A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

hey rgs are you ready to provided a example of a misquote yet or are you just going to pull a diveconartist and just keep making statements you can't qualify ?
hey moron, you can keep believing alex jones if you want
i really dont give a shit
but i will call it as i see it and tell you he is laughing at you all the way to the bank
you don't know the difference between editorial opinion and factual reporting clearly
and if money was what Alex was after..he could get multi million dollar rush Limbaugh..sized contracts with his abilities as a radio broadcaster
you don't know the difference between editorial opinion and factual reporting clearly
and if money was what Alex was after..he could get multi million dollar rush Limbaugh..sized contracts with his abilities as a radio broadcaster
he doesnt have the talent to get the kind of money Limbaugh gets
but do keep believing him and buying his videos
he post his entire catalog on google for free..buying is a option..as an act of support...and yes Alex is a top rate broadcaster and also publishes his financial statement ever year..but regardless anyone who believes a national syndicated radio show host can claim he has a NASA system analyst or congressmen or governors .. retired army col or fighter pilots on his show..but is just lying..and its one of his buddies pretending to be this person......is not in touch with reality....you can disagree with their opinions..but to simple deny there existence is lunacy
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he post his entire catalog on google for free..buying is a option..as an act of support...and yes Alex is a top rate broadcaster and also publishes his financial statement ever year..but regardless anyone who believes a national syndicated radio show host can claim he has a NASA system analyst or congressmen or governors .. retired army col or fighter pilots on his show..but is just lying..and its one of his buddies pretending to be this person......is not in touch with reality....you can disagree with their opinions..but to simple deny there existence is lunacy
yet you never show proof of them actually saying this crap
just post text with nothing to back it up
and i think its funny how the guys you claim to have said these things always seem to deny it when asked
Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre

Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre

Alex Jones Interviews David Schippers: Government Had Prior

Alex Jones Interviews David Schippers: Government Had Prior Knowledge of Pending Terrorist Attacks

Alex Jones interviews Steven Jones, a BYU physics professor ...
45 min -

Alex Jones Interviews Steven Jones

CENTCOM Sergeant Details Traitorous Stand Down Orders On 9/11

CENTCOM Sergeant Details Traitorous Stand Down Orders On 9/11

Full Interview with American Military Hero, Bud Day « Cameron’s ...
alex jones interviews airforce - Google Search

: Former CIA agent
Alex Jones Interviews Robert Baer - Part 2
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFW9rzO646U]YouTube - Alex Jones Interviews Robert Baer - Part 2[/ame]

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Alex Jones on Iran
Former assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and prolific and popular journalist, Paul Craig ... Former assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb4-8puIfgw]YouTube - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Alex Jones on Iran (4 of 4)[/ame]
That's weird, where I went to school, the mechanics of materials as well as several courses in the basics of structural engineering were required for all engineering disciplines. Of course we all know that physicist would no nothing of structural engineering - it would be a bit over their head -NOT!!!

Are you some kind of Flaming :ahole-1: or what?!?!?!?!?!
Basics? Nuf said. :badgrin:
The collapse of the World Trade Center towers were mostly due to a ridiculous design that should never have been approved by the City of New York. ($$$)

Several ethical engineering firms refused to build these. Finally a completely unethical sleazy firm actually agreed to build them.

These enormous buildings had NO CENTRAL SUPPORTS! My shitty little raised ranch has 8central supports.

From the beginning of civilization no one has LIKED central supports in any structure, but the laws of physics demand them.

Idiotic business people, that had no knowledge of construction engineering, had the final say in the design of these buildings and demanded a design that defied the laws of physics.

The same was true of the Titanic, where business people overroad the judgement of the engineering and marine professionals.

I knew a young low level construction engineer that worked on these buildings back in the early 1970s. At the time they were being built he said that they were unsafe and that the design was fundamentally flawed.

These building were built like a child's snap together toy!

The twin towers were built with a perimeter ring of columns and a central core of columns. Your young low level buddy doesn't know what he's talking about. :cuckoo:
Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre

Alex Jones Interviews Col. Donn de Grand-Pre
cant find much on him yet

so, hes just another moron lawyer(not that all lawyers are morons)
Alex Jones interviews Steven Jones, a BYU physics professor ...
45 min -

Alex Jones Interviews Steven Jones
known crackpot, hes been debunked so many times i wont even bother to look him up
last i knew he was fired from his teaching position

CENTCOM Sergeant Details Traitorous Stand Down Orders On 9/11

CENTCOM Sergeant Details Traitorous Stand Down Orders On 9/11
well, that was easy, seems hes another poser

Screw Loose Change: Photoshop Follies

Full Interview with American Military Hero, Bud Day « Cameron’s ...
alex jones interviews airforce - Google Search

: Former CIA agent
Alex Jones Interviews Robert Baer - Part 2
YouTube - Alex Jones Interviews Robert Baer - Part 2

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Alex Jones on Iran
Former assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration and prolific and popular journalist, Paul Craig ... Former assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration

YouTube - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Alex Jones on Iran (4 of 4)

havent looked up any of these yet, but i expect they will be similar
This morgage meltdown is just another terrorist attack on the American people and the world. The rich don't care what country you are from. The American people are a nucience to them because we cost too much. They don't want the world relying on our economy anymore. So every economy will become not so reliant on America's stock market. And power has been consolidated, correct? More power in fewer hands.

Help government, save us!!! Disaster capitalism at its finest.

How do they get away with it? You are all sheep!!!! Dumb fucks, every one of you. If you even had a clue.
Yes Government, Buy all the banks and the entire housing market, please buy the stock market so you own everything and you have full and total control. We are sheeps and we do not see what you are doing.

Once you own everything you can then make money more theoretical and we can work for government credits. You can give us a microchip and we can scan it on those easy pay systems where we just scan it. If we do not work for you we will not eat. I call it a fair trade. I don't know why people keep saying this is a prision and we are slaves.
Yes Government, Buy all the banks and the entire housing market, please buy the stock market so you own everything and you have full and total control. We are sheeps and we do not see what you are doing.

Once you own everything you can then make money more theoretical and we can work for government credits. You can give us a microchip and we can scan it on those easy pay systems where we just scan it. If we do not work for you we will not eat. I call it a fair trade. I don't know why people keep saying this is a prision and we are slaves.

I don't know why letting the 5 richest families in the world own anything is more free than having our government own the necessities. Water, gas, electric, oil, health. Fuck yea baby!!

But if you build the next internet, you can get rich. Letting the rich gouge the public for necessities is madness.

Don't we own our government? So if our government owns the necessities, WE OWN THE NECESSITIES!!!
The twin towers were built with a perimeter ring of columns and a central core of columns. Your young low level buddy doesn't know what he's talking about. :cuckoo:

structural engineering does not override the laws of physics the towers fell at free fall speed as did building 7 ..this is not possible without the assistance of explosives
without any resistance ??? and what of the central column ..by this theory..which would require minutes not seconds..the central column would have to remain standing...what happened to the central column
It was not a central column, but a series of columns surrounding a central core. No wonder you are so confused about the method of collapse.
History Channel Molten Metal At Ground Zero

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ogrupgt4mI]YouTube - History Channel Molten Metal At Ground Zero[/ame]

Evidence for thermite and view of the "spire" collapse


Molten WTC rock
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbMu2w7fSG8&feature=related]YouTube - Molten WTC rock[/ame]

Molten metal in basements 911 Demolition
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7FtFeKyaRg]YouTube - Molten metal in basements 911 Demolition[/ame]
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