A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

Don't be ridiculous jackass. No one does this without thinking..... Leave it up to the woman and her doctor and shut the f******. What happened to freedom again? I'll go with the supreme Court and settled law, brainwashed functional moron.
Really? Yes, they think and they think about the excuses that pro-abortionists give them. And after the deed is done, they think again and realize what they've done. And it weighs on them for the rest of their life.


Study of Maternal Suicide after Abortion said:
In 2019, a study titled Maternal Suicide in Italy by Lega et al. was published in the journal Archives of Women’s Mental Health detailing suicide rates in Italian mothers. In the study, “maternal suicide” is defined as “women who died by suicide during pregnancy or within 1 year after giving birth, induced abortion or miscarriage.” The authors identified 67 cases of maternal suicide between 2006-2012, which corresponded with a maternal suicide ratio of 2.30/100,000 live births. Of the maternal suicides included in this study, the suicide rate of women who had abortions was more than double the suicide rate of women who gave birth. The maternal suicide rate among women who suffered miscarriages was also stunningly high highlighting the need to support mothers grieving from the loss of a baby.

So the OP's original question is very much a legitimate question.
Thank God for Obamacare and free birth control and our supreme Court. Which comes first the chicken or the egg, one reason they get suicidal is because of people like you I should say men like you.
Quick related question.

What about prognosis (as it pertains to a child in the womb)?

How many doctors would "pull the plug" on a comatose patient that has even a fraction of the prognosis that a typical child in the womb has?
Depends on how far along said "child in the womb was"... Which is actually very important to my stance on abortion.

It is a rhetorical question.

The point is that a child in the womb only temporarily lacks the things that you (wrongly) believe is required for personhood.

It is illogical to claim that a child is not a child unless and until they can somehow breech your ability to DENY them anymore.

Children, human beings, persons are defined by the human characteristics that they HAVE . . . and NOT by the human characteristics they only temporarily lack.
Regardless of us using up all the fossil fuel energy, we are eventually going to destroy all the oxygen regeneration means, and the planet will revert back to methane and ammonia atmosphere.

If the environmentalist left get their way, we'll destroy all the means of oxygen regeneration. They continue to try to force the elimination of the very air that the trees and all green vegetation require to survive.
Edit: Wow... The minority you are in... What kind of privileges does it get you? Because that is one seriously small minority. You should be able to get any job you want.
Rigby5 is not in the minority. As I have already posted, Planned Parenthood's primary mission is to increase abortion - by their own statement. 54% of Americans support Planned Parenthood. That's a small percentage of the Republican Branch of the Democratic Party and virtually all of the direct members of the Democratic Party.

Thank you for posting this; I've been waiting for it. This perfectly portrays the hypocrisy of the pro-abortion movement and tells the difference between those who hate life and those who support life.

On the left, the abortionists, they hate the unborn, pure, innocent, child and they love the evil, murdering, adult.

Conservatives, on the other hand, love the innocent child and love the past victims and future potential victims of the evil, murdering, adult. We don't hate the evil, murdering, adult but we choose between the life of the evil and the life of the innocent. Actually, the left chooses between the same as do we - they just choose differently.
Wow. Just WOW. I believe in the right to choose. And this is going to shock your tiny mind. I am a CONSERVATIVE. see how narrow your vision is.
Quick related question.

What about prognosis (as it pertains to a child in the womb)?

How many doctors would "pull the plug" on a comatose patient that has even a fraction of the prognosis that a typical child in the womb has?
Depends on how far along said "child in the womb was"... Which is actually very important to my stance on abortion.

It is a rhetorical question.

The point is that a child in the womb only temporarily lacks the things that you (wrongly) believe is required for personhood.
It doesn't temporarily lack it if it's dead before it ever has it. You are free to think I'm wrong. I'm not here to make you believe anything. I'm here to explain myself so you may understand why I think the way I do. Why many others, think they way they do.

What you do with that information is up to you. I hope it's make better arguments, because if I'm wrong... I want to know it.

It is illogical to claim that a child is not a child unless and until they can somehow breech your ability to DENY them anymore.
Actually I use another measurement. I don't care if it has a heartbeat. I don't care if you see little fingers... I care about the thing that separates us from other animals.

Children, human beings, persons are defined by the human characteristics that they HAVE . . . and NOT by the human characteristics they only temporarily lack.
Again... It's not temporary if they have never had it. If they never had it, then the very thing that makes them human IE special in comparison in other life forms, then it was never a person.
That's incorrect.

I will not ever support an abortion of my own child. I would in fact fight to make sure that my child would be born in every way I could.

I do not think I have the right to make others do that. I am opposed to abortion, but I am pro-choice.

Why is yours a child and the child of mothers who have abortions are zyglots? Why would you not abort your own child? What's wrong with it?
Edit: Wow... The minority you are in... What kind of privileges does it get you? Because that is one seriously small minority. You should be able to get any job you want.
Rigby5 is not in the minority. As I have already posted, Planned Parenthood's primary mission is to increase abortion - by their own statement. 54% of Americans support Planned Parenthood. That's a small percentage of the Republican Branch of the Democratic Party and virtually all of the direct members of the Democratic Party.
I now officially see you as an idiot and a Troll. I really suggest you don't respond to me much.
That's incorrect.

I will not ever support an abortion of my own child. I would in fact fight to make sure that my child would be born in every way I could.

I do not think I have the right to make others do that. I am opposed to abortion, but I am pro-choice.

Why is yours a child and the child of mothers who have abortions are zyglots? Why would you not abort your own child? What's wrong with it?
I read this.
Quick related question.

What about prognosis (as it pertains to a child in the womb)?

How many doctors would "pull the plug" on a comatose patient that has even a fraction of the prognosis that a typical child in the womb has?
Depends on how far along said "child in the womb was"... Which is actually very important to my stance on abortion.

It is a rhetorical question.

The point is that a child in the womb only temporarily lacks the things that you (wrongly) believe is required for personhood.
It doesn't temporarily lack it if it's dead before it ever has it. You are free to think I'm wrong. I'm not here to make you believe anything. I'm here to explain myself so you may understand why I think the way I do. Why many others, think they way they do.

What you do with that information is up to you. I hope it's make better arguments, because if I'm wrong... I want to know it.

It is illogical to claim that a child is not a child unless and until they can somehow breech your ability to DENY them anymore.
Actually I use another measurement. I don't care if it has a heartbeat. I don't care if you see little fingers... I care about the thing that separates us from other animals.

Children, human beings, persons are defined by the human characteristics that they HAVE . . . and NOT by the human characteristics they only temporarily lack.
Again... It's not temporary if they have never had it. If they never had it, then the very thing that makes them human IE special in comparison in other life forms, then it was never a person.

I understand your position. Again.

Do you understand your position about personhood has already been lost, according to court decisions more recent than roe?
I understand your position. Again.

Do you understand your position about personhood has already been lost, according to court decisions more recent than roe?
I obviously didn't make myself clear on that aspect. What the government decides does not trump my own morality/ethics. I don't care what those court decisions are. You are telling me that the government doesn't support my stance. I get that. But it wasn't the government that gave me my morals/ethics.

I am here to explain to you why I think the way I do. Not to try to change your way of thinking. I hope you are trying to do the same to me.

However... Coming from a place of Authority will never work with me. Because God/Government says so doesn't mean anything to me. If there is a God he/she/it LOVES me. I don't know why, but I'm blessed many times over. If the blessing keep coming/staying... I'll continue on the same way.
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
Different circumstances for each. They brought themselves to abort and most probably do not personalize. They see it as a cell cluster that is so many weeks along. Most women see it scientifically , not morally because it's no ones business but their own.
Rigby5 is not in the minority. As I have already posted, Planned Parenthood's primary mission is to increase abortion - by their own statement. 54% of Americans support Planned Parenthood. That's a small percentage of the Republican Branch of the Democratic Party and virtually all of the direct members of the Democratic Party.
I now officially see you as an idiot and a Troll. I really suggest you don't respond to me much.
Yes, I can understand why. Getting proven wrong by the numbers, actual facts, kind of destroys your argument, doesn't it?
When you look at your living children in their eyes, do you ever think you terminated their brothers or sisters life? Does that ever appear in your mind?

Does your politics help you think through that issue?

I've never heard this in any abortion topic.

Those that aborted should have no problem in discussing this. Actually we need your point of view.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?
Which is obviously your intention.
Now how about responding to the thread?

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