A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...

i have a son & chose to have him.

my choice. it was the right one for me because it was the right time under the right circumstances. oooOOOooo ... how radical.

How lucky for your son. And for you that your mother didn't have an abortion. And for all of us that your mother didn't have an abortion. Others aren't so lucky as are we.

however - neither my kid nor myself would have known, so that point is moot.

how unlucky for those forcefully born into poverty, or abuse, or severe abnormalities. but once they are born - everything that is possible to help them should be made available.

but you don't want to go there, cause --- well --- that would take yer money to do it.
That’s the parents responsibility. You sound like a petulant child. You want sole authority; but shared responsibility. If that dynamic were reversed you’d be howling in angst. You reflexively recoil from mere thoughts of mutual authority, and responsibility. You get a power trip out of being able to control other people’s lives, and being able to end them if you find their existence to be inconvenient.

apparently that irony you just spewed escapes you bigley.
It’s a cold hard fact, and you can’t dispute it. That’s what happens when you dig in with unprincipled stances. Your hypocrisy, and petulance always rises to the surface...

lol.... ^^^ huuuuuuuuuuuugge projection.
What if that abortion was the result of a rape or incest? Seems to change the discussion, now doesn't it?
A life is being formed - no matter what the circumstance(s) was. I was brought up, Adoption would at least, give a new life and family. You can't undo the past. But at least, you can give a future (to someone that enters this world).
Just ask them if a life is being terminated rather than saying abortion watch the lips chap up.

For the record everyone. I could care less if one chooses to abort or not. None of my F business. But you must answer for it somewhere down the road.
yep it's life. but not a full fledged human being with a life history like the woman who would be forced to carry to term & give birth against her will.
Pregnancy doesn't last forever. Remorse should a person have the ability to possess any may be a different story. Abortion says that the new life that is on the way doesn't even deserve a life history, good or bad.

God bless you always!!!

pregnancy doesn't last forever but being force to go thru it against yer will certainly can have a negative long lasting effect for for a lot of women. it's not your choice except for yerself.

so then don't have an abortion.
Just keep this in mind, in order for a pro choice woman to feel better where the subject of the conception is concerned, an innocent life who most definitely had no say in the matter whatsoever has to die.

God bless you always!!!

just remember that you have no say in the matter what another woman thinks. we know we know you don't give a damn other than the end result. so how many times have you voted for those that want to up taxes to pay for them all?

apparently not many, because toooooooooooo many children are born into poverty & households that abuse them.
I may not have a say, but for those who have no remorse about murdering innocent lives, I can only imagine what will be coming from the Lord about it. May he have mercy on your souls although I wouldn't bet any money on it.

God bless you always!!!


have you ever thought that yer beliefs are yer own & perhaps others believe differently - in a higher being - or maybe not at all?

oh ya.... there is that little numbers 5: 11-31 that kinda skews that whole religious bent, 'eh?

kinda like when thumpers use 'sodom & gomorrah' to justify their homophobia, & all that sin - but never seem to finish the rest of the story.... you know, about lot & his daughters....
^^^ I am well aware of other people having different beliefs compared to the ones that I have gone with. You do realize that there is more to the Lord's word than just want is in the old testament, right?

God bless you always!!!

Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.
Why do I get the feeling that some pro abortion folks would be disgusted if we talked about puppy abortion.

That's how F up it is.
I don't know anyone that is pro-abortion. I do know a great many people who are pro-choice.

I'm sure there are pro-abortion people out there... I just have never seen or heard from one.

I am pro-abortion because I think we are about 5 times the population the planet can support.
We will destroy all other life on the planet, before we all go extinct as well.
Regardless of us using up all the fossil fuel energy, we are eventually going to destroy all the oxygen regeneration means, and the planet will revert back to methane and ammonia atmosphere.

Do you realize that science doesn't support any of your claims?
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
I am not saying that at all. Do not twist my words. A zygote or fetus is not an individual yet. Potential, yes. Actual, no. Government should not interfere in ideological disagreements. There is no proper role for it.
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
I am not saying that at all. Do not twist my words. A zygote or fetus is not an individual yet. Potential, yes. Actual, no. Government should not interfere in ideological disagreements. There is no proper role for it.
That's what I think too. Early on it's the size of a pea. Late term is nasty stuff. But how often does that really happen? Then my mind wanders from this topic to killing life in general. I ask myself who starts all the wars? That kills off men, that have wives and kids left behind. Other MEN. Not us women. Then my mind wanders again. What kind of human being can look an animal in the eye, Like a beautiful deer? Blows it's brains out for ego gratification. Men. Just my thoughts.
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
I am not saying that at all. Do not twist my words. A zygote or fetus is not an individual yet. Potential, yes. Actual, no. Government should not interfere in ideological disagreements. There is no proper role for it.
A judge declared that. A judge is part of government also. This is more about the irresponsibility of individuals then about the abortions. The abortions are an after fact. And there are to many of them. Along with to many children born into one parent families.
I heartily agree with your comments. I also think about the disgusting concept of "collateral damage." When men kill innocent civilians when fighting a war or other political dispute, including many children, it's just "sorry I killed your kid. Oh, well." But a woman's decision must be scrutinized with a magnifying glass by men and then run passed some clergy who might have a different religion from the woman.

Late-term abortions are pretty much limited to medical complications and situations in which the woman did not have access to an abortion earlier. No woman in her right mind waits all of those months and then suddenly decides to have an abortion. It just is not logical..

Right-wing men never want anyone to question their personal decisions or to be subject to a sermon, but they sure like to do the same thing to women.

As for the morons who kill forest animals: they are too stupid to know that they can just shoot it with a camera. I remember that one of the trump idiots went all the way to Africa just to kill something.
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
I am not saying that at all. Do not twist my words. A zygote or fetus is not an individual yet. Potential, yes. Actual, no. Government should not interfere in ideological disagreements. There is no proper role for it.
A judge declared that. A judge is part of government also. This is more about the irresponsibility of individuals then about the abortions. The abortions are an after fact. And there are to many of them. Along with to many children born into one parent families.
Unwanted pregnancy is not always attributable to "irresponsibility." Moreover, it is not your place to judge whether someone has been "irresponsible" nor the place of government to impose forced pregnancy and childibirth as some sort of penalty for "irresponsibility."

As you know, I'm all for prevention, which includes both access to birth control and sound, factual education about the human body and sex. The problem of one-child families has to be sorted by the child's parents and what each of them is committed to doing to keep their relationship alive and their family intact..
I understand your position. Again.

Do you understand your position about personhood has already been lost, according to court decisions more recent than roe?
I obviously didn't make myself clear on that aspect. What the government decides does not trump my own morality/ethics. I don't care what those court decisions are. You are telling me that the government doesn't support my stance. I get that. But it wasn't the government that gave me my morals/ethics.

I am here to explain to you why I think the way I do. Not to try to change your way of thinking. I hope you are trying to do the same to me.

However... Coming from a place of Authority will never work with me. Because God/Government says so doesn't mean anything to me. If there is a God he/she/it LOVES me. I don't know why, but I'm blessed many times over. If the blessing keep coming/staying... I'll continue on the same way.

I am NOT a religious person
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
I am not saying that at all. Do not twist my words. A zygote or fetus is not an individual yet. Potential, yes. Actual, no. Government should not interfere in ideological disagreements. There is no proper role for it.

Biology FAIL
I understand your position. Again.

Do you understand your position about personhood has already been lost, according to court decisions more recent than roe?
I obviously didn't make myself clear on that aspect. What the government decides does not trump my own morality/ethics. I don't care what those court decisions are. You are telling me that the government doesn't support my stance. I get that. But it wasn't the government that gave me my morals/ethics.

I am here to explain to you why I think the way I do. Not to try to change your way of thinking. I hope you are trying to do the same to me.

However... Coming from a place of Authority will never work with me. Because God/Government says so doesn't mean anything to me. If there is a God he/she/it LOVES me. I don't know why, but I'm blessed many times over. If the blessing keep coming/staying... I'll continue on the same way.

I am NOT a religious person
Whether an individual has an abortion or doesn't, government has no legitimate interest in interfering one way or the other. The comments on this thread alone demonstrate that there is a wide variety of opinion about it, not consensus.

If someone who has had an abortion or was the partner of someone who did wants to talk about it, good, bad, or indifferent, or brought a pregnancy to term, this for them to do, but government has nothing to do with it.

So, government has no role in protecting the Rights of individuals? That is what you are saying with that post.
I am not saying that at all. Do not twist my words. A zygote or fetus is not an individual yet. Potential, yes. Actual, no. Government should not interfere in ideological disagreements. There is no proper role for it.

Biology FAIL
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
However... Coming from a place of Authority will never work with me. Because God/Government says so doesn't mean anything to me. If there is a God he/she/it LOVES me. I don't know why, but I'm blessed many times over. If the blessing keep coming/staying... I'll continue on the same way.

I am NOT a religious person
I'm not either. So instead of saying God/Government says so we'll just go with Government then.

Coming from a place of Authority will never work with me. Because Government says so doesn't mean anything to me.
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.

Just suppose that body hooked up to the machine has even half the prognosis that typical child in the womb has.
because she couldn't keep her legs closed.
And he wouldn't keep his dick in his pants whether she agreed to the invasion or not. Takes two to tango, ya know. And your statistics about rape can go by way of the dodo bird.

HOWEVER, abortion done after so far advanced is no excuse. NONE.

So to ask the bait questions the OP asked is nothing but trolling. Why not ask a man why he demands what is not freely given. Is he sad he has no siblings for his other wanted or unwanted kids? Did he do it because he can't get any except by force? Did he think of politics while doing it?

See how that goes?
Yet another lie. Claims of rape account for less than 0.5% of abortions. If you will agree that we can get rid of the other 99.5 per cent of abortions, we can narrow the discussion to abortion after rape.
because she couldn't keep her legs closed.
And he wouldn't keep his dick in his pants whether she agreed to the invasion or not. Takes two to tango, ya know. And your statistics about rape can go by way of the dodo bird.

HOWEVER, abortion done after so far advanced is no excuse. NONE.

So to ask the bait questions the OP asked is nothing but trolling. Why not ask a man why he demands what is not freely given. Is he sad he has no siblings for his other wanted or unwanted kids? Did he do it because he can't get any except by force? Did he think of politics while doing it?

See how that goes?
To ignore the questions the OP asked is proof that it is about the abortion and not the woman. That suicides go up for women who have abortions doesn't matter to the left. They care only about destroying any sense of decency that we have as a people so that Communism can be ushered in without obstruction.

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