A question for women who aborted a child in their life.

the concept is very real & even donny said women should be punished - that is until he got blow back. ask any bible thumper if they had to, would they vote for imprisonment over keeping abortion legal.

every single one of them would vote for the shackles.
The Bible doesn't define right and wrong; it lists it. Do you believe murder is wrong? Do you believe robbery is wrong? Do you believe adultery is wrong? It doesn't take the Bible to make these things wrong; they're wrong.

Since the left insists on throwing out any laws based on the Bible or Christian beliefs, we must legalize murder, and robbery - or you're a fucking hypocrite.
don't call yerself 'pro life'.

all you are is 'pro birth'.
Whose death did I support?
I'm pro-life. Sometimes, though, we must choose which life. If a man is shooting at you and you have a gun and can shoot back, do you shoot back? Pro-lifers defend the innocent life. Given a choice between an innocent and a criminal, yes, when we have to choose one to live and one to die, we choose the innocent. The left, as I demonstrated in an earlier post, will choose the evil over the innocent every time.
you can't say that unless you are in their shoes. of course there are regrets with some females. others - not any. but it's not a decision anybody can make except the one that is pregnant. there should always be an option for counseling b4 hand, but not a requirement.
Are you fucking kidding me?

I can't say how bad death is unless I'm in the shoes of the murdered, chemically burned alive, ripped apart alive, head pulled and then snipped with a pair of scissors, dead babies? I have to die to talk about how awful that is for babies?

I hope you're not a mother. God help the children of a mother who thinks so very little of the babies they carry.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...

i have a son & chose to have him.

my choice. it was the right one for me because it was the right time under the right circumstances. oooOOOooo ... how radical.

How lucky for your son. And for you that your mother didn't have an abortion. And for all of us that your mother didn't have an abortion. Others aren't so lucky as are we.

however - neither my kid nor myself would have known, so that point is moot.

how unlucky for those forcefully born into poverty, or abuse, or severe abnormalities. & once they are born - everything that is possible to help them should be made available.

but you don't want to go there, cause --- well --- that would take yer money to do it.

Unfucking believable. Do you show your son this post? That he meant absolutely nothing to you before birth? Thank God, he didn't have Downs Syndrome.

And to actually state outright that children of poor children should be aborted. Was your mother Margaret Sanger? Or your grandmother? A better solution would be to sterilize the poor - at least they wouldn't make and kill baby, after baby, after baby. But even that is wrong so we don't do that either.

That we have bred all nurturing out of the women in our world is the greatest sin and shame in the history of mankind.
Yes, Nazis and Democrats. And, add to the list of justifications, sex, physical handicap, Downs Syndrome, eye color, hair color, and so on.

Given the current "THE OLD AND WEAK MUST DIE FOR OUR PROFITS" policy of conservatives, they have no business projecting their eugenics-based death lust on to moral people.

But they will. It's what they do. If you want to know what a conservative is thinking, simply watch what he accuses liberals of. Works every time.
I can't say how bad death is unless I'm in the shoes of the murdered, chemically burned alive, ripped apart alive, head pulled and then snipped with a pair of scissors, dead babies?

You clearly _really_ enjoy making speeches like that. It gives you such a thrill to think about how godly you are in comparison to the awful heathens.

I hope you're not a mother. God help the children of a mother who thinks so very little of the babies they carry.

And God help the mothers of people like you. I respect my mother too much to think of her as just a walking incubator.
^^^ I am well aware of other people having different beliefs compared to the ones that I have gone with. You do realize that there is more to the Lord's word than just want is in the old testament, right?

God bless you always!!!

She's ignoring that murder is wrong even if you're not a Christian or a Jew - even separate from Abortion. We don't get our ethics and morals from the Bible. The Bible confirms them and teaches but we would not be Christians or Jews if we only believed what's in the Bible because it's in the Bible.
Kinda interesting that the most vocal proponents of abortion in this thread, also vehemently swear they’ve never had one. Almost like they’d be ashamed if anyone knew...

i have a son & chose to have him.

my choice. it was the right one for me because it was the right time under the right circumstances. oooOOOooo ... how radical.

How lucky for your son. And for you that your mother didn't have an abortion. And for all of us that your mother didn't have an abortion. Others aren't so lucky as are we.

however - neither my kid nor myself would have known, so that point is moot.

how unlucky for those forcefully born into poverty, or abuse, or severe abnormalities. & once they are born - everything that is possible to help them should be made available.

but you don't want to go there, cause --- well --- that would take yer money to do it.

Unfucking believable. Do you show your son this post? That he meant absolutely nothing to you before birth? Thank God, he didn't have Downs Syndrome.

And to actually state outright that children of poor children should be aborted. Was your mother Margaret Sanger? Or your grandmother? A better solution would be to sterilize the poor - at least they wouldn't make and kill baby, after baby, after baby. But even that is wrong so we don't do that either.

That we have bred all nurturing out of the women in our world is the greatest sin and shame in the history of mankind.
Sorry Levant. my wife and daughter tell me that they are not going to ceed to you the power to control their bodies or ethics. They aren't from Oklahoma.
He keeps labeling people. I am a conservative. I was with the same guy 32 years. But a reasonable conservative can believe in a woman's right to choose. amazing as that may be to some. narrow minded man. he is.
I can't say how bad death is unless I'm in the shoes of the murdered, chemically burned alive, ripped apart alive, head pulled and then snipped with a pair of scissors, dead babies?

You clearly _really_ enjoy making speeches like that. It gives you such a thrill to think about how godly you are in comparison to the awful heathens.

I hope you're not a mother. God help the children of a mother who thinks so very little of the babies they carry.

And God help the mothers of people like you. I respect my mother too much to think of her as just a walking incubator.
Did I quote God in any of my posts against abortion? I've never claimed a religious base to my anti-abortion views, or to my anti-murder, anti-robbery, anti-rape, anti-adultery, anti-child-abuse, and anti-child-molestation views.

I assume you're not religious. Does that mean that you think all of these things are acceptable? Either you do believe these are all acceptable or you're a lying hypocrite by suggesting that the anti-abortion views of Christians can only come from their religious beliefs.

Once again, my point is proven. It is the abortionists who turn women into walking incubators - into something that can be turned on and off, no emotion, no love, no joy of creating and carrying a human life inside of her. You turn that thing that, hopefully, is created out of love into something as far from that thing from love that it can be. Just call it a zygote; a mass of cells. No, to you, your mother is absolutely NOTHING BUT a walking incubator.

My wife was a mother. From the moment she knew she was pregnant, she loved the child inside of her. She nurtured it by exercising, eating right, and caring for it and herself. She read to it, played good music, sang, and talked to the child inside of her. That child was born knowing the love and tenderness of his mother.

It seems that you don't respect your mother at all, and especially the love she showed you by enduring pregnancy, and, most likely, giving you the same tender love that my wife gave our own children.

I am sorry for your mother. Do you really believe she thought of you as just a mass of cells? Maybe she did think of you as no more than that. Maybe she didn't give you the love and nurturing or teach you how much she loved you from conception for you to understand the natural and usual response from a mother to the child within her.
He keeps labeling people. I am a conservative. I was with the same guy 32 years. But a reasonable conservative can believe in a woman's right to choose. amazing as that may be to some. narrow minded man. he is.

Being married 32 years doesn't make you a conservative. Loving life would certainly point in that direction. But anyone who doesn't care to protect the weak and defenseless, defend the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves are key components of conservatism - neither of which you exhibit. If you think you're a conservative, let me just share that you've been fooling yourself for 32 years. You're an anti-family leftist.
Yes, Nazis and Democrats. And, add to the list of justifications, sex, physical handicap, Downs Syndrome, eye color, hair color, and so on.

Given the current "THE OLD AND WEAK MUST DIE FOR OUR PROFITS" policy of conservatives, they have no business projecting their eugenics-based death lust on to moral people.

But they will. It's what they do. If you want to know what a conservative is thinking, simply watch what he accuses liberals of. Works every time.
Conservatives? It was Democratic mayors who murdered thousands of elderly by locking them into nursing homes and then intentionally sending in the virus to kill them. Death panels have always been a tool of the left. Yes, Nazis, Socialists, Communists, and Democrats are the world's mass murderers.
I assume you're not religious. Does that mean that you think all of these things are acceptable? Either you do believe these are all acceptable or you're a lying hypocrite by suggesting that the anti-abortion views of Christians can only come from their religious beliefs.

That made no sense. Do you understand that? Your zeal to feel superior has destroyed your rationality.

Once again, my point is proven. It is the abortionists who turn women into walking incubators - into something that can be turned on and off, no emotion, no love, no joy of creating and carrying a human life inside of her.

Got it. You can't get your moral rush by using truth and logic, which forces you to fabricate stories about how awful the opposition is, and how awesome you are. Boring. Phony moralists are a dime a dozen.

Let's cut to the crux. Nobody thinks abortion is murder. It's insanely stupid to claim a speck is a person. See? Speck. Person. Speck. Person. Speck. Person. They're plainly different things. My cat understands that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Presumablly your brain is larger, so you understand as well. You just pretend otherwise because you get off on moralizing and being a control freeak.

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?
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Conservatives? It was Democratic mayors who murdered thousands of elderly by locking them into nursing homes and then intentionally sending in the virus to kill them.

Why didn't you say you were insane at the start? If I had known I was talking to a conspiracy cultist, I wouldn't have wasted the time. Oh well. At least I can get some laughs out of it.

Death panels have always been a tool of the left. Yes, Nazis, Socialists, Communists, and Democrats are the world's mass murderers.

Speaking of Nazis, they had the same abortion policies you have. They also used propaganda like you do. Very big on the whole "women are mothers, and nothing but mothers, and motherhood is the most awesome thing ever" thing, and on the demonizing and dehumanizing political enemies.

You no doubt have more wishing old people dead to do, for the crime of keeping you away from the 2 for 1 drink special at Applebees, so I'll let you go now.
That's what I think too. Early on it's the size of a pea. Late term is nasty stuff. But how often does that really happen? Then my mind wanders from this topic to killing life in general. I ask myself who starts all the wars? That kills off men, that have wives and kids left behind. Other MEN. Not us women. Then my mind wanders again. What kind of human being can look an animal in the eye, Like a beautiful deer? Blows it's brains out for ego gratification. Men. Just my thoughts.

It's interesting that you care more about a deer than a child. Late term abortion is ok because it doesn't happen all that often? Killing babies is OK because it doesn't happen all that often? What about raping women as long as it doesn't happen all that often. You're aware, aren't you, that mass shootings don't happen all that often - so they're ok, right?

Here's a pro-abortion story that talks about just how few late term abortions there are each year - only 6700 per year, according to the article:

So, 6700 murders of children who do feel pain, who do feel emotion, who are viable and can live outside of the womb, is OK to you? As long as it doesn't happen too often..

The funny thing about the "pro-choice" crowd is that they're not really pro-choice at all. They do not stand for women and they do not protect women. They do not respect women. If you exercise your own free will and believe differently from what they tell you that you must believe or you're not really a woman then they will ostracise you. If you're pro-life you're not welcome at the women's march because you're not a woman.

But, you do have a choice. You do not have to support the killing of 600,000-plus babies a year in the US alone or even the 6700 late-term murders of children who could easily live outside the womb.

You do not have to support the cold-blooded, torturous murder, the burning to death by chemicals, the knifing and ripping off of limbs, the severing of heads outside of the birth canal, of 6700 very healthy babies a year. You have a choice. The left and so-called, self-proclaimed, women's groups will show just how anti-choice they are if you make a choice to disagree with them but, even so, you do have that choice. It's OK. Please consider that it is not necessary for you to excuse the senseless murder of 6700 babies a year, let alone 600 thousand babies a year.

I know that your initial reaction will be to defend the killing of those babies and to challenge my suggestion that you might rethink your stated views here but there's a part of you, you already shared it, that doesn't like that 6700 babies are senselessly and literally tortured to death each year in the United States - even though you said it is OK as long as it doesn't happen too often. So, when you're done challenging me, please, take some time and think about those 6700 babies and what it really means to be a strong woman - to stand up against those who tell you what you must believe because you're a woman, those who threaten to ostracize you if you don't believe that killing those 6700 babies is OK, as long as it doesn't happen too often.
Unwanted pregnancy is not always attributable to "irresponsibility." Moreover, it is not your place to judge whether someone has been "irresponsible" nor the place of government to impose forced pregnancy and childibirth as some sort of penalty for "irresponsibility."

As you know, I'm all for prevention, which includes both access to birth control and sound, factual education about the human body and sex. The problem of one-child families has to be sorted by the child's parents and what each of them is committed to doing to keep their relationship alive and their family intact..
You're wrong. Other than rape and incest, unwanted pregnancy is ALWAYS attributable to irresponsibility. Unwanted pregnancy is absolutely 100% preventable.

I'm not against sex; I think it's a wonderful thing. But sex has risks and consequences. Why in the world would a woman have sex with a man with whom she's not prepared to spend the rest of her life or to father her children? Why would she have sex with a man she doesn't know well enough to know if he's going to run afterwards and not stick around to help raise the child.

She can choose to have a child without a man - but certainly she wouldn't abort that child, would she? So that's not part of the equation. I'm talking about making babies with men she doesn't know or she knows that they're weak and fickle.

I'm not even suggesting that a woman must love the man she's having sex with or the man must love the woman but it seems to me that they should know each other well enough to believe that their partner would be a good mother or father because there's a strong possibility that they will be a mother or father. To have sex with someone you don't have that respect for seems just plain creepy and disgusting to me... ewwwwww..

If they're having recreational sex and a child is created, even if they don't love each other they can marry or commit to raising the child. Funny thing is that in the western societies we choose our own spouses. In many other societies parents or communities choose the marriages - and those chosen marriages have lower divorce rates than do ours. I work with a lot of people from India that met their spouses for the first time just weeks before the marriage - the arrangement having already been made by the parents.

One guy who worked for me was born in India but came here to work in IT. He was a body builder, skydiver, marksman, bunjee jumper, skiier, snowboarder, and more. Oh, and he was Catholic, as was his family in India but he was enjoying the single life of a well-to-do American man. One day he said he had to go home to India for a month to get married. His family had chosen him a wife. He'd never met her but he had to go home. He would get a couple weeks to formally get to know her and then they'd be married. He'd come back here as soon afterwards as he could get her visa. That was in 2008. They're still working in the US and they love each other very much. Any two people who will treat each other with respect, share bonds and children, can grow to love each other.

Point is, make sure the one you're having sex with is someone that you're willing to take the risk with and be committed and prepared to accept the consequences, whatever they are. If you're not willing to accept a child as the result of your actions, then there are plenty of battery-powered friends for men or women.
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.

Scientists are working like crazy to be able to reproduce a human being outside of the womb. That means that there is no age after conception at which a baby is not viable. The viability argument is a lie.
I assume you're not religious. Does that mean that you think all of these things are acceptable? Either you do believe these are all acceptable or you're a lying hypocrite by suggesting that the anti-abortion views of Christians can only come from their religious beliefs.

That made no sense. Do you understand that? Your zeal to feel superior has destroyed your rationality.

Once again, my point is proven. It is the abortionists who turn women into walking incubators - into something that can be turned on and off, no emotion, no love, no joy of creating and carrying a human life inside of her.

Got it. You can't get your moral rush by using truth and logic, which forces you to fabricate stories about how awful the opposition is, and how awesome you are. Boring. Phony moralists are a dime a dozen.

Let's cut to the crux. Nobody thinks abortion is murder. It's insanely stupid to claim a speck is a person. See? Speck. Person. Speck. Person. Speck. Person. They're plainly different things. My cat understands that specks aren't people, and she has a brain the size of a walnut. Presumablly your brain is larger, so you understand as well. You just pretend otherwise because you get off on moralizing and being a control freeak.

What, you actually thought it wasn't obvious?

What a hypocrite. Abortion laws are wrong because Christians support them. Then murder laws must be wrong because Christians support them. Laws against child molesting must be wrong because Christians support them... Either all those laws are wrong because Christians support them or the religion, or lack thereof, of those who support those laws has nothing to do with whether they're right or wrong. When you apply your logic inconsistently then you're a liar or a hypocrite or both.

And you're wrong about murder and abortion. Many, many, people believe abortion is murder.
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.

Just suppose that body hooked up to the machine has even half the prognosis that typical child in the womb has.
What it is, isn't what it will be. It is what it is. Until it's a person, it is not a person.
A true failure indeed, as any genetic test will handily prove that the unborn is in fact an individual, with its own unique DNA sequence that it will carry through its whole life regardless of age.
Put it's not a person.

Just as a brain dead body being kept alive by machines is not a person. It's a body with it's own unique DNA sequence that it has carried through it's whole life regardless of age.

Scientists are working like crazy to be able to reproduce a human being outside of the womb. That means that there is no age after conception at which a baby is not viable. The viability argument is a lie.
I read this. But you are not worth anymore time than saying it.

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