A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.

Scientists are working like crazy to be able to reproduce a human being outside of the womb. That means that there is no age after conception at which a baby is not viable. The viability argument is a lie.
I read this. But you are not worth anymore time than saying it.
I understand. It takes a lot of work to counter the truth and it's certainly not worth the work when you know I'll use logic and reason to decompose your lies. If you know your work will be destroyed, it's not worth the time to do it.
Yes, Nazis and Democrats. And, add to the list of justifications, sex, physical handicap, Downs Syndrome, eye color, hair color, and so on.

Given the current "THE OLD AND WEAK MUST DIE FOR OUR PROFITS" policy of conservatives, they have no business projecting their eugenics-based death lust on to moral people.

But they will. It's what they do. If you want to know what a conservative is thinking, simply watch what he accuses liberals of. Works every time.
Conservatives? It was Democratic mayors who murdered thousands of elderly by locking them into nursing homes and then intentionally sending in the virus to kill them. Death panels have always been a tool of the left. Yes, Nazis, Socialists, Communists, and Democrats are the world's mass murderers.

Jesus on a bicycle, Levant~! If I had known that you were a fucking lunatic, howling under a full moon, I would not have bothered to engage you! You are on the wrong board! Click on Q-Anon.com, for Christ sakes!
because she couldn't keep her legs closed.
And he wouldn't keep his dick in his pants whether she agreed to the invasion or not. Takes two to tango, ya know. And your statistics about rape can go by way of the dodo bird.

HOWEVER, abortion done after so far advanced is no excuse. NONE.

So to ask the bait questions the OP asked is nothing but trolling. Why not ask a man why he demands what is not freely given. Is he sad he has no siblings for his other wanted or unwanted kids? Did he do it because he can't get any except by force? Did he think of politics while doing it?

See how that goes?
Yet another lie. Claims of rape account for less than 0.5% of abortions. If you will agree that we can get rid of the other 99.5 per cent of abortions, we can narrow the discussion to abortion after rape.

You have no right to "we" anything, no matter what the circumstances in which the pregnancy started. There is no room for government in such a private, personal matter.

because she couldn't keep her legs closed.
And he wouldn't keep his dick in his pants whether she agreed to the invasion or not. Takes two to tango, ya know. And your statistics about rape can go by way of the dodo bird.

HOWEVER, abortion done after so far advanced is no excuse. NONE.

So to ask the bait questions the OP asked is nothing but trolling. Why not ask a man why he demands what is not freely given. Is he sad he has no siblings for his other wanted or unwanted kids? Did he do it because he can't get any except by force? Did he think of politics while doing it?

See how that goes?
To ignore the questions the OP asked is proof that it is about the abortion and not the woman. That suicides go up for women who have abortions doesn't matter to the left. They care only about destroying any sense of decency that we have as a people so that Communism can be ushered in without obstruction.

Even if it were true that suicides increased for women who have had abortions, suicides that are directly attributable to the abortion as opposed to other reasons, (studies?) it would not justify government forcing anyone to carry a pregnancy to term.

Your rant about "destroying any sense of decency" and "Communism" is just plain absurd. This hays nothing to do with politics or economic systems. The woman might be a capitalist and business owner. I don't think that you people who fling the term "Communism" around even know what the term means.
^^^ I am well aware of other people having different beliefs compared to the ones that I have gone with. You do realize that there is more to the Lord's word than just want is in the old testament, right?

God bless you always!!!


of course. but how does that matter? you didn't really answer, now did you?

who gets to say 'never mind' to the OT, when it's supposedly written about god? who gets to decide which parts are valid & which parts aren't ? or impose any/all of it on those that don't believe what you believe?

this is a secular nation where no one religion is state sanctioned; therefore you live your life according to your bible, should you choose & you are allowed to pick & choose what's in there... but not force that belief on anybody else.
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because she couldn't keep her legs closed.
And he wouldn't keep his dick in his pants whether she agreed to the invasion or not. Takes two to tango, ya know. And your statistics about rape can go by way of the dodo bird.

HOWEVER, abortion done after so far advanced is no excuse. NONE.

So to ask the bait questions the OP asked is nothing but trolling. Why not ask a man why he demands what is not freely given. Is he sad he has no siblings for his other wanted or unwanted kids? Did he do it because he can't get any except by force? Did he think of politics while doing it?

See how that goes?
Yet another lie. Claims of rape account for less than 0.5% of abortions. If you will agree that we can get rid of the other 99.5 per cent of abortions, we can narrow the discussion to abortion after rape.

uh-huh. then you get into the legalities such as: does the woman have to identify her rapist? what if she didn't know him? what if she doesn't want to go thru the ordeal of a post rape exam ... filling out the report ...or they can't find/arrest him in time for a court trial?

will she be forced to carry it to term & give birth - going thru that pain, both physically & mentally? there will be women who will also falsley ID someone & claim a rape happened when it didn't.
the concept is very real & even donny said women should be punished - that is until he got blow back. ask any bible thumper if they had to, would they vote for imprisonment over keeping abortion legal.

every single one of them would vote for the shackles.
The Bible doesn't define right and wrong; it lists it. Do you believe murder is wrong? Do you believe robbery is wrong? Do you believe adultery is wrong? It doesn't take the Bible to make these things wrong; they're wrong.

Since the left insists on throwing out any laws based on the Bible or Christian beliefs, we must legalize murder, and robbery - or you're a fucking hypocrite.

did you know that abortion was sanctioned in the bible? did you know incest occurred by the same man - in the story that supposedly is used for homophobics to justify their discrimination? did you know that the bible is chock full of people who had wives AND concubines AND owned slaves.

speaking of infidelity - donny is guilty as fuck - - - but you voted for him knowing full well what kind of person he is. he's broken so many commandments & has committed several, if not all of the 7 deadly sins.

LOL --- 'hypocrite'?

you have that smeared all over you like stink on shit.
don't call yerself 'pro life'.

all you are is 'pro birth'.
Whose death did I support?
I'm pro-life. Sometimes, though, we must choose which life. If a man is shooting at you and you have a gun and can shoot back, do you shoot back? Pro-lifers defend the innocent life. Given a choice between an innocent and a criminal, yes, when we have to choose one to live and one to die, we choose the innocent. The left, as I demonstrated in an earlier post, will choose the evil over the innocent every time.

bullshit. you are only pro birth - you admitted you don't give a damn about any post born child once the cord is cut. you don't wanna feed them, let alone make sure they have what it takes to thrive. you say that is the 'parents responsibilty' what if they need help?

your job is done, riiiiiiiight? ya - you don't really care about that innocent life after they are slapped on the butt & takes that 1st breath.

you can't say that unless you are in their shoes. of course there are regrets with some females. others - not any. but it's not a decision anybody can make except the one that is pregnant. there should always be an option for counseling b4 hand, but not a requirement.
Are you fucking kidding me?

I can't say how bad death is unless I'm in the shoes of the murdered, chemically burned alive, ripped apart alive, head pulled and then snipped with a pair of scissors, dead babies? I have to die to talk about how awful that is for babies?

I hope you're not a mother. God help the children of a mother who thinks so very little of the babies they carry.

^^^ hypocrite.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...

i have a son & chose to have him.

my choice. it was the right one for me because it was the right time under the right circumstances. oooOOOooo ... how radical.

How lucky for your son. And for you that your mother didn't have an abortion. And for all of us that your mother didn't have an abortion. Others aren't so lucky as are we.

however - neither my kid nor myself would have known, so that point is moot.

how unlucky for those forcefully born into poverty, or abuse, or severe abnormalities. & once they are born - everything that is possible to help them should be made available.

but you don't want to go there, cause --- well --- that would take yer money to do it.

Unfucking believable. Do you show your son this post? That he meant absolutely nothing to you before birth? Thank God, he didn't have Downs Syndrome.

And to actually state outright that children of poor children should be aborted. Was your mother Margaret Sanger? Or your grandmother? A better solution would be to sterilize the poor - at least they wouldn't make and kill baby, after baby, after baby. But even that is wrong so we don't do that either.

That we have bred all nurturing out of the women in our world is the greatest sin and shame in the history of mankind.

my son - who i had no 2nd thoughts of having, so your first statement is ridiculous - also believes in a woman's right to choose.

equally ridiculous is the fact that you have no idea whether my kid has any abnormalities at all - mild or severe.... btw - DS is not a severe birth defect in & of itself.

you = hypocrite.
^^^ I am well aware of other people having different beliefs compared to the ones that I have gone with. You do realize that there is more to the Lord's word than just want is in the old testament, right?

God bless you always!!!

of course. but how does that matter? you didn't really answer, now did you?

who gets to say 'never mind' to the OT, when it's supposedly written about god? who gets to decide which parts are valid & which parts aren't ? or impose any/all of it on those that don't believe what you believe?

this is a secular nation where no one religion is state sanctioned; therefore you live your life according to your bible, should you choose & you are allowed to pick & choose what's in there... but not force that belief on anybody else.
I never once said that the old Testament is to be disregarded especially when that happens to be where the ten commandments are, one of them being about killing which is what category abortion will always fall into no matter how you people try to justify it.

God bless you always!!!

He keeps labeling people. I am a conservative. I was with the same guy 32 years. But a reasonable conservative can believe in a woman's right to choose. amazing as that may be to some. narrow minded man. he is.

i'm married to a (R) for 35 yrs. he's a fiscal conservative.... like most old school (R)s. that is way differant than social conservatives, who will claim they want a 'smaller, less intrusive gov'ment' except when it comes to a woman's uterus or what happens in the bedroom of consenting adults.


^^^ I am well aware of other people having different beliefs compared to the ones that I have gone with. You do realize that there is more to the Lord's word than just want is in the old testament, right?

God bless you always!!!

of course. but how does that matter? you didn't really answer, now did you?

who gets to say 'never mind' to the OT, when it's supposedly written about god? who gets to decide which parts are valid & which parts aren't ? or impose any/all of it on those that don't believe what you believe?

this is a secular nation where no one religion is state sanctioned; therefore you live your life according to your bible, should you choose & you are allowed to pick & choose what's in there... but not force that belief on anybody else.
I never once said that the old Testament is to be disregarded especially when that happens to be where the ten commandments are, one of them being about killing which is what category abortion will always fall into no matter how you people try to justify it.

God bless you always!!!


would you vote to make it legal to shackle a woman to force her to give birth?

& did you vote for trump?

More proof the left loves evil and hates innocence - They released the murderer to save his life and he killed another innocent.


Apparently playtime thinks it's funny that the left released a murderer and he killed again. HaHa, she reacted.

i'm laughing at the ridiculousness of yer statement & anything after that - i didn't even bother with. you & what you said was flawed from the start.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ I am well aware of other people having different beliefs compared to the ones that I have gone with. You do realize that there is more to the Lord's word than just want is in the old testament, right?

God bless you always!!!

of course. but how does that matter? you didn't really answer, now did you?

who gets to say 'never mind' to the OT, when it's supposedly written about god? who gets to decide which parts are valid & which parts aren't ? or impose any/all of it on those that don't believe what you believe?

this is a secular nation where no one religion is state sanctioned; therefore you live your life according to your bible, should you choose & you are allowed to pick & choose what's in there... but not force that belief on anybody else.
I never once said that the old Testament is to be disregarded especially when that happens to be where the ten commandments are, one of them being about killing which is what category abortion will always fall into no matter how you people try to justify it.

God bless you always!!!

would you vote to make it legal to shackle a woman to force her to give birth?

& did you vote for trump?
If abortion was already illegal like it should be, you wouldn't have to ask such a question now would you? Yes, I voted for our current leader.

God bless you and him always!!!

When you look at your living children in their eyes,

And we have another loving Christian hoping to inflict their sick warped sense of guilt on to normal people. Some people just want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.

Just suppose that body hooked up to the machine has even half the prognosis that typical child in the womb has.
What it is, isn't what it will be. It is what it is. Until it's a person, it is not a person.

Please explain for the class how you were not YOU when YOU wete first biologically conceived by your parents.

Please explain how your biological father is Your biological father, if you were not YOU (a person) when he biologically parented you.
Please explain for the class how you were not YOU when YOU were first biologically conceived by your parents.

First, you explain how you weren't YOU when YOU were an unfertilized egg.

Try not to hide any ugly haploid bigotry. If you're going to butcher helpless haploid humans, own up to it.

Also, try not to go all eugenics-freak DNA supremacist on us.
What a hypocrite. Abortion laws are wrong because Christians support them.

That might be your opinion, but I never said that or implied such a crazy thing. Since your arugment relies on that false premise, your argument looks stupid and dishonest.

If you can't argue against what we actually say -- and you never can -- just admit it. You're not fooling anyone by faking crazy stories about what we supposedly said.
Please explain for the class how you were not YOU when YOU were first biologically conceived by your parents.

First, you explain how you weren't YOU when YOU were an unfertilized egg.

Try not to hide any ugly haploid bigotry. If you're going to butcher helpless haploid humans, own up to it.

Also, try not to go all eugenics-freak DNA supremacist on us.

I'll be glad to.

I can't wait for my lunch break.

This will be a pleasure.

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