A Question of 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

they all signed the petition which statement is very clear , they are intelligent experienced and educated exceeding what is required for their opinions to carry weight combined along with the shared opinions of military Intel ,FBI and astronauts and top ranked pilots.. ex directors of NORAD etc etc..it kind of starts to add up..your hair splitting games are disingenuous
If you are going to cite "weight" then I will simply point out to the many more engineers who disagree. :cuckoo:
they all signed the petition which statement is very clear , they are intelligent experienced and educated exceeding what is required for their opinions to carry weight combined along with the shared opinions of military Intel ,FBI and astronauts and top ranked pilots.. ex directors of NORAD etc etc..it kind of starts to add up..your hair splitting games are disingenuous
yeah, and a lot of people signed a petition to ban hydrogen hydroxide too

btw, that astronaut doesnt have anything to do with you troofers on that link to his website
so for all we know he is just another guy you morons keep lying about
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All you have done is prove to me that you worship authority.

You bow to it, you love it and you can not believe anything else unless someone has authority over you.

What happened to being a man?

Get a hold of yourself guys and get the fuck out of the illusion. Look at what you are doing. Because someone has a title that you WERE TAUGHT TO OBEY you listen to them.....

Reminds me of the slavery days of blacks in America, they were taught to obey their drivers same as you in this day.

EOTS - Slap them again, Maybe they'll listen
All you have done is prove to me that you worship authority.

You bow to it, you love it and you can not believe anything else unless someone has authority over you.

What happened to being a man?

Get a hold of yourself guys and get the fuck out of the illusion. Look at what you are doing. Because someone has a title that you WERE TAUGHT TO OBEY you listen to them.....

Reminds me of the slavery days of blacks in America, they were taught to obey their drivers same as you in this day.

EOTS - Slap them again, Maybe they'll listen

The likes of Divecon and Glockmail do seem to confirm the theory that the US is a dictatorship. There are so many gullible fools in the US now..that the leaders can do literally what they like...and these sheep will follow.

Not great for the free thinking, educated americans... but this has been a concerted policy over successive US governments..to dumb down...the result is enough Divecons and Glockmails to ensure a dictatorship.
The likes of Divecon and Glockmail do seem to confirm the theory that the US is a dictatorship. There are so many gullible fools in the US now..that the leaders can do literally what they like...and these sheep will follow.

Not great for the free thinking, educated americans... but this has been a concerted policy over successive US governments..to dumb down...the result is enough Divecons and Glockmails to ensure a dictatorship.
yes, because understanding the actual science of a building falling makes one live under a dictatorship

what a moron you are
yes, because understanding the actual science of a building falling makes one live under a dictatorship

what a moron you are

I really feel for the educated american minority.

Are you scared of terrorists Divecon... what is it....attacks everyday in the US now?

Or is it none in 7 years.... and yet you voted for Bush in 2004 because he made you scared of these prolific terrorists who were everywhere.

You are gullible...you are uneducated and you are living in a dictatorship.

Regards from FREE and democractic Europe,

yeah, and a lot of people signed a petition to ban hydrogen hydroxide too

btw, that astronaut doesnt have anything to do with you troofers on that link to his website
so for all we know he is just another guy you morons keep lying about

omg....you are so stupid..for all we know ? who is we ?..the mentaly handicaped ? and if you knew the astronaut was confirmed..truth..you would hold a diffrent opinion ? not likely..not until everyone else does... and its on fox at 5...its sad really
All you have done is prove to me that you worship authority.

You bow to it, you love it and you can not believe anything else unless someone has authority over you.

What happened to being a man?

Get a hold of yourself guys and get the fuck out of the illusion. Look at what you are doing. Because someone has a title that you WERE TAUGHT TO OBEY you listen to them.....

Reminds me of the slavery days of blacks in America, they were taught to obey their drivers same as you in this day.

EOTS - Slap them again, Maybe they'll listen

ahhh EOTS is a sock puppet----that explains a lot !
No education or experience in structural or forensic engineering between the three of them. Pfft.

That's weird, where I went to school, the mechanics of materials as well as several courses in the basics of structural engineering were required for all engineering disciplines. Of course we all know that physicist would no nothing of structural engineering - it would be a bit over their head -NOT!!!

Are you some kind of Flaming :ahole-1: or what?!?!?!?!?!
All you have done is prove to me that you worship authority.
You bow to it, you love it and you can not believe anything else unless someone has authority over you.
What happened to being a man?
Get a hold of yourself guys and get the fuck out of the illusion. Look at what you are doing. Because someone has a title that you WERE TAUGHT TO OBEY you listen to them.....
Reminds me of the slavery days of blacks in America, they were taught to obey their drivers same as you in this day.
EOTS - Slap them again, Maybe they'll listen

This country has long been ruled by the wealthy elite who let Democracy act as a pressure release when the commoners get angry. They give in to populists and liberals when they know the alternative is revolution.

As soon as the threat from the cold war ended, they immediately started to slowly destroy the middle class.

What one of the most degrading aspects of this society is that they continually reward the working class conformists. These are the people who 'succeed' in school, these are the people who get the high paying jobs. They grow up to be 'yes' men. 'Don't rock the boat', 'don't make waves' are their life's philosophies.

These conformists do next to no real contribution to society in terms of real production. Meanwhile the free thinking people are recognized early on in life and condemned. They wind up being the productive members of society that shoulder the real workload. They get economically trapped at an early age, before they understand the world - they are the ones that buy into the great and good myths of 'free' thinking and hard work to get ahead.

Those people that support the status quo are those people who have and recieve drastically more money than they earn (and deep down they know it). They fight tooth and nail to perserve society's inequities. While the productive people are too busy being productive to fight back.
this is your argument ? this is your lame attempt to descredit fact..cleary..you have no case

Popular Mechanics Debunked Part 1

YouTube - Popular Mechanics Debunked Part 1

You have no facts. NONE of the people you cite were involved in the investigations or had first hand information or knowledge or access to data. I have seen your lists before, if one actually READS some of the people you provide one line quotes from they discover the guy never approved supported or believed any of the nonsense you spout. But hey any lie will do right?
You have no facts. NONE of the people you cite were involved in the investigations or had first hand information or knowledge or access to data. I have seen your lists before, if one actually READS some of the people you provide one line quotes from they discover the guy never approved supported or believed any of the nonsense you spout. But hey any lie will do right?
amazing, isnt it
those claiming to want the truth, are so willing to use lies
]you Have No Facts. None Of The People You Cite Were Involved In The Investigations

That's Not True There Are 911 Commission Members That Are Signatories To The Petition As Well As The Ex Head Director Of Nist...do Not Pretend For One Minute Either Of You Ever Read The 911 Commission Report Or The Nist Report

Or Had First Hand Information Or Knowledge Or Access To Data. I Have Seen Your Lists Before, If One Actually Reads
some Of The People You Provide One Line Quotes From They Discover The Guy Never Approved Supported Or Believed Any Of The Nonsense You Spout. But Hey Any Lie Will Do Right

And You Can Provide A Example Of This...right ?
I don't need to, you keep telling people to read your site, I agree, READ it, ALL of it. When ever the site has a one line quote from some important sounding person, look up the actual entire comments and you see that they neither agree with nor support the retardo positions of Eots.

Look Eots I am HELPING you.
I don't need to, you keep telling people to read your site, I agree, READ it, ALL of it. When ever the site has a one line quote from some important sounding person, look up the actual entire comments and you see that they neither agree with nor support the retardo positions of Eots.

Look Eots I am HELPING you.

pussy..you cant back up shit...because your full of it
pussy..you cant back up shit...because your full of it

Yup, your right, Remember folks GO READ EOTS site and when you find a quote, LOOK UP ALL the Statement. You will be surprised.

The one I really liked was the guy that disagreed on a minor procedural process and Eots has him listed as debunking the report. Of course he only shows you his tiny bit of a quote on the procedural point, one has to read the entire statement to realize the guy AGREES with the actual findings.

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