A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

uh-huh. 'your' people.

there are plenty of 'merikan white women having unwanted babies. you don't mind shelling out yer hard earned cash for white welfare queens?

suuuuuuuure you do.
No conservatives want to give white welfare queens money any more than they want to give welfare to any other race and especially to illegal immigrants.
Then why did you invoke “the hardship” young fathers are presented with? That’s a rhetorical question by the way...
Very few stay. For the ones that do. It usually ends in a break up. Kids bouncing between two parents. Then the parents remarry. This confuses kids. What do you get? A breakdown In society. Which is evident today.
Amazingly brilliant point: kids get confused so to avoid that, let's kill them in the womb.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
Don't be ridiculous jackass. No one does this without thinking..... Leave it up to the woman and her doctor and shut the f******. What happened to freedom again? I'll go with the supreme Court and settled law, brainwashed functional moron.

Since when is killing another human being legal? When does freedom allow us to murder another human being? Please let me know cause I might want to start a list if that is really the case....

View attachment 338287

Methods of Execution
Lethal injection is currently the primary method of execution in all 29 states that authorize executions. Texas was the first state to use the method, in 1982.
Sixteen states also have a secondary method of execution authorized by statute. Laws in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah and Wyoming provide a secondary option if lethal injection is found to be unconstitutional and/or unavailable. Arizona*, Kentucky, Tennessee and Utah all have a choice of secondary methods for offenders who were sentenced before the introduction of lethal injection. And Alabama, California*, Florida, Missouri, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington have other methods that are available if the offender requests an alternative. Secondary methods of execution include electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, nitrogen hypoxia, and firing squad.
States and Capital Punishment

Since you are a twit, let me ammend my post.......

Since when is it legal to murder an innocent human being?

Killing a murderer is legal....
I will go with the supreme Court and settled law, not a brainwashed hater dupe.... A fetus is not a human being for example. Your propaganda machine is a disgrace end of story.

Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Being a human being isn't a good standard to go by.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?
Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Being a human being isn't a good standard to go by.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Yeah, I'll listen to what you have to say......It wasn't to preach, it was stating the truth.
Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

Does it? How many 650,000 annual abortions in America are the result of rape or incest?

How many are for convenience?

it's nobody's business as to the reason.
View attachment 338127

she has every right to believe that. however wrong she may be.

'merika! fuckya!
So, you're bad choice. Kills another human being?
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

When I discuss with my kids about Abortion; I tell them straight out, that is is murder. There is no way around it. I tell them also, "Imagine you take an embryo that is only 2 weeks in its beginning of life; and you suck the air out of it, and break off the neck; just imagine that could have been you. So, be grateful that it wasn't. And you get to enjoy the life you so deserve. Never take it for granted."

Then you are lying to your kids, as a 2 week old fetus has no neck,and be the size of a pinhead.

Embryonic Age 2 weeks
The embryo is the size of a pinhead. Most pregnancy tests will be positive at this time .

A potential life is not a human life any more than an ovum or a sperm is a life.
They are alive, but not a life yet.
Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Being a human being isn't a good standard to go by.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Yeah, I'll listen to what you have to say......It wasn't to preach, it was stating the truth.
Truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But some people are blind or are in a serious need of glasses. ;) (((not a dig there, I just like that saying )))

Imagine if you will someone who got into a car accident. Severe brain trauma to the point of being brain dead. It's irreversible, but you have before you a living breathing human being. Now, you can feed and water this human being if you wish and it'll continue to grow/age/or whatever...

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.
Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

Does it? How many 650,000 annual abortions in America are the result of rape or incest?

How many are for convenience?

it's nobody's business as to the reason.
View attachment 338127

she has every right to believe that. however wrong she may be.

'merika! fuckya!
So, you're bad choice. Kills another human being?

We murdered half a million innocent Iraqis and no one seems to care about that?
Why are the unborn more important than those already born?
Then you are lying to your kids, as a 2 week old fetus has no neck,and be the size of a pinhead.

Embryonic Age 2 weeks
The embryo is the size of a pinhead. Most pregnancy tests will be positive at this time .

A potential life is not a human life any more than an ovum or a sperm is a life.
They are alive, but not a life yet.
That's not true.

Life: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

It meets that rather easily. I would suggest using another method to make your point.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

When I discuss with my kids about Abortion; I tell them straight out, that is is murder. There is no way around it. I tell them also, "Imagine you take an embryo that is only 2 weeks in its beginning of life; and you suck the air out of it, and break off the neck; just imagine that could have been you. So, be grateful that it wasn't. And you get to enjoy the life you so deserve. Never take it for granted."
Lol. I see that you don't beat around the bush with your kids discussing matters.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
That would be the best alternative to an unwanted pregnancy.
Very few stay. For the ones that do. It usually ends in a break up. Kids bouncing between two parents. Then the parents remarry. This confuses kids. What do you get? A breakdown In society. Which is evident today.
Wow. On behalf of men, for all the men who didn't stay for you, I apologize... But just how many was it?
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?

A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.

yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
So its kind of a human?.....its life but?...but what?...its a life but it is inconvenient so we should just kill it?.....is a small child less of a human than a grown person?.....the fact is abortion is killing off a life...you may think you have a good reason but its still killing.....
Now that was brutal honesty.
Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Being a human being isn't a good standard to go by.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Yeah, I'll listen to what you have to say......It wasn't to preach, it was stating the truth.
Truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But some people are blind or are in a serious need of glasses. ;) (((not a dig there, I just like that saying )))

Imagine if you will someone who got into a car accident. Severe brain trauma to the point of being brain dead. It's irreversible, but you have before you a living breathing human being. Now, you can feed and water this human being if you wish and it'll continue to grow/age/or whatever...

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.

Well, at least you are honest. Constitutionally wrong, but honest.

I take it that you have never had a loved one in a coma or vegitative state.

FWIW, I have.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.

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