A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

'cept the nazis went after post born humans deliberately & systematically based on their race, creed, sexual orientation etc etc etc...

so uh..... yer false equivalency is utterly insane.

Yes, Nazis and Democrats. And, add to the list of justifications, sex, physical handicap, Downs Syndrome, eye color, hair color, and so on.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.

I am pro-abortion because I think we are about 5 times the population the planet can support.
We will destroy all other life on the planet, before we all go extinct as well.
Regardless of us using up all the fossil fuel energy, we are eventually going to destroy all the oxygen regeneration means, and the planet will revert back to methane and ammonia atmosphere.
Nature takes care of overpopulation by itself.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.
To me pro choice means you're pro abortion period. But I see your point.


Their comments are skin to saying "I am personally against owning slaves, but if you are opposed to slavery, don't own one" or "I am personally against child pornography but if you don't like it, don't look at it."

You can't support any of it "part way."
That's incorrect.

I will not ever support an abortion of my own child. I would in fact fight to make sure that my child would be born in every way I could.

I do not think I have the right to make others do that. I am opposed to abortion, but I am pro-choice.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.
To me pro choice means you're pro abortion period. But I see your point.


Their comments are skin to saying "I am personally against owning slaves, but if you are opposed to slavery, don't own one" or "I am personally against child pornography but if you don't like it, don't look at it."

You can't support any of it "part way."
That's incorrect.

I will not ever support an abortion of my own child. I would in fact fight to make sure that my child would be born in every way I could.

I do not think I have the right to make others do that. I am opposed to abortion, but I am pro-choice.

Why would you never support abortion for you OWN child but turn a blind eye to your grand baby or your neighbors child being aborted?

I'm sure you have a very logical explanation for that.
I place importance on the truth,
Truth, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes I do.
and on the Constitution.
There are a lot of constitutions out there. Given that I don't even live in Florida, I don't care what it's courts say. But to be completely transparent, even if I did live there I would disagree.

The only thing I'm doing is explaining why I think the way I do. I'm open to change my mind... But it won't change based on Authority. I don't care what any government says on the matter. I don't care what any religion says on the matter.

You want to change my mind? You have to make me believe that it's a PERSON. I'm telling you why I don't think it is. I don't care about the body. I care about the person.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.
To me pro choice means you're pro abortion period. But I see your point.


Their comments are skin to saying "I am personally against owning slaves, but if you are opposed to slavery, don't own one" or "I am personally against child pornography but if you don't like it, don't look at it."

You can't support any of it "part way."
That's incorrect.

I will not ever support an abortion of my own child. I would in fact fight to make sure that my child would be born in every way I could.

I do not think I have the right to make others do that. I am opposed to abortion, but I am pro-choice.

Why would you never support abortion for you OWN child but turn a blind eye to your grand baby or your neighbors child being aborted?

I'm sure you have a very logical explanation for that.
I wouldn't support that either. o.0

But if they are adults...

I do not think I have the right to make others do that. I am opposed to abortion, but I am pro-choice.
I place importance on the truth,
Truth, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes I do.
and on the Constitution.
There are a lot of constitutions out there. Given that I don't even live in Florida, I don't care what it's courts say. But to be completely transparent, even if I did live there I would disagree.

The only thing I'm doing is explaining why I think the way I do. I'm open to change my mind... But it won't change based on Authority. I don't care what any government says on the matter. I don't care what any religion says on the matter.

You want to change my mind? You have to make me believe that it's a PERSON. I'm telling you why I don't think it is. I don't care about the body. I care about the person.

The Constitution is the law of our land. You might not appreciate it as much as I do but it matters, despite BOTH of us.

The Constitution says that "all persons" are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

That's pretty fucking INCLUSIVE. Isn't it.

That would include ALL persons of any age, stage of development, any brain capacity, any race, sex, creed or color.

I get that you don't think even your own child is/ was a "person" while they are in the womb. But they ARE.

It's why you can be convicted of MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" during a criminal act, per our Nations more than 30 Fetal HOMICIDE laws.

The legal definition for a "Natural Person" is simply "a human being" and or the BODY of a "human being."

I didn't write the definitions. The laws, or the Constitution.

My logic to conclude that a "child in the womb" is a "person" does not come from those laws or from the Constitution. However, those things DO support my conclusion.

My own personal logic is very simple.

I am a person.

You are a person.

I was conceived by my biological parents and YOU were conceived by YOUR biological parents.

I was once in the Zygote, embryo and fetal stages of MY life and YOU were in those stages in YOUR life.

It is illogical and unscientific to conclude otherwise.
I place importance on the truth,
Truth, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes I do.
and on the Constitution.
There are a lot of constitutions out there. Given that I don't even live in Florida, I don't care what it's courts say. But to be completely transparent, even if I did live there I would disagree.

The only thing I'm doing is explaining why I think the way I do. I'm open to change my mind... But it won't change based on Authority. I don't care what any government says on the matter. I don't care what any religion says on the matter.

You want to change my mind? You have to make me believe that it's a PERSON. I'm telling you why I don't think it is. I don't care about the body. I care about the person.

The Constitution is the law of our land. You might not appreciate it as much as I do but it matters, despite BOTH of us.

The Constitution says that "all persons" are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

That's pretty fucking INCLUSIVE. Isn't it.

That would include ALL persons of any age, stage of development, any brain capacity, any race, sex, creed or color.

I get that you don't think even your own child is/ was a "person" while they are in the womb. But they ARE.

It's why you can be convicted of MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" during a criminal act, per our Nations more than 30 Fetal HOMICIDE laws.

The legal definition for a "Natural Person" is simply "a human being" and or the BODY of a "human being."

I didn't write the definitions. The laws, or the Constitution.

My logic to conclude that a "child in the womb" is a "person" does not come from those laws or from the Constitution. However, those things DO support my conclusion.

My own personal logic is very simple.

I am a person.

You are a person.

I was conceived by my biological parents and YOU were conceived by YOUR biological parents.

I was once in the Zygote, embryo and fetal stages of MY life and YOU were in those stages in YOUR life.

It is illogical and unscientific to conclude otherwise.
No... I brain dead body is not a person.

Do you want to preach or do you want to know why I think the way I do?

Edit: Oh.. In case you don't want to know why... I strongly suggest you go back and look at what a person is under the constitution. You are wrong. I would feel bad if I let that go without letting you know. If I was wrong like that I would hope someone would tell me.

Edit2: Damnit... Ok... It's a trap. Under law the definition includes things that aren't even alive. Obviously when I say person I'm not using the legal term. You seem like a good person, I'm not going to waste your time on this, although admittedly it's something I tend to enjoy when dealing with Trolls... Which.. I don't believe are.

When I say person, I mean someone with a capability, however small, of a personality and/or capable of actual thought.
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Don't be ridiculous jackass. No one does this without thinking..... Leave it up to the woman and her doctor and shut the f******. What happened to freedom again? I'll go with the supreme Court and settled law, brainwashed functional moron.
Really? Yes, they think and they think about the excuses that pro-abortionists give them. And after the deed is done, they think again and realize what they've done. And it weighs on them for the rest of their life.


Study of Maternal Suicide after Abortion said:
In 2019, a study titled Maternal Suicide in Italy by Lega et al. was published in the journal Archives of Women’s Mental Health detailing suicide rates in Italian mothers. In the study, “maternal suicide” is defined as “women who died by suicide during pregnancy or within 1 year after giving birth, induced abortion or miscarriage.” The authors identified 67 cases of maternal suicide between 2006-2012, which corresponded with a maternal suicide ratio of 2.30/100,000 live births. Of the maternal suicides included in this study, the suicide rate of women who had abortions was more than double the suicide rate of women who gave birth. The maternal suicide rate among women who suffered miscarriages was also stunningly high highlighting the need to support mothers grieving from the loss of a baby.

So the OP's original question is very much a legitimate question.

Thank you for posting this; I've been waiting for it. This perfectly portrays the hypocrisy of the pro-abortion movement and tells the difference between those who hate life and those who support life.

On the left, the abortionists, they hate the unborn, pure, innocent, child and they love the evil, murdering, adult.

Conservatives, on the other hand, love the innocent child and love the past victims and future potential victims of the evil, murdering, adult. We don't hate the evil, murdering, adult but we choose between the life of the evil and the life of the innocent. Actually, the left chooses between the same as do we - they just choose differently.
That standard may be applied to women after it is applied to everyone else. All persons shall be liable for their existential choices and the consequences.

You won't get any argument from me that all persons should have to live with the consequences of their own choices. I guess you haven't seen me in the welfare threads. There is one thing, though. Personal accountability for choices that take the lives of others come first and foremost before personal accountability for spending the kids lunch money on meth. Let's deal with the taking of lives issue first and then deal with the taking of lunch later on down the line.

In the meantime, every soldier will be fully responsible for every act in war, and will be executed for war crimes along with any superiors. At all times, peace or war, illegal/unconstitutional orders must be disobeyed and those issuing them arrested.
Politicians convicted of misuse of public funds lose eligibility for elected office eternally and owe any salary received.
Lawyers who break laws are permanently barred from practice.
Knowingly producing and selling a fatally dangerous product would carry the maximum penalty.
Dropping a used covid mask just any old where would get your photo and i.d. on every social medium.
The list goes on...
Of course, there are no comparable 'consequences' to forcing yet another human to be born, suffer and die. To forcing the woman who bore the person to suffer with and for that other everyday until death.
I'm with you. I'm glad we're in full agreement. Glad to see you're becoming a conservative.
I place importance on the truth,
Truth, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes I do.
and on the Constitution.
There are a lot of constitutions out there. Given that I don't even live in Florida, I don't care what it's courts say. But to be completely transparent, even if I did live there I would disagree.

The only thing I'm doing is explaining why I think the way I do. I'm open to change my mind... But it won't change based on Authority. I don't care what any government says on the matter. I don't care what any religion says on the matter.

You want to change my mind? You have to make me believe that it's a PERSON. I'm telling you why I don't think it is. I don't care about the body. I care about the person.

The Constitution is the law of our land. You might not appreciate it as much as I do but it matters, despite BOTH of us.

The Constitution says that "all persons" are entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

That's pretty fucking INCLUSIVE. Isn't it.

That would include ALL persons of any age, stage of development, any brain capacity, any race, sex, creed or color.

I get that you don't think even your own child is/ was a "person" while they are in the womb. But they ARE.

It's why you can be convicted of MURDER for killing a "child in the womb" during a criminal act, per our Nations more than 30 Fetal HOMICIDE laws.

The legal definition for a "Natural Person" is simply "a human being" and or the BODY of a "human being."

I didn't write the definitions. The laws, or the Constitution.

My logic to conclude that a "child in the womb" is a "person" does not come from those laws or from the Constitution. However, those things DO support my conclusion.

My own personal logic is very simple.

I am a person.

You are a person.

I was conceived by my biological parents and YOU were conceived by YOUR biological parents.

I was once in the Zygote, embryo and fetal stages of MY life and YOU were in those stages in YOUR life.

It is illogical and unscientific to conclude otherwise.
No... I brain dead body is not a person.

Do you want to preach or do you want to know why I think the way I do?

Edit: Oh.. In case you don't want to know why... I strongly suggest you go back and look at what a person is under the constitution. You are wrong. I would feel bad if I let that go without letting you know. If I was wrong like that I would hope someone would tell me.

Edit2: Damnit... Ok... It's a trap. Under law the definition includes things that aren't even alive. Obviously when I say person I'm not using the legal term. You seem like a good person, I'm not going to waste your time on this, although admittedly it's something I tend to enjoy when dealing with Trolls... Which.. I don't believe are.

When I say person, I mean someone with a capability, however small, of a personality and/or capable of actual thought.

Quick related question.

What about prognosis (as it pertains to a child in the womb)?

How many doctors would "pull the plug" on a comatose patient that has even a fraction of the prognosis that a typical child in the womb has?
(BTW, I AM for the states allowing a for pro-choice if they so choose.)

I just don't read that anywhere in the Constitution of the United States of America.

Quite the reverse in fact.

You should not try to go against the will of creation and think that your will is more important.

. . . THAT, IMO, is idiocy.
I'm against the states doing it, too, but I accept that it is their right to be wrong. It is not within the authority of the Federal Government to pass abortion laws and it's certainly not within the authority of the Courts to create laws.

Thank you for posting this; I've been waiting for it. This perfectly portrays the hypocrisy of the pro-abortion movement and tells the difference between those who hate life and those who support life.

On the left, the abortionists, they hate the unborn, pure, innocent, child and they love the evil, murdering, adult.

Conservatives, on the other hand, love the innocent child and love the past victims and future potential victims of the evil, murdering, adult. We don't hate the evil, murdering, adult but we choose between the life of the evil and the life of the innocent. Actually, the left chooses between the same as do we - they just choose differently.

Exact opposite, isn't it of how "liberals" claim to be for the "most vulnerable" among us, while they accuse Conservatives of not caring enough.

They (leftardz) will go miles out of their way to put a human face on a rat, owl or snail darter. . . while they deny the REAL human faces on a child in the womb.
There was a time, a long time ago, that I thought aborting in the 9 month was just fine. In discussing the topic with others my mind has changed. I had to reevaluate my stance based on new information I hadn't considered, and my desire to not be a hypocrite or bigot.

I am opposed to abortion in most cases... But I'm also pro-choice.

a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

Democrat. See Antifa

So just how many dead are there that you supported and now you don't?
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Quick related question.

What about prognosis (as it pertains to a child in the womb)?

How many doctors would "pull the plug" on a comatose patient that has even a fraction of the prognosis that a typical child in the womb has?
Depends on how far along said "child in the womb was"... Which is actually very important to my stance on abortion.
We murdered half a million innocent Iraqis and no one seems to care about that?
Why are the unborn more important than those already born?

Prove we killed them... though it's not generally a point with which I disagree but if you're going to make this comparison, add proof. In any case, I have protested our nation building in every place we've tried it, including Iraq and Afghanistan. So, you're wrong. But you need to ask your question of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. They voted for the war and, yet, they vote for abortion. I guess maybe that makes them better than you; at least they kill everyone equally.
Democrat. See Antifa
No argument on the Antifa bit. I know a lot of democrats that don't even remotely support Antifa. They have lost control of their party... You mean DNC, but say democrat. Or maybe you just don't care to make the distinction.

So just how many dead are there that you supported and now you don't?
Reading is obviously not your strong point. I suggest you try again. Or perhaps have someone read it to you.

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