abortion and always run from it when confronted with just how few abortions are due to rape.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?

It is a growing human........no matter how small...
the size of pea? shoot. we got polly wogs in our frog pond at least an i
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.
at least you know its a baby and not a clump of cells
At a certain POINT. Ok. at 6-8 weeks. its the size of a sweet pea, or a head on a nail. Did you know that?
OMG!!! I did not know that,,
I thought it just appeared as a full grown child,,,

shoot? I 'm so tiny? I think I ought be out in a car seat? The air bag would kill me. Shut up your face. I'm new here? trying to behave myself?
polly wogs dont grow up to be humans,,,
they rebbit rebbit?
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.

yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
So its kind of a human?.....its life but?...but what?...its a life but it is inconvenient so we should just kill it?.....is a small child less of a human than a grown person?.....the fact is abortion is killing off a life...you may think you have a good reason but its still killing.....

then don't have an abortion if you are against it. see? easy peasy.

it's not my business nor yours why anybody makes the decision to terminate.

& don't impose your will onto anybody else.
If someone thinks you are sexually attractive and can't control their impulses and wishes to rape you, don't impose your will upon them and deny them their release.

That's none of your business what they do with their body.

that's just plain stooooopid. & anybody who thinks rape is about 'sex' is also stoooooooopid.
I'm just tryin' open your eyes missy.

And your posts are just plain stoooooooopid. & anyone who thinks abortion is about 'choice' is also stooooooopid.

^^^ eeeeeeeeeeediot^^^
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?
A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.
yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
Pregnancy doesn't last forever. Remorse should a person have the ability to possess any may be a different story. Abortion says that the new life that is on the way doesn't even deserve a life history, good or bad.

God bless you always!!!


pregnancy doesn't last forever but being force to go thru it against yer will certainly can have a negative long lasting effect for for a lot of women. it's not your choice except for yerself.

so then don't have an abortion.
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This is a way to handle unwanted pregnancies.

Widower friend of mine has a 15 year old daughter who has discovered sex as a hobby. Every morning he gives her a little pill with water HIMSELF!!!....BAWWWHAHA. He ain't stupid.

damn right. that's the first defense.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
I don't think he'll come back. we'll see gracie.
Cyndi. I'm back. You see, I'm not here all the time.
good morning
Good morning, WOW!!...Look at your reaction score ratio to posts. 30% is good. You're reaching for the stars.
What's that mean? I'm only getting started. he he he. I don't usually even like to discuss this type of topic. Because people get mad. But what the heck. it's Your fault. LOL
Your reaction score is the percent of your posts people liked. I'm around 31% which gets you a trophy and $1000 cash after 90 days.
I don't care about money?
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...

i have a son & chose to have him.

my choice. it was the right one for me because it was the right time under the right circumstances. oooOOOooo ... how radical.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
No. No. (First paragragh)

Second paragraph/sentence.

Yes, some of us DO have a problem discussing this. Mainly, it's none of your damn business. That's my point of view. Happy?
I don't think he'll come back. we'll see gracie.
Cyndi. I'm back. You see, I'm not here all the time.
good morning
Good morning, WOW!!...Look at your reaction score ratio to posts. 30% is good. You're reaching for the stars.
What's that mean? I'm only getting started. he he he. I don't usually even like to discuss this type of topic. Because people get mad. But what the heck. it's Your fault. LOL
Your reaction score is the percent of your posts people liked. I'm around 31% which gets you a trophy and $1000 cash after 90 days.
I don't care about money?
Lets say this? Me and POM? luv to hate each other? We go back a long time. right POM? which is cool, least we're not smacking each other today? like we usually do. Most of the time? RIGHT pom? he instigates me. he's evil but he wont admit it. LOLOL
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
Don't be ridiculous jackass. No one does this without thinking..... Leave it up to the woman and her doctor and shut the f******. What happened to freedom again? I'll go with the supreme Court and settled law, brainwashed functional moron.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
Don't be ridiculous jackass. No one does this without thinking..... Leave it up to the woman and her doctor and shut the f******. What happened to freedom again? I'll go with the supreme Court and settled law, brainwashed functional moron.

When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
Don't be ridiculous jackass. No one does this without thinking..... Leave it up to the woman and her doctor and shut the f******. What happened to freedom again? I'll go with the supreme Court and settled law, brainwashed functional moron.

Since when is killing another human being legal? When does freedom allow us to murder another human being? Please let me know cause I might want to start a list if that is really the case....

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