A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Being a human being isn't a good standard to go by.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Yeah, I'll listen to what you have to say......It wasn't to preach, it was stating the truth.
Truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But some people are blind or are in a serious need of glasses. ;) (((not a dig there, I just like that saying )))

Imagine if you will someone who got into a car accident. Severe brain trauma to the point of being brain dead. It's irreversible, but you have before you a living breathing human being. Now, you can feed and water this human being if you wish and it'll continue to grow/age/or whatever...

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.

Well, at least you are honest. Constitutionally wrong, but honest.
I didn't say it was or wasn't. I said I would explain why I think the way I do.

I take it that you have never had a loved one in a coma or vegitative state.

FWIW, I have.
Yes I have. However I didn't say "vegetative state." I said "brain dead" they are not the same thing. There is no coming back from brain death. Period. It's not possible. Comparing a "vegetative state" to being brain dead is dishonest at the least.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.
Yes....it is a human being....but tell yourself whatever you have to to justify killing another human simply because they are inconvenient.
Being a human being isn't a good standard to go by.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Yeah, I'll listen to what you have to say......It wasn't to preach, it was stating the truth.
Truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. But some people are blind or are in a serious need of glasses. ;) (((not a dig there, I just like that saying )))

Imagine if you will someone who got into a car accident. Severe brain trauma to the point of being brain dead. It's irreversible, but you have before you a living breathing human being. Now, you can feed and water this human being if you wish and it'll continue to grow/age/or whatever...

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.

Well, at least you are honest. Constitutionally wrong, but honest.
I didn't say it was or wasn't. I said I would explain why I think the way I do.

I take it that you have never had a loved one in a coma or vegitative state.

FWIW, I have.
Yes I have. However I didn't say "vegetative state." I said "brain dead" they are not the same thing. There is no coming back from brain death. Period. It's not possible. Comparing a "vegetative state" to being brain dead is dishonest at the least.

Are you aware of the fact that the Florida Supreme Court (and I think other Supreme Courts as well) have already ruled that children born with NO brains (anencephalia) are persons, entitled to the same protections of our laws as any other human being / person is entitled to?

Children with anencephalia have only a brain stem that keeps their organs going. However, they have NO ability to think, smell, see, feel pain, etc. AND THEY NEVER WILL.

Still human beings, still the child of the parents who conceived them. Still persons, according to the law.
Then you are lying to your kids, as a 2 week old fetus has no neck,and be the size of a pinhead.

Embryonic Age 2 weeks
The embryo is the size of a pinhead. Most pregnancy tests will be positive at this time .

A potential life is not a human life any more than an ovum or a sperm is a life.
They are alive, but not a life yet.
That's not true.

Life: the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

It meets that rather easily. I would suggest using another method to make your point.

Would you like to know why I think this way and have a discussion where neither of us will agree with one another fully but we may understand each other better, or was this just to preach?

Obviously you are wrong because a fetus can not function independently.
It is not consuming, digesting, and processing food. "
It is not capable of reproduction or growth on its own.
It is being fed through the placenta.
And something that is dependent, may be alive, but not a life.
For example, a red blood cell is alive, but not a life.
A fetus may someday be a life and capable of consuming and processing food, reproduction, etc., but it can't in the uterus of another.
Obviously you are wrong because a fetus can not function independently.
It is not consuming, digesting, and processing food. "
It is not capable of reproduction or growth on its own.
It is being fed through the placenta.
And something that is dependent, may be alive, but not a life.
For example, a red blood cell is alive, but not a life.
A fetus may someday be a life and capable of consuming and processing food, reproduction, etc., but it can't in the uterus of another.

Were you not in the fetal stage of your own life, growth and development once?

I was.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.

I am pro-abortion because I think we are about 5 times the population the planet can support.
We will destroy all other life on the planet, before we all go extinct as well.
Regardless of us using up all the fossil fuel energy, we are eventually going to destroy all the oxygen regeneration means, and the planet will revert back to methane and ammonia atmosphere.
Are you aware of the fact that the Florida Supreme Court (and I think other Supreme Courts as well) have already ruled that children born with NO brains (anencephalia) are persons, entitled to the same protections of our laws as any other human being / person is entitled to?
Mmm.. Ok.. I'll bold it. Maybe it'll get through this time.

I didn't say it was or wasn't. I said I would explain why I think the way I do.

Children with anencephalia have only a brain stem that keeps their organs going. However, they have NO ability to think, smell, see, feel pain, etc. AND THEY NEVER WILL.

Still human beings, still the child of the parents who conceived them. Still persons, according to the law.
Guess I'll bold this as well.

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.

Yes... They are still human beings. And why I think it's a bad argument to make. You are absolutely free to disagree. But I'd rather spend my time and money on a person, and not a body. If you want that body to live, I'm fine with that. You do you. Just don't ask me to do the same.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.

I am pro-abortion because I think we are about 5 times the population the planet can support.
We will destroy all other life on the planet, before we all go extinct as well.
Regardless of us using up all the fossil fuel energy, we are eventually going to destroy all the oxygen regeneration means, and the planet will revert back to methane and ammonia atmosphere.
I stand corrected. I just didn't know it.

I disagree with you.

Edit: Wow... The minority you are in... What kind of privileges does it get you? Because that is one seriously small minority. You should be able to get any job you want.
Obviously you are wrong because a fetus can not function independently.
It is not consuming, digesting, and processing food. "
It is not capable of reproduction or growth on its own.
It is being fed through the placenta.
And something that is dependent, may be alive, but not a life.
For example, a red blood cell is alive, but not a life.
A fetus may someday be a life and capable of consuming and processing food, reproduction, etc., but it can't in the uterus of another.

Were you not in the fetal stage of your own life, growth and development once?

I was.

Sure, but when at a fetal stage of development, I had no concerns at all about whether or not to survive.
Everything that is significant to who I am did not exist in the fetal stage.
I could not have been an independent life because I was not conscious, could not consume or process food, and certainly could not procreate.
Are you aware of the fact that the Florida Supreme Court (and I think other Supreme Courts as well) have already ruled that children born with NO brains (anencephalia) are persons, entitled to the same protections of our laws as any other human being / person is entitled to?
Mmm.. Ok.. I'll bold it. Maybe it'll get through this time.

I didn't say it was or wasn't. I said I would explain why I think the way I do.

Children with anencephalia have only a brain stem that keeps their organs going. However, they have NO ability to think, smell, see, feel pain, etc. AND THEY NEVER WILL.

Still human beings, still the child of the parents who conceived them. Still persons, according to the law.
Guess I'll bold this as well.

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.

Yes... They are still human beings. And why I think it's a bad argument to make. You are absolutely free to disagree. But I'd rather spend my time and money on a person, and not a body. If you want that body to live, I'm fine with that. You do you. Just don't ask me to do the same.

I understand your position very well.
Do you understand Mine?
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed of anyone knew...
I never had one. I just remember my younger days.. and the gang of us kids and what happened. if I did have one I wouldn't feel guilty about it either. it is a woman's right. within a reasonable time. Once the baby is months along. No no. But I do think most people would agree on that.

No; you think wrong - at least regarding most pro-abortion people. And don't anyone say it's "pro-choice" instead of "pro-abortion". It's about the abortion, not choice.


Planned Parenthood Story Linked Above said:
Previous PPFA president Leana Wen identified abortion as the group's core mission in a series of tweets sent out in January 2019.
"Our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive healthcare," Wen said.


Glamour Story on Planned Parenthood Linked Above said:
Good news: The majority of Americans support the heck out of Planned Parenthood. A new Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 54 percent of Americans support federal funding of Planned Parenthood, while 26 percent opposed it.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.
To me pro choice means you're pro abortion period. But I see your point.
Were you not in the fetal stage of your own life, growth and development once?

I was.
Sure, but when at a fetal stage of development, I had no concerns at all about whether or not to survive.
Everything that is significant to who I am did not exist in the fetal stage.
I could not have been an independent life because I was not conscious, could not consume or process food, and certainly could not procreate.

Do you admit then, that an abortion kills a child?
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.
To me pro choice means you're pro abortion period. But I see your point.


Their comments are skin to saying "I am personally against owning slaves, but if you are opposed to slavery, don't own one" or "I am personally against child pornography but if you don't like it, don't look at it."

You can't support any of it "part way."
How many women who were coerced (forced?) by men to authorize technicians to end the viable life inside them have had symptoms similar to the PTSD that combat veterans endure? What about late term or "partial birth abortions? The intent of partial birth abortions is to kill an unborn infant while conforming to criminal statutes. The baby is reversed in the birth canal to produce a breach birth so that it is technically (according to law) not born and not covered by the basic tenant of "life and liberty" while about four inches are still inside the mother when it is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain sucked out. It seems that the mother might be sedated but the child isn't during the procedure and it isn't clear if the mother can hear the child cry if it never gets the chance to take a breath. How would you like to live with that image for the rest of your life?
pregnancy doesn't last forever but being force to go thru it against yer will certainly can have a negative long lasting effect for for a lot of women. it's not your choice except for yerself.

so then don't have an abortion.

The effect that abortion has on every baby, not some babies, lasts far longer than the effect of carrying the baby does on some women.
Are you aware of the fact that the Florida Supreme Court (and I think other Supreme Courts as well) have already ruled that children born with NO brains (anencephalia) are persons, entitled to the same protections of our laws as any other human being / person is entitled to?
Mmm.. Ok.. I'll bold it. Maybe it'll get through this time.

I didn't say it was or wasn't. I said I would explain why I think the way I do.

Children with anencephalia have only a brain stem that keeps their organs going. However, they have NO ability to think, smell, see, feel pain, etc. AND THEY NEVER WILL.

Still human beings, still the child of the parents who conceived them. Still persons, according to the law.
Guess I'll bold this as well.

But it would be my contention that the person is dead. There is a body there, that is taking up resources better used for the living. I absolutely would suggest the killing of that human being simply because it is inconvenient.

Yes... They are still human beings. And why I think it's a bad argument to make. You are absolutely free to disagree. But I'd rather spend my time and money on a person, and not a body. If you want that body to live, I'm fine with that. You do you. Just don't ask me to do the same.

I understand your position very well.
Do you understand Mine?
Yes I do. That is I understand you place importance on things that I do not. I would argue also that most people who are "pro-life" would also choose to end the life of the body as well. I understand that you are not one of them. Well met.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...

i have a son & chose to have him.

my choice. it was the right one for me because it was the right time under the right circumstances. oooOOOooo ... how radical.

How lucky for your son. And for you that your mother didn't have an abortion. And for all of us that your mother didn't have an abortion. Others aren't so lucky as are we.
I understand your position very well.
Do you understand Mine?
Yes I do. That is I understand you place importance on things that I do not. I would argue also that most people who are "pro-life" would also choose to end the life of the body as well. I understand that you are not one of them. Well met.

I place importance on the truth, science and on the Constitution.

Do you?

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